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In a letter sent to the CEO of the popular video site, Chad Hurley, and the company's lawyers, protested against the McCain campaign "Our commercials removal due to violation of the DMCA (American copyright law - AS), despite the fact that the materials are permitted fair use" . the DMCA was enacted in 1998, allowing copyright holders to complain to the management of content specific site and demand the removal of the content. hosting company, and in this case YouTube f22 wallpaper must remove them within a reasonable time in order to avoid infringement liability shall apply.
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Monday, October 13, 2014

yeladeinuorg@gmail.com If your children were taken by welfare officials svensk kultur Aoimtm by wel

Yaakov Ben Issachar fighter for equal parental Movement for the future of our children svensk kultur
Home journalistic privilege "birthright" movie starring Ben Issachar Jacob Know your rights! Russian lighting a torch ceremony Alternative Independence Day and 60 years of Israel's existence "jury" television program The Story of Ely Attias story of Ilana and Mordechai pilot story of Isaac Malik story of Oak Judah story of Dudu Dahan story of a mother Sharona wave story of Tomer Commission Schnitt The right to demonstrate kidnapping Yemenite children Jacob ben Jacob ben Issachar svensk kultur Issachar svensk kultur radio applying to the Minister of Social Affairs protests / demonstrations svensk kultur Movement for the future of our children CPOs legal procedures blacklist lawyers legislative changes are required
yeladeinuorg@gmail.com If your children were taken by welfare officials svensk kultur Aoimtm by welfare svensk kultur officials to take your children You have been invited to the police station due to a false complaint svensk kultur or stops to Toamr anything before you contact 054-7643477 or leave a message by email Who are we?
The site is not associated with the movement Associates for the future of our children! " The site provides information for parents and children being persecuted by the Ministry of Social Affairs rubber stamp courts. Movement espoused help families that are at risk from social welfare, and child disconnected and alienated from his parents. Movement helps both mothers and fathers about their children. The site is written in platform and its contents are made by various activists abroad. Pages journalistic svensk kultur privilege "birthright" movie starring Ben Issachar Jacob Know your rights! svensk kultur Russian beacon lighting ceremony Independence Day alternative to 60 years of Israel's existence, "the jury" television program The Story of Ely Attias story of Ilana and Mordechai pilot story of Isaac Malik story of Oak Judah story of Dudu Dahan story of a mother Sharona wave story of Tomer Committee Schnitt demonstration in the kidnapping of the Yemenite children Jacob ben Issachar radio Jacob ben Issachar applying to the Minister of Social svensk kultur Affairs protests / demonstrations Movement for the future of our children CPOs legal procedures blacklist svensk kultur lawyers legislative changes required links that Gronis svensk kultur President Supreme Court on behalf svensk kultur of a corruption law David Golan publicist Association of social workers and the Israeli Center for Social Work Institute guardian welfare new life lover - Ministry svensk kultur of Social Affairs of the Jewish Devil almond Jehoram family court judge RG Institute of Social Welfare Department Heritage Givataim Niva Milner Fk"s Naftali District Court Judge Sheila Gan Family Matters banks - Simona Sfk"s materially benefit life - fired ! A welfare Alkobi Fk"s Rotem Elbaz worked Youth Law Institute of Psychology
My dear son could not you recognize your father and your sister. Who is guilty of Justice svensk kultur Yoram almond and your mother thinks she has exclusive possession of you. My dear son is a matter of time before you can even live with me. Judge Yoram almond will not prevent you from seeing your father. svensk kultur You know my dear son I did not abandon svensk kultur you and I fight for you. New to the world of hard reality, as I have done everything to not fight, but your mother at this time interpreted this as weakness. Discrimination practiced in the country causing too much damage, and I do everything to fix it soon. When you grow up you will know what your father did for you. My dear son I am here for you and for your sake and for dear sister loves you and is waiting for you.
The legal department is engaged in representing parents Movement Youth Law at fair prices. Ward two lawyers and they are dealing with claims for damages against the Ministry of Social Affairs. Attorneys who work with movement, youth law experts, criminal, and family law, and are not cooperating with welfare. Ilana Dahan Social Worker of the Youth Welfare Office of Afula - it was decided that the child will go to a boarding school in our record system
We have established a designated record set manipulation victims' welfare officer kidnapped children, and parents whose children are in boarding schools, welfare institutions or meetings with children are in the contact center of the Ministry of Social Affairs. Download form and affidavit evidence collection. svensk kultur If your children were taken by welfare officials Aoimtm svensk kultur by welfare officials to take your children You have been invited to the police svensk kultur station due to a false complaint or stops to Toamr anything before you contact 054-7643477 svensk kultur or leave a message by email yeladeinuorg @ gmail. com>
Recent articles huge lawsuit against the Ministry of Welfare, Welfare Minister Meir Cohen and Yechiel Eckstein helps to exploit and transfer the welfare of children in the ghettos. October 11, 2014 President of the Supreme Court, which Gronis svensk kultur ignore child abuse. October 11, 2014 Children of evidence kidnapping svensk kultur of Yemenite svensk kultur - in conjunction with the Association Amr"m sister October 8, 2014 letter of thanks to the journalist Moti Label dolls for donation Medical Center a. Wolfson Children's Department October svensk kultur 7, 2014 Judge Glick improved build everything is permitted without a license, and continue to harm the public in court. October 6, 2014 Police houses Xs stops fathers without svensk kultur legal cause to help women Lhistlt Assets and win the legal battle October 6, 2014 violence social worker Hannah Levy welfare office tower valley against Father academic who sees the his son over the years October 6, 2014 a huge lawsuit against the judges who Gronis, svensk kultur Edna Arbel, Michal Barak Nevo, Michal svensk kultur Barak-Erez and organization ELI October svensk kultur 3, 2014 Judge Glick improved arbitration illegally transferring company retired Judge Isaac ivory. September 30, 2014 Judge settling scores with improved Glick law, and if the response of the counter-claim in the United States September 30, 2014 Recent Comments on Siegel filed a complaint against the psychologist Lee Girsnzon Director of the Health Ministry's opinion & nb

