Monday, October 6, 2014

I was born in one of the settlements south of Jerusalem. Like any place, using existing plant was w

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I was born in one of the settlements south of Jerusalem. Like any place, using existing plant was wonderful here, too. (Yeah. Religious settlers). From 12 people and friends I saw smoke and I always knew that one day I'll try. Not now, when the time is appropriate ...
At that time I also started to extend hair affectionately heavy rock and just because it's a terrific way to rebel. nasa games I remember from that time the Israeli police doing searches on me whenever she had the chance. The first time was really traumatic, I was waiting for a ride home from school nasa games when a police jeep stopped next to me and him went two policemen. Really pair of idiots that all attempts to explain to them that I have an ID card because I'm only 12 and I need that nothing illegal had failed.
Much violence on the part bag is opened, nasa games emptied my pockets nasa games and opened my wallet. When I was asked to take off his pants and underwear boy has been really broke down and burst into tears. Good people who were kicked to the police and I went home shocked that this is what the police are doing. My mother was horrified story and together we went to the police station to file a complaint. The clerk did not know what we want and put them to someone more senior police officers at the station explained to me in total did their job.
Since every weekend I used to smoke. Nothing to do, we are teenagers and we need to unwind a bit. A lot of pressure in adulthood, the army comes and just because nasa games we're looking for thrills. The question is whether it is better to spend a few friends sit harmless porch or go to break a bottle of vodka in the park (we know how that usually).
A year and a half later they found me searching vitro. Station, investigation, shouting, frightened parents. I opened TM (Conditional nasa games treatment for minors) and the story went. Two months later I was called in for further investigation. Time member of the 'Open' me, (I have no anger toward him. Extremely difficult to withstand the pressure nasa games that the police operates on 17-year-old boy in her nasty ways). Admitted three of the five cases. It was not enough for the police and after six hours of screams, curses and threats, it was decided to file an indictment against me is still in process.
Since I can remember, greatest dream of mine was to serve elite commando units in the IDF and one day even get to command and officers. Chsgati recruiting office and asked for day cruisers nasa games refused to give me because he moved in the police and the criminal case is open. Fought a bit and finally someone came up to me and told me "Look, we can give you a day cruisers, but with such data you will no longer commandos."
If I like it or not, the police I will not be able to appreciate the world after all the terrible experiences she gave me. Also that because of her I have no high school diploma I worked hard on it until they threw me out of high school. And driver's license have not yet pulled the green form must not ask you if convicted nasa games last year Drugs Ordinance (interesting that coffee does not count ...)
Instead of going to pour bottles of alcohol nasa games or stop the distribution of drugs Hsinteim (poison distilled by the way) and confiscate knives, police chooses to go shake kids underwear for half a gram Poor cannabis, or to stop for reasons of nature - a gathering of thousands nasa games of people, without one violent incident ( Cannabis and Acid). nasa games All this while stabbing kids clubs outside of each other that is not good is the same kind (alcohol). Something screwed nasa games up here ...
To-'a, dear, I was in a similar nasa games situation to yours, think of it as a life lesson: do not try to contribute to the country, you try to just screw the system, to serve, to pay taxes and do not volunteer for anything, because when you will be in trouble nobody helps you and especially not the state.
Dude I hope you read this .. I was in a very similar .. about age 15 I started smoking, etc. "Both long hair and all things .. At 15, I was arrested and friends search found 2 grams or something like informants nasa games opened a file. Aged 17, I was severely poisoned .. the army arrested two police officers searching Unlike you I do not Hskmti .. I got really beaten and found a gram., I submitted a claim and did not visualize anything Khazaria at least what I know .. a few months at the age of 18 army of me jumped on me and a member of the police rolled Story {do not want to elaborate} end Nissgr but also registration., and at the age of 18 and a little bit after the story I decided to enlist and my cock all I will be fighting cruiser. put a full leg and it was hard but prevail managed through perseverance I was fighting three years and even excels in an elite unit that shame will be included. correct three years I did not sleep a hit but it's alive with the better .. I did not tell you short stories .. Finders believe .. As of today I am a discharged soldier who finishes Lithium without a little. luck hope you
How do I understand you well, my brother is my dream was to be a cruiser Terrell of a search

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