October launched the first satellite for the Galileo @ Slo-Tech Jump to content Navigation Latest quintiq News Android Resetting to factory settings does not delete any data :: yesterday at 16:46 farewell to John Nash :: May 25, 2015 at 18:24 Musk founded his own School :: May 25, 2015 at 12:12 Amazon is the Isle will no longer be evaded tax :: May 24, 2015 at 22:20 Google Tone aloud talking browsers :: May 22, 2015 at 9:16 NSA and allies like to take advantage of Google's trade applications for spying :: May 21, 2015 at 22:36 CERN collision jet energy 13 TeV :: May 21, 2015 at 21:12 In Germany, new scandal for cooperation with the German telecom intelligence services :: May 21, 2015 at 10:08 Huawei showed 10 kilobajtni operating system of the future LiteOS :: May 20, 2015 at 20:50 Due to strong dollar Apple products more expensive quintiq in Europe :: May 20, 2015 at 20:10 AMD with the new memory standard HBM :: 19 . May 2015 at 21:13 Mali and large LG G4c and G4 Stylus :: May 19, 2015 at 19:40 arrived first TVs with Firefox OS :: May 19, 2015 at 08:02 Another contender for the true Satoshi Nakamota :: 18 . May 2015 at 22:04 Court almost halved sunny compensation in the case of Apple against Samsung :: May 18, 2015 at 19:22 Recent articles
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ESA - European quintiq Space Agency quintiq (ESA), the European Commission and Arianespace have announced that they will be in October this year finally began assembly of the European quintiq navigation system Galileo. The first satellite will be launched into orbit on 20 October this year, by the end of 2015, when Galileo will be fully functional, but they will be joined by another 28 so far have already launched two test satellites, the final system will consist of 27 operational satellites and three spare. The launch will also be an excellent example of international cooperation since the European satellite, which was created under the auspices of ESA and the EU, sent into space by Soyuz launchers in French Guiana in South America. This will be the first launch of Soyuz launchers from this. Galileo, the European global navigation system, which will be the American GPS and Russian quintiq GLONASS u-u third such system. quintiq In addition to them, otherwise there are regional system, as for example, the Chinese Beidou. Europe needs its own system, because it is primarily a military GPS system, so there are no guarantees that it will always be functioning and as such is unsuitable for use in civil aircraft, etc. In particular in armed conflicts the US could re-deliberate jamming signal (as it was until 2000), which would be all locations are subject to great uncertainty, or even excluded. The European Galileo will be a civil system, available in the full accuracy of both civilians and military EU.
Read more ... The accidental launch satellites of the Galileo program error :: August 29, 2014 European Space Agency unsuccessfully launched a satellite for Galileo :: August 23, 2014 Chinese Beidou navigation system began commercial operation :: December 31, 2012 China Version GPS Beidou started operation :: December 28, 2011 Today's launch of the first satellites of the Galileo postponed :: 20 October 2011 Russia to build space port in French Guiana :: July 27, 2011 MSCI 2015 is planning a global satellite Internet access :: January 20, 2011 EGNOS come to life :: October 5, 2009 China builds its own GPS :: January 20, 2009 Project Galileo deeply underway :: December 27, 2005 Galileo lives :: June 28, 2004
Some newer receivers will work. For geodesy, this means even biscuits quintiq centimeter or two better result, not to mention a large number quintiq of visible satellites (GPS + Galileo + GLONNAS).
The launch will also be an excellent example of international cooperation, but, as the European satellite, which was created under the auspices of ESA and the EU, sent into space by Soyuz launchers in French Guiana in South America. quintiq This will be the first launch of Soyuz launchers from this. If anything, this is an ideal example unwieldy quintiq international bureaucracies and throwing a spanner in every possible turn. Exceeded all deadlines quintiq made it was a sea of compromises and, most importantly, it was actually wasted more money than planned, and as would be reasonable. As in one sentence write the initials of the two and you mention two regions of the world does not mean that this is "an excellent example of international quintiq cooperation". But ok, we'll have civilians 2cm greater accuracy. This is probably just worth its extra 10 billion :)
Guest # 44, May 24, 2011 at 11:16 said: Finally. What about those rumors quintiq that would upset the US system, Galileo, due to "security" of its territory? GPS b
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