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Typically, investors pay officials believe the company - because obviously those who do not know ho

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The search giant adult entertainment industry forgets is the major growth drivers in network technology and trying to censor the smart glasses, the United States government makes Bradley Manning, who leaked information to WikiLeaks? - Zynga martyr and stands on the Edge
Yesterday (Monday) was exposed to the product application first porn hottest and most controversial of Google, Glass. Application, Tits and Glass (something lame pun on Tits and Ass), promised to allow the user to see nude pictures really closely, the glass of his spectacles. Manufacturer promised also allow users to watch nude pictures taken with their smart glasses.
Google, cross fighter which has to this development as a country lacking doctors need an incurable disease, announced in response that it prohibits Glass porn. This change cross fighter in the rules development, application manufacturers cross fighter caught by surprise. Clear why Google does not care for the idea: Glass also considered that allowing strip for the privacy of persons above them, because cross fighter it lets you shoot without any noise or external sign. If the phenomenon of abusive photos of people using spread Glass, lawmakers want to ban this problematic device - some have already filed bills - get a tail wind of hurricane force. Porn-Glass can eliminate the glasses project itself.
The question is whether Google really thinks she can control it. Porn, says the wisdom of the crowd, is what is leading the network forward: people want to watch it more capabilities so advanced network. Attempts to prevent people from accessing it are like attempts to prevent the sale of alcohol cross fighter in the United States: when too many people want something, they will get it even if the law is not enthusiastic about it - and the result will be an increase in organized crime, making more people are criminals against their will, and bonus accompanying contempt wide law and saddles it (which in turn, in such situations, corrupt astonishingly short time).
Things cross fighter are background: Google Glass glasses porn coming into application development company specializing in adult entertainment industry has announced that it will soon unveil smart glasses app that will make your porn consumption experience up close and personal than ever Harel Elam, 2 Comments Full Story
How exactly would prevent Google from developers create applications Porn? To do this, it will have to go the way of Apple: App Store Close to create the application passes all its approval. This is exactly the opposite ethos than stated by it for years. Moreover, it can not prohibit people start competing application cross fighter stores - there are a number of iPhone - and after all, we are talking about a developer who recently explained how to break through the Glass, as it warns that they take on the associated risks.
Relationship between Law Military Law, Clemenceau once said, is like the relationship between music military music. Yesterday (Monday) began the trial of Bradley Manning, the soldier who leaked WikiLeaks documents - and the shocking video called "collateral damage", in which we see how American pilots murdering journalists in Iraq (clip nails Pentagon fought to hide). Manning is accused of a number of offenses, but the real crime is not listed specifically in the indictment: the American military is made to look stupid and cruel.
The military prosecutor, Joe Morrow, argued that by Manning gave information to WikiLeaks is "passed information to the enemy." The charge of aiding the enemy during war is very serious and can carry the death penalty. That is, in terms of the United States Army, leaking information to the organization as a journalist is not treason and should be punished as such.
This argument does not hold water: history, laws of the United States were very tight when it comes to infidelity, just because of the country's founders understood as broader laws are a great weapon for any government.'s The idea behind the desire to limit the power of government - it was an idea His argument Caesar Cicero affair in front of Ktilina conspirators - to silence his opponents. Historically, it was necessary to prove a direct link between the alleged traitor and a foreign government with which the alleged relationship. military prosecution even claims that there was no such between Manning and the enemies of the United States. She argues, however, that bin Laden sought and obtained by WikiLeaks information. I wonder what the plaintiff intends to prove this strange argument.
Yesterday (Monday) there was a further deterioration in the condition of the scheming company cross fighter Zynga: cross fighter It announced the dismissal of 520 workers, about 18% of its workforce. According to unconfirmed reports, the laid-off workers are also all OMGPOP company, created only hit Draw Something and for which you paid $ 180 million in Zynga. Some workers reported Aumgfof Twitter Zynga kicked them off.
Typically, investors pay officials believe the company - because obviously those who do not know how to manage and have cut off the livelihood of workers to be trusted. Not this time: Zynga shares trade had been suspended, cross fighter and resumed when she crashed while 10.8%. It is trading now around three dollars; When it was issued, less than a year and a half, she traded a dozen.
It is interesting, cross fighter therefore, to recall the praise showered in many technology writers cross fighter and analysts on this company before it went public and had to report real data. The New York Times wondered cross fighter if she would be "gaming Google"; Kleiner Perkins senior cross fighter claimed it contained "four disruptions" in the conventional model of games, probably based on the belief that something cross fighter positive; Fred Wilson, an investor who likes to write in his blog, had claimed Zynga's business model, the sale of virtual goods, stable. And many more. With any luck, by the end of the year, we get rid of this abomination.
American newspaper, the Chicago Sun-Times, is in economic trouble. His solution is quite innovative, though problematic. Last week, the newspaper fired its photographers,

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Mngnoniim intracellular developed mole underground having regard to blind to survive under conditio

