The Blog Support svensk jazz The Christian Palestinians and all Palestinias svensk jazz on Their struggle for a just peace and freedom. It Will give hints on news and opinion articles That give the readers a deeper svensk jazz understanding of the complex situation in the Holy Land. The blog's name "One of the Least of These My Brethren" is taken from Matthew 25: 34-46 where Jesus emphasizes our responsibility to our fellow human beings in need of our support.
American Jews becoming less religious. "American Jews are abandoning their synagogues. For fewer wearing the Jewish identity of religion, according to a large study in the United States. svensk jazz The survey is the largest undertaken among American Jews for ten years, and shows that the feeling of religious affiliation drops rapidly with age. Of respondents Jews who were born after 1980, one third that they do not belong to any religion. svensk jazz "From DN My blog is to write about the Christian Palestinians and the Palestinian struggle for a just peace and freedom. Therefore fall into tasks outside this blog's detection svensk jazz zone, if it was not for the task that this also affects their view of Israel. "The survey by the Pew Research Center Religion & Public Life Project, found that despite declines in religious identity and participation, American Jews say they are proud to be a Jew and has a" strong sense of belonging to the Jewish people. " While 69 percent say they feel an emotional attachment to Israel, and 40 percent believe that the land that is now Israel "is given to the Jewish people from God," only 17 percent believe that the continued construction of settlements in the West Bank is useful to Israel security. "In translation from The New York Times -Poll Shows Major Shift in Identity of US Jews Here is an example of religious Jews in the US who are against the continued occupation March 29, 2012 Rabbis svensk jazz from Jewish Voice for Peace's Rabbinical Council speak up in support svensk jazz of the Efforts by the United Methodist Church and the Presbyterian svensk jazz Church svensk jazz USA to divest from Caterpillar, Motorola Solutions, and Hewlett-Packard - Three companies profiting from the Israeli occupation. To learn more and to hear other Jewish Voices of Support Read about the survey in the Jerusalem Post Previous: US Evangelicals and Israel-Palestine Christians in the United States for peace and justice read other bloggers' opinions about Israel Palestinian USA Day
Heaven interesting study, especially considering the relations with the Jewish Diaspora in the United States. Visited several of my Jewish friends in the US last year and we talked svensk jazz a lot about this. Above all, they seem liberal sense an almost hateful atmosphere from the extreme right in Israel. Jewish youth at liberal svensk jazz universities singled out as threat to Israel and traitors, svensk jazz etc. Although svensk jazz one really svensk jazz supports Israel, but not policy of occupation, etc ... Reply Delete
We should get together over a cup of coffee? next Söndgag em. on Stocholms C? Reply Delete
Urbaann, Modern colonialism? I knew you belong to PG (xF) S, but I did not know you also see the world through a communist history perspective. svensk jazz Anyway, then it's encouraging that you write as you do. In other, less enlightened people in Palestine left the saying goes that human destinies in the United States settled in Jerusalem. PG (xF) S - Palestine Solidarity in ex-folkrättsförbrytarstaten svensk jazz Sweden G. Tikotzinsky Reply Delete svensk jazz
You're funny, you GT Sweden is not a notorious violators of international law. It knows even Google (only ten hits on the search "Sweden violates international law"). So the notion that Sweden is an ex-folkförbrytarstat is a creation that has no bearing in reality or a "diverter" in this context. It is Israel svensk jazz that is the notorious criminal law (Google returns 941,000 hits on "Israel violates international law"). Oh well. US role in the Middle East is not entirely unimportant and it is well to get that belies the vast country in Western favors Israel's policies. Hence, one can easily conclude that the United States is the main guarantor of the Israeli state should be able to bre out on the Palestinian people's expense. Reply Delete
Urbaann, You are correct amusing, with your short-term memory. It was not many days since we jointly concluded that forced sterilisations in Sweden was a serious breach of international svensk jazz law. Everything pursuant to a judgment of a Swedish court, and according to Swedish Government definitions of international law (which you tried to hide.) So yes, Sweden was a folkrättsförbrytarstat until 2013. You do not want to deny or relativize forced sterilization victims' suffering? As I have already written, so are your stats from Google only relevant for language research, not for political or legal conclusions. Example, if you search on the phrase "Israel does not violate international law" gives you even more:-) United States has an important role in the Middle East, without a doubt. Tex in the years 2002-2011 Israel was about USD 34
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