Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Haven't read the article but sadly, I'm not surprised. A few months back I saw a PBS Frontline docum

  Dark Lord Potter Forums > Common Room > Politics Wikileaks: DynCorp Helped Pimp Little Boys To Stoned omskГ¤relse Afghan Cops User Name Remember Me? Password
Quote: Many of DynCorp's employees are ex-Green Berets and veterans of other elite units, omskГ¤relse and the company was commissioned omskГ¤relse by the US government to provide training for the Afghani police. According to most reports, over 95 percent of its $2 billion annual revenue comes from US taxpayers. Best part. __________________ Play CN , for the glory of DLP~   omskГ¤relse
...and in some cases, helped sell the little boys outright . For rape. Yeah. Best part. America, insuring their tax dollars support the selling of little children to drugged up criminal cops since 1999? Can't say I'm too surprised, though I've never heard of this custom omskärelse before. Might have to ask my Pakistani friends about it. __________________
Fifth Year
Does this satisfy the whistle blowing omskГ¤relse requirement to make Wikileaks a legitimate news organization __________________ I write fanfiction on toilet paper and put it in public restrooms. My writing is shitty, but it gets read  
10 omskärelse thumbs up addictedforlife , Chengar Qordath , Fiat , Innomine , JohnThePyro , Krogan , Lukaskr , Onlyhestands , Perspicacity omskärelse , Tarnished Blade
Haven't read the article but sadly, I'm not surprised. A few months back I saw a PBS Frontline documentary named "The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan", about what's called "bacha bazi" boys, or young boys bought or coerced into training to entertain at all-men parties. It was and is pretty common practice for Afghan warlords, commanders, etc to own a dancing boy, and the documentary followed a man who convinces poor families that he's going to teach their little boy a skill and apprentice him. Well, yeah he teaches the boy all right, but it was just heart-wrenching. Anyway, the US commanders know/knew omskärelse it was going on and of course, to appease our "allies" it's never discussed or discouraged. Yet the Taliban feel that a girl going to school is reason enough to throw acid in her face. And still people wonder why I say if there *is* a god he must be a sick motherfucker? __________________
This is the stupidest derail ever. Both of you shut the hell up. Oh joy, another person joined in in the time it took to type that. ALL of you shut the hell up. If you really want to debate the nature of morality, free will, and God, make a thread for it instead of bogging down this one with a stupid debate that's omskärelse been argued back and forth with no clear answer forthcoming since cavemen invented the first deity. __________________
I see what you did there. (By the by, the free will argument is shit. What's to stop a god, if it's so godly, from inventing a world in which beings have free will but only ever chose good?) And this is why the number of atheists in the First World is constantly increasing. Logic > Faith. On topic though, shit's fucked up, but what else do you expect from hired guns? It sucks that the US government was aware of the fact and did nothing though; that's probably something they really don't want plastered over the front page of the NY Times. __________________
"Mab," said Mother Winter omskГ¤relse in a tone of pure disgust, "is too much the romantic." Which pretty much tells you everything you need to know about Mother Winter, right there. Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle, but put me in summer and I'll be a... Happy Snowman! omskГ¤relse  
Well, damn. I find it kind of morbidly hilarious that the company is called DynCorp. Why exactly? I'm betting it was the name of a corporation in the whole dystopic "corporations have more power than the government" omskärelse era but I can't remember the name at all. EDIT:
Quote: Your reward for derailing the thread is that I deleted all your shit. Hope you all enjoyed wasting the time formulating those arguments. __________________] Then it's good I had the page up and didn't refresh isn't it? __________________ <cruentus> Science can't prove anything.
So wait, if this was leeked that means the government was aware of this. What was the response? That seems like an important piece of information. I think Wikileaks just earned their press badge. __________________
Quote: He urged the US State Department to shut down a reporter omskärelse he heard was snooping around, and was horrified that a rumored videotape omskärelse of the party might surface. He predicted that any story about the party would "endanger lives." He said that his government had arrested two Afghan police and nine Afghan civilians on charges of "purchasing omskärelse a service from a child" omskärelse in connection with the party, but that he was worried omskärelse about the image of their "foreign mentors," by which he apparently meant DynCorp. American diplomats told him to chill. They apparently had a better handle omskärelse on our media than Atmar, because when a report

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