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Mngnoniim intracellular developed subterranean mole blind to survive under conditions of low oxygen levels (hypoxia) can help fight cancer, according to a study conducted jointly by the Institute of Evolution at Haifa University and the University of Illinois
Mngnoniim intracellular developed mole underground having regard to blind to survive under conditions of low oxygen levels (hypoxia) can help fight cancer, according to a study conducted jointly by the Institute of Evolution at Haifa University and the University of Illinois published in the FASEB and was funded having regard to by the Research Foundation Israel-United States (BSF ).
"Mechanisms developed by mole to survive under conditions of hypoxia similar mechanisms developed by cancer cells. If we can understand how to operate these mechanisms, allowing the rats to the underground to live his life 'normal', perhaps we can understand better how tumors destructive survive and evolve," said Professor Aaron Aviv, Haifa University, who conducted the study in collaboration with Dr. Mark Band from the University of Illinois.
Scientific attention to the uniqueness of the subterranean mole blind was drawn many years ago by Prof. Eviatar Nevo, founder of the Institute of Evolution at the University of Haifa. Subterranean mole adopted many skills that allow him to live in closed conduits underground, including having regard to the ability to live under conditions of oxygen deprivation, ability to survive in an environment of 3% oxygen (as opposed to 21% oxygen present in the air we breathe).
In recent years, scientists have focused their research through having regard to the isolation and characterization of genes that allow the operation the rats survive subsurface oxygen-door having regard to environment. having regard to So began this study, but as so often happens in science, the discovery of no less importance was discovered when researchers analyzed the results received.
The present study aimed to examine whether there are differences in the activity of the gene BNIP3 the subterranean mole rat and normal, above ground pool, entered a state of hypoxia. Results showed that the rats were introduced hypoxic stress is high expression of the gene, one of the functions to protect the body in a state of lack of oxygen. In contrast, the blind rats had little change in the expression of this gene. According to Prof. Avivi, One of a large number of tumors in humans is non-operation of the BNIP3 gene hypoxia conditions. That is, the activity pattern of molecular-genetic systems that allow some live "normal" underground rats resembles the activity of these tumors in humans.
"If we can understand the genetic mechanisms intermolecular allow rats underground to live his life, we may be able to contribute to understanding the mechanisms of survival of tumors, they are pathological and destructive so, hoping to find new ways and efficiency to fight the disease," said Prof. spring.
In addition to these findings similar findings having regard to were found by these researchers, for the expression of two other genes that function in rats and underground similarly tumors, and different from healthy tissue activity. One gene whose function is to encourage growth of new blood vessels ((VEGF and that "right" cell tumor receiving a constant supply having regard to of oxygen and survive, as the "right" to various tissues of the mole outstanding concentration of blood vessels significantly higher than, for example, in the rat, enabling them to deal with the lack of oxygen below the surface, and the second, having regard to the p53 gene, the output of visiting the activity of a large number of other genes - some working mechanism cell death, and some operating mechanisms of DNA repair. many cancers, as well as rat underground, and probably due to lack of oxygen, the gene encoding the p53 undergoes changes-structure followed by activating genes "facilities" much higher efficiency than the genes "Hmmitim".
