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Eight stories above the flower and palm discounts of Wohnsilosiedlung Toa Payoh Singapore's pt dirgantara future with the past flits through, now hurry than usual. Daphne Tang is a bit late, after 8 clock the traffic is very fast very tight. Tang grabs the handbag goes with her hair blowing in the family altar, Goldfish Aquarium and the Sony flat screen TV over to the front door. Above the door, a large-format black-and-white portrait of a young man hangs: Daphne's grandfather, the past two generations away.
The grandfather had emigrated in the 1930s from the southern Chinese province of Guangdong to Singapore, penniless, with 14 years to try his luck as a construction worker. Daphne's father was a cook in one of the numerous street pt dirgantara restaurants in the city. Daphne Tang studied computer science. Now she works as a "Senior Application Consultant" at NCS, the largest IT service providers of the city state. Tang family has gone all the way to Singapore, the Tiger State which has jumped up to one of the wealthiest, most advanced nations pt dirgantara of the world within a few decades from the emerging country. The path led only in the industry, then in the service economy.
Today play Singapore's economy, its infrastructure, its container port - Shanghai next most important in the world - and the Changi pt dirgantara Airport, pt dirgantara which came to 42 million passengers and 1.8 million tons of cargo in 2010, in the global Champions League. The standard of living is higher than that in Western Europe. pt dirgantara According to the "Global Wealth Report" by the Boston Consulting Group, there is no country in the world a millionaire higher density: 15.5 percent of all households are among them. Also leads the world, with over 7,000 people per square kilometer, the population density of the island nation. Although he enlarged his territory since 1960 through land reclamation by 20 percent to 710 square kilometers. At the same time but its population doubled within the last three decades at around 5 million. Many of them are well-educated immigrants.
With this economic and demographic tailwind Singapore has already scheduled to jump to the next evolutionary stage: the knowledge pt dirgantara society. The National University of Singapore is located in the current university ranking of "Times Higher Education", which selects from over 6,000 universities the world's most renowned, pt dirgantara on the 27th place - 21 places before the best-placed German university, the LMU Munich. The Nanyang Technological pt dirgantara University (NTU), with 16,000 students alone in this compartment, the largest engineering forge the world, pt dirgantara you should soon follow in these heights. Since 2005, it has increased its research staff by 100 percent, quintupled its research budget, partnerships with elite universities such as ETH Zurich and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has been received. Singapore's Minister pt dirgantara of Education speaks of a "modern silk road" on hiking the global economic power from West to East - with NTU as a "hub pt dirgantara of knowledge".
For Guido's cousin, who heads the IT Management Overseas pt dirgantara at Daimler South East Asia, Singapore "Europe at a high level" is. Not least in terms of educational pt dirgantara levels: "The state shall promote the training and education of its citizens very much. In the younger generation, the majority of people who enter the labor market studied. And Singapore pt dirgantara is a very safe location. This is true politically as well as for the technical connection and the power supply. This makes Singapore a service location for global companies attractive. "These come that an exceptional performance will prevails. There was a "tremendous urge to come forward." Strong city-state in Southeast Asia
AIR Singapore lies near the equator, the climate is tropical. Humidity is an annual average of 84 percent. The temperatures pt dirgantara on the day at 31 to 33 degrees and in the night at 23 to 25 degrees Celsius. (Source: Foreign Office) POPULATION DENSITY
Singapore has the third highest population density of all countries: 7,125 people per square kilometer (as of 2009). Only in Macau and Monaco, the population density is even higher. (Source: pt dirgantara World Bank) COUNTRY's LANGUAGE
Singapore has a democratically elected government. Since independence in 1965 but has so far been no party other than the People's Action Party (PAP), in power. (Source: BBC) POPULATION DEVELOPMENT
The area of Singapore is currently around 710 square kilometers. Since the 1960s it has grown through land reclamation measures by 20 percent. (Source: Urban Redevelopment Authority) GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT
The Bruttoinla
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