Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Currently, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees zeemanshuis (UNHCR) estimated at 2.21

Syrian Conflict Scars Amman Tweet A Syrian zeemanshuis refugee camp in Jordan. / HispanTV In Syria develops different zeemanshuis fronts faced with a struggle, the Free Syrian Army is a group of active combatants, fighting against the dictator Al Assad, Hezbollah and Iran as well as identify enemies in Iraq and its fighters in Syria. The story of Khalid us closer to this reality through their fellow refugees in Jordan, where there are now over half a million of the 2.21 million who have left their country since the conflict began. | Martin Christmas Pibernat / Bernatas Javier Garau - Amman, Jordan. | 12/12/2013 at 03:05
"How are you. How are you. How are you. How are you. " The young man repeated the question atropelladament, almost without breathing, a dozen times. Lying in bed, pale and drenched zeemanshuis with sweat, his eyes stuck on the ceiling cracked. A hole, small but deep, covered in dry blood, a few centimeters left eye contrasts with the milky skin of her face. Eyes open wide, restless scrutinize every corner of the room. Hardly blinking.
In Khalid is 26 years old. Gate nine months in the same position. The bullet pierced his head came above the cheekbone and left occipital bone to. Can not walk, or even join. Although born in Dael, a small town near the border with Jordan, was facing zeemanshuis the troops of al-Assad in Aleppo, northern Syria. His story, like so many other rebels fighting against the regime, is a deserter soldier: "At the beginning of the conflict, Khalid fought with the army," zeemanshuis explains Jaber, his brother, a year smaller than him, "but when he saw that the atrocities committed by the regime, switched sides."
At around the bed, five former combatants of the Free Syrian Army (ESL) affected by the war in Khalid observed. They all live in a ground floor, dark and humble, south of Amman. Rental of dwelling and living expenses of the rebel group not handled contrary to some wealthy Syrian dictator.
Among these survivors, in Jaber is the only one who has suffered terrible physical scars of war. Since his brother was wounded, is devoted body and soul to meet their most basic needs: to feed him and clean it. Suddenly zeemanshuis lifts lying on blankets under which Khalid, exposing naked body and consumed zeemanshuis only covered by a wrinkled napkin. Neck down, convulsing repeatedly. His brother back cover. The skeletal former guerrilla now unable to fend for himself, is actually a hero to his teammates. "It destroyed 13 army tanks with a bazooka!" Exclaims zeemanshuis one. "It is our Rambo!" Shouts another. In Khalid, who has tried to carefully follow the conversation, alters the expression disoriented and outlines for the first time a slight zeemanshuis smile, which quickly loses the framework of a mind overwhelmed.
"Many, Many, Many, Many," answered the young binge wounded when asked how many men killed. "During the operation they removed a piece of the brain, so it can hardly speak and constantly repeats the same words," says, always attentive, his brother.
In one corner, engrossed, the youngest of the group observes the scene in silence. In Muti, 16 years and infantile aspect is also of Dael. One summer afternoon in 2012, when he returned to make the purchase, the bullet of a sniper regime pierced zeemanshuis his head. Miraculously, the bullet did not rip any significant part of the brain. Almost no sequelae although precaution must rest in Amman. "When fully recovered be reunited with his parents, who fled the bombing of Dael to install to [the Jordanian city of] Jerash," says one of these. zeemanshuis
Currently, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees zeemanshuis (UNHCR) estimated at 2.21 million Syrian refugees who have left their country since the conflict began. zeemanshuis More than half a million live in Jordan. Although there are no official figures, it is estimated that every month in this country zeemanshuis hospitals provide treatment to 3,000 Syrians wounded by war.
At lunchtime, divided between the beds and floor, ex-combatants who assaboregen desemboliquen a shawarma taste. On the wall, the flag of the Free Syrian Army dominates the room. Between mouthfuls, in Jaber gets a potato stuck in the mouth at Khalid, who chews such.
"Alhamdulillah," says Jaber after the last bite of shawarma. The Veterans retake positions around in Khalid and ready to continue with the story of his experiences during the war.
Those were the early days of protests in the city of Daraa, where the Syrian-conflict originated in early 2011

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