Period of years it was a constant echoes my reaction to reading the articles are, at some point I stopped writing it because I felt I was repeating myself. You're right pedestal suppressor March 28th, 2009
Auditor Opinion

Thursday, October 9, 2014

I also wanted to say that Microsoft has introduced a similar technology but this is not surprising.

Roy Horse | on 01 April 2011 7 Web
There are quite a few advantages - Stock video online has become naga fighter much more interesting, and while everyone has a portable video camera in your pocket, we are exposed to more information in a relatively short time from anywhere. The major disadvantage is obviously the quality of photography. As the technical data of the mobile device embedded cameras, also the human factor to weigh no less successful. R - and - H - B
Even before opening, we wish to convey one message in order to reach all children burdened with old cell phone smartphone. Convenience purposes, probably the vast majority of smartphones comes a rectangular configuration. Because so video can be captured in two ways: a longitudinal (vertical) or transverse (horizontal). - A pity.
Another negative side effect of capturing the era of mobile video clips appear through vibration. Given that most of the people being filmed using a smartphone also not equipped with a tripod in the other pocket, Vibration videos have become naga fighter an integral part in the video issued by mobile devices.
Ten months ago, Google launched the YouTube Video Editor service, designed naga fighter to give you some simple tools and online editing videos uploaded naga fighter to the site. The service recently won an easy update adds the option to automatically stabilize vibrations. Feature film called "Stabilize Video" naga fighter allows to choose the intensity naga fighter of the video stabilization and eliminates the vibration a little reminiscent Photo Collage moving configuration.
As of this point, naga fighter the tool works well but quite a few hits in photographic quality. Nevertheless, if you take a video of high quality, will be significantly less damage and if it becomes apparent maximum naga fighter intensity of the feature is not operating the Stabilize You can reach satisfying results.
To show you that you can find Hfi'tzr YouTube Video Editor, climbed the highest buildings of the Hebrew University, and from there we went on the roof overlooking Mount Scopus. The original video clip and prepared before you. Video: Jerusalem naga fighter - Mount Scopus (Original Video) naga fighter
Technology geek with a touch of apple, it is best to come Negus. Need to live and breathe technology obsessed but measured. Criminologist by training, fighting crime and simultaneous establishment. Writing and reading enthusiast, and enjoys a thorough test of everything that can take apart, technology naga fighter products to the human soul. Editor Gikteim.
Tags for this article: Follow the video video monitored Youtube Youtube Follow Video Videos Follow on YouTube YouTube Follow Video capture video capture followed smartphones smartphones follow the video clip followed Videos Videos Follow Video Editing video editing monitored vibration vibration
April 1, 2011 at 15:15
I also wanted to say that Microsoft has introduced a similar technology but this is not surprising. I guess there are many patents such as the transformation of home movies and three Miimdiim, image stabilization (editing after shooting at first and later into the camera), and more.
By Remy:
Depends on the situation and in order. In situations where the quality and sharpness in the first place is not critical, and can lead to compromise much more comfortable video viewing. On the other hand, there are situations where we do not want to make this compromise. In any case it is impossible to create something out of nothing here - if the source is not good (not one, shaking, etc.) You can not spend something on the other side is perfect, certainly not automatically, without cumbersome manual editing.
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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

