THE REAL OWNERS OF THE WORLD: Who drives us and makes us face crises and wars? | The Sentinel
From December 23, 1913, The Private st martin du touch Bank of the Federal Reserve (FED) seized the U.S. and the vast majority of the world does not know. What will they and their predecessors (Bank of America), declare wars, attacks (twin towers attack in London, Madrid bombing), presidents (Jaime Roldos, Omar Torrijos, Kennedy, Warren Harding, st martin du touch McKinley was assassinated financed, James Garfield, etc.), dealing in weapons of mass destruction (Carlyle, Bechtel, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, McDonnell st martin du touch Douglas, Boeing, Northrop Grumman).
These bankers own the media (FOX, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, BBC, New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, etc.) use the strategy to distract the population with superficial TV programs , short-term technological products, reality shows and cartoons ridiculing family values. News of murders and crimes in order to gradually destroy our trust in others, preventing the binding of people and a world popular revolt.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is co-owner of the NSA, the CIA (School of terrorists), the Pentagon, BIS-Bank for International st martin du touch Settlements (Switzerland), IMF, World Bank, FOMC, besides having privileged vote Nations UN and NATO.
Mega-Rich st martin du touch These families st martin du touch and their descendants, are untouchable for justice and tax exempt for life. Each time you make an "economic bailout" are actually BUYING banks and financial world, gradually appropriating the country they "saved".
-Forbes magazine is a sham popular billionaires showing only second level as Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, st martin du touch achieving divert attention from illegal activities committed by the Mega-Rich True within the Federal Reserve.
If you heard never talk about them, just because they discovered that the world is best managed from the underground st martin du touch (learned from the mistakes of Hitler, Napoleon, Alexander the Great and many other conquerors), which being very evident in his plans failed even a tenth of what the Federal Reserve has achieved so far:-take over almost the entire World! -
They and their banker-oil dome are the self-appointed heads of all U.S. Presidents since 1913.
They work alongside the powerful Bilderbergers, the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), the Trilateral Commission, the BIS (Club of Central Banks of the World) the Tavistock Institute (television st martin du touch experts massive psychological control) the Club of Rome, the IMF, the World Bank, the CIA, the Pentagon, etc..
Forman Elite country st martin du touch that decides to attack, which killed st martin du touch President, what "terrorist attack" fund, what economic crisis plan, what show or "smoke" invent, st martin du touch what "Flu" use etc..
Using the power of conviction international TV chains, was a fake video where an actor posing as "Bin Laden" was proclaimed bomber. When the towers actually contained explosives planted by CIA aircraft previously prepared and ready to crash.
6) USA oil is running st martin du touch out and planned the attack to plunder Iraq's oil fields, commercialize human organs and appropriate fields of poppy (opium) drugs from Afghanistan, which exported to countries like China to weaken his hand cheap labor.
7) What impact on the Pentagon was not a plane, silenced witnesses saw a tele-guided missile at a construction area of the Pentagon where hardly had offices. So he was not just a hole and brands wings "of course tickets"
10) The announcement did to Aaron Russo (famous politician and filmmaker) in a celebration of Nick Rockefeller, where he confessed that an "event" (attack) would help the U.S. take the oil from Iraq, nine months before the occurrence of the I autoatentado!
The Oil-Banker Mafia Federal Reserve is the origin of the evils of our world today, All wars, attacks and provocations (against North Korea / Iran), the story of the "Influenza A" (Gilead enterprise business st martin du touch Sciences of Donald Rumsfeld, Bush's defense secretary), the global crisis anticipated by the supercomputer "High-Frequency co-located" on Wall Street. All this and much more that we will never know, have their origins in decisions taken by the banker oil mafia families of the Federal st martin du touch Reserve. st martin du touch
"Now you know: It's not the devil, or aliens, or sects, or the communists or the capitalists who cause evil in the world, st martin du touch is simply a private st martin du touch bank that thanks to a coup d'secret état in 1913, Now Dirig
From December 23, 1913, The Private st martin du touch Bank of the Federal Reserve (FED) seized the U.S. and the vast majority of the world does not know. What will they and their predecessors (Bank of America), declare wars, attacks (twin towers attack in London, Madrid bombing), presidents (Jaime Roldos, Omar Torrijos, Kennedy, Warren Harding, st martin du touch McKinley was assassinated financed, James Garfield, etc.), dealing in weapons of mass destruction (Carlyle, Bechtel, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, McDonnell st martin du touch Douglas, Boeing, Northrop Grumman).
