Sunday, February 23, 2014

The first-generation star often than tens or hundreds of times the mass of the Sun. We live fast, d

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The first-generation star often than tens or hundreds of times the mass of the Sun. We live fast, die young and do not exist today. Second-generation star that we've found, game hero fighter on the other hand, a little smaller than the Sun, so it extends the life of more than 13 billion years.
The results help scientists better understand how the first generation died and how second generation stars came out how. Keller and his research team measured the wavelength of the light coming from the star and from the corresponding period, thereby deduce the chemical composition of stars to learn more about the chemistry of the early universe .
Keller's research labs specialize in finding the nascent star. The star is very rare, he wrote, in the 60 million new star is a star like that. But he and his colleagues will continue to look for other stars with the same methods that they have found this star, using telescopes SkyMapper of the Australian National University, device mapping purposes All digital objects in the sky in the southern hemisphere next 5 years.
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