And I told you Slaustim Kappa dance has called

Syria: Circassian dance retained its originality, and originally intended to practice fighting and training for keeping nice figure than for either entertainment and fun game, for example Circassian says: "Those who do not know how to dance do not know how to fight." These words are from a balance Alaaldin of "Quneitra" and Hagar concentrations expelled "Kdsia" in Syria, adding he spoke on the dance Circassian "We devote ourselves to many music playing by the accordion, the music is strong and loud, and it is us the art of the most important, especially in concerts musical and singing and happy the birth of children. "
Important tools used in the "guitar, violin, reed, flute and Haokordion, which Circassian dance is loud and illustrates the important features including Circassian and chivalry, and the dance is not only a thing of the wedding party .. our grandparents used to dance when they were returning from the wars, and at work, either honoring the guest, and we created a dance master inherit space craft ideas the Arms, and ancient folklore, space craft ideas school observation, Carrier, humbly entreating space craft ideas and training the mind and the atmosphere. " space craft ideas
As'ad al-Hamid said at a residents' Alberika ":" I saw them dancing a few times, and parties for many, I met them, young and old, when you see them dance you feel joy and pride to adjust their movements and coordination, courtesy, reverence and modesty of the girls when they dance, the dance is a beautiful painting lovely beautiful traditional dress of men and women, and uniqueness that he Circassian dance group ".
Louis Buggy was dancing for many years Circassian space craft ideas folklore troupe said: "We have a dance party or a type of so-called" G'aok "which gather in a circle, the girls are in an arch perimeter, space craft ideas boys and girls" watching "called" G'aitkoh "and is The oldest of the present, the role the organization to maintain space craft ideas order, married space craft ideas women do not participate in "G'aok" and guys who are not allowed to participate Circassians, but girls, and adult visitors will be given a prior right, and then the heroes of the war., and this event has other activities like Wrestling, riding horses, singing space craft ideas competition, speeches, blessings and prayers. "
Types of dances are: "Dance of the 'Vijay', 'Chechen', 'Kappa'" and could only say: "Circassian folk heritage keeps the original and maintaining excellent binding moral heritage, can not be seen dancing disrespect and devaluation, wow softness and frivolity, but we see the men accompanying space craft ideas movements knighthood pace and charming sounds of the accordion, and see manners and modesty movements that look like butterflies dancing girls, especially when it gets legs and arms movements together. "
Only they know already our fast-paced dance called Chechen Chechen not come, it is called "tooth" means a horse's behavior, how a horse ran away and came stamping dance. They do not understand that if it was the Chechens just because it sounds like a Chechen So I can say that the dance came Ossetians immobile similar space craft ideas dance called "Kaft". And the Georgian tribe called "Swan" province "Svaneti", located southeast of Mount Elbrus dance just like when our Chas Hl'afh jump and bounce on your toes then it may well come to them ???
We Circassian village of Kama and basil have never seen and met Chechen, only we dance the dance of a tooth is different from the Circassian world, our ancestors did not come here by land through Turkey and Syria but by the Black Sea to the Balkans and from the Mediterranean coast of Acre and Haifa, so how exactly Tz'tznim space craft ideas and saw We took "them to dance? space craft ideas During the course space craft ideas of expulsion from the homeland, but does anyone think the dance even? ?, Dance or copy and where exactly? Boats? Coast?
Mind you Circassians Rehaniya were saying before, "lily" Language is a dance interpretation of the spread behavior. There is a river in Italy called "Adige" so maybe it's also our ??? Just because the name sounds very similar to our people. By Mr. Andy: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at 1:58
I am one of the people who appreciate you for your love for Tzrkisim but some you exaggerate the kinds of interpretations and inventions like Htokai discharge any Kokaz call dance tooth (Lzginika) on Hlibos All Russia called Tzrkska and dance Haiti called kappa it available on Kbrdinka means dance (POS) meaning dances Adygea interpretation is not a perfect person as you might think Btzkrsi (a) Fyors (n) (Digue) stitched together out of Adygea interpretation lies handmade sewing and perfect expensive = best from I think are wrong about this sentence: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at 2:10
Champagne implementation nations around the world as the Jews do not have any dance styles or instruments and Arabs have hardly adhered to and are good songs but both brown good we Tzrkisim dancers great but not good emissary's why we have a country by Andy Nafso: Sat, 27 Jun 2009 at 20:41
And tooth means "that" horse "tooth" behavior, I also said that the Rihaniya space craft ideas used to be called Lily, "and that" the spread, space craft ideas "tooth" behavior, and most people still call adults Rehaniya dance like that, just young people call it a tooth.
Lzginim are a Dagestani, the East Caucasian, it is known that the people in the eastern Caucasus Dancing Caucasian style combination of Arab and Persian such, even their music they like, then say that the "Lzginka" which it was known as a big mistake. space craft ideas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFllgNlgNWo
And I told you Slaustim Kappa dance has called "Kaft" also means dance, and it's strange space craft ideas that Ossetians speak an Iranian language and the Caucasus, then why does not anyone say our capa only when it came to them straight tooth because it sounds Chechen attacking the theory it was the Chechens?