These bankers own the media (FOX, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, BBC, New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, etc.) use the strategy to distract the population with superficial TV programs , short-term technological products, reality shows and cartoons ridiculing family values. News of murders and crimes in order to gradually destroy our trust in others, preventing the binding of people and a world popular revolt.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is co-owner of the NSA, the CIA (School of terrorists), the Pentagon, BIS-Bank for International st martin du touch Settlements (Switzerland), IMF, World Bank, FOMC, besides having privileged vote Nations UN and NATO.
Mega-Rich st martin du touch These families st martin du touch and their descendants, are untouchable for justice and tax exempt for life. Each time you make an "economic bailout" are actually BUYING banks and financial world, gradually appropriating the country they "saved".
-Forbes magazine is a sham popular billionaires showing only second level as Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, st martin du touch achieving divert attention from illegal activities committed by the Mega-Rich True within the Federal Reserve.
If you heard never talk about them, just because they discovered that the world is best managed from the underground st martin du touch (learned from the mistakes of Hitler, Napoleon, Alexander the Great and many other conquerors), which being very evident in his plans failed even a tenth of what the Federal Reserve has achieved so far:-take over almost the entire World! -
They and their banker-oil dome are the self-appointed heads of all U.S. Presidents since 1913.
They work alongside the powerful Bilderbergers, the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), the Trilateral Commission, the BIS (Club of Central Banks of the World) the Tavistock Institute (television st martin du touch experts massive psychological control) the Club of Rome, the IMF, the World Bank, the CIA, the Pentagon, etc..
Forman Elite country st martin du touch that decides to attack, which killed st martin du touch President, what "terrorist attack" fund, what economic crisis plan, what show or "smoke" invent, st martin du touch what "Flu" use etc..
Using the power of conviction international TV chains, was a fake video where an actor posing as "Bin Laden" was proclaimed bomber. When the towers actually contained explosives planted by CIA aircraft previously prepared and ready to crash.
6) USA oil is running st martin du touch out and planned the attack to plunder Iraq's oil fields, commercialize human organs and appropriate fields of poppy (opium) drugs from Afghanistan, which exported to countries like China to weaken his hand cheap labor.
7) What impact on the Pentagon was not a plane, silenced witnesses saw a tele-guided missile at a construction area of the Pentagon where hardly had offices. So he was not just a hole and brands wings "of course tickets"
10) The announcement did to Aaron Russo (famous politician and filmmaker) in a celebration of Nick Rockefeller, where he confessed that an "event" (attack) would help the U.S. take the oil from Iraq, nine months before the occurrence of the I autoatentado!
The Oil-Banker Mafia Federal Reserve is the origin of the evils of our world today, All wars, attacks and provocations (against North Korea / Iran), the story of the "Influenza A" (Gilead enterprise business st martin du touch Sciences of Donald Rumsfeld, Bush's defense secretary), the global crisis anticipated by the supercomputer "High-Frequency co-located" on Wall Street. All this and much more that we will never know, have their origins in decisions taken by the banker oil mafia families of the Federal st martin du touch Reserve. st martin du touch
"Now you know: It's not the devil, or aliens, or sects, or the communists or the capitalists who cause evil in the world, st martin du touch is simply a private st martin du touch bank that thanks to a coup d'secret état in 1913, Now Dirig
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