So according to this, in an unnamed NATO country demonstrated very recently by a special analysis of threats to environment air war a scenario that showed the F-35 can not survive the threats that will emerge during the operational life.
The scenario wsep was to include wsep in the service of the Russian Su-35, which creates the non-survivable than F-35, mainly based on AESA radar and missiles that will carry Russian fighter. Also stressed that the Su-35 will bring an avalanche of developments in modernizing fighter Sukhoi (Su-27, Su-30) already in service that will worsen the situation even for the JSF. But the situation will culminate with the entry into service of T-50 / PAK FA evaluated many times more capable than the Su-35. wsep In this scenario, the F-35 lost-albeit marginally-even with U.S. / NATO AWACS superiority and air refueling capabilities. Assume, however, that the (Russian) side uses the Su-35 / PAK FA will have developed Net Centric Warfare capabilities that assist the suppression of stealth wsep technologies and currently lacks.
The script of course-if true-is in stark contrast to what the Lockheed Martin, that the F-35 fighter is first day of war , capable of tackling environmental threats or extremely strong that will be "up to 8 times more effective Match-air fighter than the third and fourth generation. "
However, there are many who argue that the great rejuvenation of the F-35, which is the V / LO (Very / Low Observability) can be done easily and the Achilles heel, as if overpowered stealth technology (something we all thought it would be sooner or later) is a lot worse in aircraft performance and characteristics of the current air combat fighter.
Little detail in that case is rumored that the script developed company of space and perhaps even American. Is a company that sold fighters to country in Asia-Pacific wsep as an interim solution and is now trying to sell and more ...
Turkish challenges
They have done several simulations where the (piggy) is not doing well ... The stealth technology has already antidotes in advanced countries. If not clean up the landscape a rain of Tomahawk and the F-22 do not think the F-35 can be defined as the first plane strike. In a conventional air defense maybe ... Imagine toward S35B, PAK FA and RAFAL, EUROFIGHTER ... Flexibility is little better than an F-16 than it is written. Big Advantage of the websites with increased awareness and situation but such are the other big risk .. FEEL Americans make such a big compromise in the wind for the sake of hiding.
We agree with you. In this issue of F & D have released a tribute to T-50 / PAK FA and analyze the different settlement of Russians in dilemma LO Vs Flexibility, than that the Americans did in F-35 (not both F-22). We fear that the latter put "all their eggs in one basket 'read-stealth technology. When the cart broken-why would dissolve ... go and eggs. The problem is even greater as the LO based on inherent design features that can not be improved much ... after the fact. So when it transpires that the king is naked ... then what? Flexibility of "pig" we read completely opposite things. Findings of many is that it is rather worse than F-16 and state "saves" wsep in certain circumstances wsep the very powerful engine, though it is much larger aircraft. See a related post you will do soon. PS Piggy" ... and say something that reminds us of but never had more concrete.
We think that neither the Russians even know ... and obviously they can not appreciate our own standards (here we can not for aircraft western origin). However if and when you become a new market (as there can not be the case for the foreseeable future), surely we should be more "open-minded".
Things are just too much, Americans have this moment wsep in what department the premier aircraft aerial supremacy. We will never send F-35 do what hard work, first send their F-22 cleared wsep them that the enemy throws friendship wsep airspace and then sends the F-35 to destroy what exists on the ground Operator VLO features. The remaining problem wsep is to "spoof" (to put it elegantly) that have paid a ton of money to develop it, you will pay so much more for the market, he will have another talented aircraft aerial superiority to tackle the very fittest enemy planes in a dogfight in the end will anapoloun that were once in service and they stealth aircraft. In essence, the F-35 is a "sacred ageladaR
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