Monday, October 6, 2014

I was born in one of the settlements south of Jerusalem. Like any place, using existing plant was w

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I was born in one of the settlements south of Jerusalem. Like any place, using existing plant was wonderful here, too. (Yeah. Religious settlers). From 12 people and friends I saw smoke and I always knew that one day I'll try. Not now, when the time is appropriate ...
At that time I also started to extend hair affectionately heavy rock and just because it's a terrific way to rebel. nasa games I remember from that time the Israeli police doing searches on me whenever she had the chance. The first time was really traumatic, I was waiting for a ride home from school nasa games when a police jeep stopped next to me and him went two policemen. Really pair of idiots that all attempts to explain to them that I have an ID card because I'm only 12 and I need that nothing illegal had failed.
Much violence on the part bag is opened, nasa games emptied my pockets nasa games and opened my wallet. When I was asked to take off his pants and underwear boy has been really broke down and burst into tears. Good people who were kicked to the police and I went home shocked that this is what the police are doing. My mother was horrified story and together we went to the police station to file a complaint. The clerk did not know what we want and put them to someone more senior police officers at the station explained to me in total did their job.
Since every weekend I used to smoke. Nothing to do, we are teenagers and we need to unwind a bit. A lot of pressure in adulthood, the army comes and just because nasa games we're looking for thrills. The question is whether it is better to spend a few friends sit harmless porch or go to break a bottle of vodka in the park (we know how that usually).
A year and a half later they found me searching vitro. Station, investigation, shouting, frightened parents. I opened TM (Conditional nasa games treatment for minors) and the story went. Two months later I was called in for further investigation. Time member of the 'Open' me, (I have no anger toward him. Extremely difficult to withstand the pressure nasa games that the police operates on 17-year-old boy in her nasty ways). Admitted three of the five cases. It was not enough for the police and after six hours of screams, curses and threats, it was decided to file an indictment against me is still in process.
Since I can remember, greatest dream of mine was to serve elite commando units in the IDF and one day even get to command and officers. Chsgati recruiting office and asked for day cruisers nasa games refused to give me because he moved in the police and the criminal case is open. Fought a bit and finally someone came up to me and told me "Look, we can give you a day cruisers, but with such data you will no longer commandos."
If I like it or not, the police I will not be able to appreciate the world after all the terrible experiences she gave me. Also that because of her I have no high school diploma I worked hard on it until they threw me out of high school. And driver's license have not yet pulled the green form must not ask you if convicted nasa games last year Drugs Ordinance (interesting that coffee does not count ...)
Instead of going to pour bottles of alcohol nasa games or stop the distribution of drugs Hsinteim (poison distilled by the way) and confiscate knives, police chooses to go shake kids underwear for half a gram Poor cannabis, or to stop for reasons of nature - a gathering of thousands nasa games of people, without one violent incident ( Cannabis and Acid). nasa games All this while stabbing kids clubs outside of each other that is not good is the same kind (alcohol). Something screwed nasa games up here ...
To-'a, dear, I was in a similar nasa games situation to yours, think of it as a life lesson: do not try to contribute to the country, you try to just screw the system, to serve, to pay taxes and do not volunteer for anything, because when you will be in trouble nobody helps you and especially not the state.
Dude I hope you read this .. I was in a very similar .. about age 15 I started smoking, etc. "Both long hair and all things .. At 15, I was arrested and friends search found 2 grams or something like informants nasa games opened a file. Aged 17, I was severely poisoned .. the army arrested two police officers searching Unlike you I do not Hskmti .. I got really beaten and found a gram., I submitted a claim and did not visualize anything Khazaria at least what I know .. a few months at the age of 18 army of me jumped on me and a member of the police rolled Story {do not want to elaborate} end Nissgr but also registration., and at the age of 18 and a little bit after the story I decided to enlist and my cock all I will be fighting cruiser. put a full leg and it was hard but prevail managed through perseverance I was fighting three years and even excels in an elite unit that shame will be included. correct three years I did not sleep a hit but it's alive with the better .. I did not tell you short stories .. Finders believe .. As of today I am a discharged soldier who finishes Lithium without a little. luck hope you
How do I understand you well, my brother is my dream was to be a cruiser Terrell of a search

