The significance of Prayer, reading the Bible and humility before God and Jesus Christ is something that Michael Jackson made mention of in just about every single interview he's ever given. But the press and media buried it under the lies of what Michael was not. Michael's story is Throughout the Bible in HIStory and Prophecy. And if you don't start paying attention to it in those pages, you may miss everything God promised us.
Adam fell in the garden, breaking the direct connection to God. Jesus, the "last Adam" was a quickening Spirit, the Word made Flesh, and the only one with whom we can re-establish our relationship with God. Michael's story is still unfolding. He is the one who is, is not. But Jesus is the only name given under heaven by which we must be saved. Many are trying to rewrite HIStory. We were given a help to instruct us. Learn more " here ".
" Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I am gone forth, iwm quote lo, the prince of Grecia shall come. 21 But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth : and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince . "
One of the scariest things is facing a “This is It” and you stand on the precipice of indecision, chained by doubt of your own understanding, replaying the signs over and over again in your mind. You wait for a move from another to cement your resolve that . . . “This is It”.
You test “the other” by showing him a sign of weakness. It’s iwm quote another chess move. You need just one more indication iwm quote that what is in front of your is real, so you put your hand down. And when that “other” makes his move, everything you’ve seen; the signs, the pieces of the puzzle, the information, the events all leading up to this moment suddenly click together like the last gear in a piece of machinery that has been waiting for you to troubleshoot it’s malfunction.
So you move back a step from “the one” that is now realizing its end. You feel a touch on your forehead and you look up at the golden cord – the rope that pulls the curtain down on the stage and in complete confidence that “This is It” you pull that cord with every bit of strength, faith, love, as if your hand is moved by HIM. . .
I know we’ve gone over this information before, but for some visiting for the first or second time here, it is new. We have the last half hour of this LENGTHY video to complete (Thanks Spring77! LOL!) and I have two more LENGTHY VIDEOS that we will review, but not in such intricate iwm quote detail, that will connect a few more dots.
The last part of the video below will further validate the research we did here in regard to the DNA of all living things, the corruption in it and the part that plays in all of this. It is very interesting the way the maker of this video pulls this all together and personally, I think they did a fantastic job.
As we investigate this “DNA /corruption of man” relationship I want you to keep the “ Book of the Law ” and “ The Book of Life ” in mind and our previous discussions iwm quote on those blog topics.
The more we are shown here, the more amazing God becomes iwm quote to me. Just when I think I can’t love Him any more than I do, my molecules soak up more love, like a sponge (might iwm quote explain the weight gain . . . nahhhhh) and I wish I could just melt into Him. iwm quote And just before I get back into this video, let me share this with you, just because it popped into my heart at this moment:
“This Is It”
Wow! The narrator states that these “chosen” people are usually victims of satanic ritual abuse, multiple personality iwm quote disorder (MK Ultra, Monarch mind programming!) and these people have been programmed to kill and create iwm quote chaos when the “call” is made.
Russ calls these people he’s come in personal contact with “satanic super soldiers”. He connected some of those labeled “sociopaths” to victims of the kind of CIA-based mind control we’ve covered here before – MK Ultra and Monarch programs perfected by Nazi scientists that the U.S. brought over here after World War II under “Operation Paperclip”.
- 2:03:00 , The footage of the women running into traffic, assumed to be under some form of mind control. Neither woman had drugs or alcohol in their system, yet they could still get up and function, unaware of their injuries after running in front of and getting plowed iwm quote into by cars on a freeway. One woman is run over by wheels of a truck and she still tries to get up. This is an example of the disassociation to pain described by Bryce Taylor in her book “Thanks for t
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