We will attempt to give a brief summary of the book by Naomi Klein: "The Shock Doctrine," The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. It is obvious that in no case can replace the reading of the book of this summary. This book is important the anser because it is an excellent and very well-written tour of the events of the last 30-40 years, events synaptic connections with the names of neoliberalism, globalization of the Washington consensus, the societies of two thirds, etc.
Monitor mainly the extension, ideological and organizational ideas of the Chicago School and the central exponent of Milton Friedman. The fundamental finding of the book is that the introduction and implementation of the prescriptions of the school, the necessary condition in all cases (which monitors quite exhaustively) predate the presence the anser or technique creating a shock, political economic, natural and / or military . The shock dampening the user's the anser understanding of the people and allow the implementation of unpopular recipes school. The book focuses on sophisticated and complex recipes, creation or exploitation of shock invented the school of Chicago and affiliated institutions (IMF, World Bank, U.S. State mechanism, etc.).
It is especially useful today, because it allows them to understand that we are going through and the future in store for us, has been designed the anser and tested with disastrous results to the people of many other countries. This allows us to better understand the successive measures imposed on us and their destructive effects, if not thwart timely.
We close the preface noting that the following summary is a free presentation about the book with frequent insert our own thoughts and conclusions (epilogue), all of which are almost extrapolate or clarify their positions.
In America after the civil war of 1860-65, created large companies that later evolved in the known multinational and currently with one or the other form (or productive increasingly chrimatistiki) dominate in our globalized world. The houses Rockefeller and Morgan and Goldman Sachs etc. begin their activity at the time. The oligarchies these were the days when a named Gilded Age and the oligarchs Robber Barons, literally robber the anser barons, declarative title of their kind. As a consequence of these was the end of the 19th century a strong social reaction. A series of measures sometimes split the mega-trusts like Standard Oil Rockefeller, once again intervened and regulated their operation, together with the first appearance of social protection measures were what was called progressive era, around the early 20th century. This whole development was the ancestor and served as the basis of social and interventionist state, known in economics and Keynesianism.
In 1920, however, we have a return to the era Gilded Age, the Roaring Twenties (Frantic 20s) where the ideas of free market prevailed, caused great economic and social inequality and these were brought to the big disaster in 1929, which largely brought the war of 1940.
From 1933 onwards, the ideas of unregulated free-market were devastating and the requirement of societies was a form of state intervention. It was the era of major social programs, public works, the redistribution of wealth. It was the era that dominated the ideas of Keynes, the buffered capitalism. It was not the end of capitalism, as he said, but the end of laissez fare 1.
Most were enchanted with the ideas of communism, socialism, the state regulated economy. But there were also those who were inspired by the ideas of the free market, the old unregulated capitalism of big business and although the anser few (then) the anser was very strong. And of course not abandoned the fight. They created their own institutes and institutions, their own schools of thoughts. They trained their own people to be ready to take over when we had the chance.
In 1947, Friedman the anser and his mentor, an Austrian professor Friedrich von Hayek, founded the anser the company Mon Peleren a club Economists free market with the explicit objective of combating the ideas of Keynes and the regulated capitalism. The popular book by Friedman in 1962 Capitalism and Freedom was the main user of the global free market and therein were based and economic programs all neocon-neoliberal movements, including the U.S. implemented since 1970.
Additionally, businesses can sell their products