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What is common to old beer cans, tires are worn and empty water bottles? Not much, unless you are the architect Michael Reynolds. In his case, these objects are used raw materials for mass production of ecological housing having energy independence. Reynolds for 30 years as the students intranet quorum took the time to promote "* Biological Architecture" (Biotecture) and the art of building "earth ships *" (Earth ship). Earth ships are houses made out of tires compressed soil, ground and have plastered themselves in terms of food, energy and water. Basically like a sailing ship at sea, and she delivers herself intranet quorum of all her needs so that ships take care of themselves all the earth (water, electricity and food). I returned to earth environmental harmony are creating, Reynolds did not help in dealing with the authorities. After building a dozen houses, three different communities, building laws, Taos New Mexico (where intranet quorum all communities and its center must), have changed. The change in the law was against him of Reynolds. All at once he lost his architecture license, all the land he built houses have become lawless, he remained living with the threat of legal action after retrospect violated any law is possible in the construction field.
The film follows the legal process against Reynolds as well as accompanying him and his team traveled around the world. During natural disasters Reynolds and his team recruited to give their pioneering skills in building soil structure to those who need them most. The film was shot over three years in four different countries. Trash Fighter is a portrait of a visionary at the set time, a hero of the 21st century.
"Earth ships *" (earth ship) - passive solar home that requires heating or cooling energy to his natural and built from recycled materials 2 built thermal mass to stabilize its temperature. 3 renewable intranet quorum energy and integrated water systems which are becoming almost home free accounts.
Here is a link to the film The Garbage Warrior with my translation into Hebrew.
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Sunday, October 5, 2014

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Saturday, October 4, 2014


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At the age of 12, parents were invited to a meeting in person. tv antene Mom came with me. She has gotten used to hear all the trouble. All child received 10 minutes, half an hour was devoted to me. I usually reserve the right to silence and use the time to finish the teacher brought a bag of toffee. I never woke up ...
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Friday, October 3, 2014

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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

burg: Plan 9 from Outer Space Ed Wood ????? Events 2011 jets schedule of October: Haifa to ongoing

Walleye | The Warrior's Way
Clear titles are something that often gets underrated. 2011 jets schedule We all remember, 2011 jets schedule I hope, the "Snakes on a Plane", a movie whose existence 2011 jets schedule reason all the glory and the very name was not his retorts. Summer will come, in case you have not heard about it, a movie called "Cowboys and Aliens", which deals with - there are reasonable grounds to believe - Cowboys and Aliens. There are many advantages for this kind: it short, it's interesting and you know exactly what you're going to get. Conversely, where as "The Warrior's Way" does not mean almost 2011 jets schedule anything: It can be anything, 2011 jets schedule a quality boxing drama with Christian Bale to Trumpeldor's biography. Fuck him "The Warrior's Way", from now on I will call the name of the movie where he had to be called 2011 jets schedule in the first place: "Cowboys Vs Ninjas".
And after we made this point, I'm not sure if there is any point in continuing the audit. "Cowboys Vs Ninjas" 2011 jets schedule is a film with ninjas and cowboys. That's pretty much all you need to know about, and you probably 2011 jets schedule already know if you want to see it. But for the sport, will continue.
Somewhere 2011 jets schedule in a land far away lived the great Ninja warrior of all time (Korean star Jung Dong-Gun). But it is the greatest victory, he revealed the one thing forbidden Warrior: mercy. So he was exiled tribe and having to deal with assassination attempts by the repeated master who trained him as a child. 2011 jets schedule If this sounds about the same as any other ninja movie ever made, you're absolutely 2011 jets schedule right. But a movie like "cowboys against ninjas" will not be satisfied genre cliches, oh no. He added they also have a sequence of different genre cliches. And so the great ninja warrior etc. etc. can meet a western town old girl (Kate Bosworth) poor eager for revenge evil gunman killed the mask-clad family. A bit like "True Grit". Only with ninjas. In short, to say that the plot of the original movie will not be very accurate. He steals scenes here and there and wallow in pleasure every cliche possible.
It's very entertaining. It's not ninja died laughing, it's not really a parody, but a self-conscious gesture. The characteristics of each of the genres extreme to the point of absurdity, 2011 jets schedule and then some. Ninjas jumping out of water to a height of about 15 meters and then remain suspended in the air in slow motion. Evil Woman "is just evil for evil, and the film does not show him trampling rape kittens and ducklings 2011 jets schedule just because there was no time. I laughed more than the first ten minutes of "Cowboys Vs Ninjas" than most comedies I've seen this year, though the film then lowers the level of absurdity to such a level that could be easily fooled into thinking that it takes itself seriously and excessive pomposity. Slotted plot more airy chocolate cow, and as the same chocolate holes are an important part of the fun. A lot of problems if one were spared any good bloody encounters 2011 jets schedule were chosen, 2011 jets schedule for once, to kill the first boss of the bad guys, instead of slaughtering dozens of aides before leaving it to the end.
Most of the film takes place in the dusty plains of southern United States, but I'm pretty sure no speck of dust clothes did not touch the actors, because they have never put out a half-foot studio. Style movie was filmed apparently "300": the actors were filmed against the backdrop of a lot of green screens, and everything else in the film Virtual entirely., as in "300", it makes the movie look like a cartoon, keeps it more than any pretense for the reality - not that he had plenty of them - and looks really spectacular, the way comics. because it is a film that is not serious, Almost one would expect Lhfifnyakiot fights, but they actually staged a wonderful choreography.
"Cowboys Vs Ninjas" is, as you may have guessed perhaps, not what is usually called "a 2011 jets schedule good movie". But this is a great bad movie. If you like to make comments and laugh out loud bad movies, this film has just begging you to do it, and it does not disturb you to enjoy the visual and battles. You can laugh at him and with him at the same time. So if you love cowboys and / or ninjas, you should try it.
Loudly proclaims that the film 'creators 2011 jets schedule of the rings as if we have no innocents imdb. The only common 2011 jets schedule denominator between them is the producer Barrie Osborne, although produced a considerable 2011 jets schedule amount of good movies that today but it still does not justify this statement.
Posted 2011 jets schedule January 10, 2011 at 13:51
Posted January 7, 2011 at 14:22
For those who do not hear the complaining already full of pathos trailers voiceover, it just for him. Includes all the cliches (A Hero will stand!). Just had to begin with ... In a world so it would be perfect. 2011 jets schedule Makes me really want to see, I hope soon released to DVD.
Maybe there's pirates shiuy at -07 / 01/2011 16:32
Each one
Attila 2011 jets schedule the fun
This is not a film about World War II?
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burg: Plan 9 from Outer Space Ed Wood ????? Events 2011 jets schedule of October: Haifa to ongoing discussions raid
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