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EADS Astrium select Arianespace for launch four satellites in the constellation of Skynet 5. Jean-Yves Le Gall, Chairman and CEO of Arianespace, announced a signing Wani. Arianespace already been chosen by Astrium satellites for launch of Skynet 5A, 5B and 5C. Like the three previous intranet quorum satellites Skynet 5 family, intranet quorum Skynet 5D will be placed on the transfer geostationary orbit by an Ariane 5 rocket from Gujaskiego Space Center. Home is scheduled for the first one half of 2013.
Skynet 5D will be placed in orbit by Arianespace for Astrium, who concluded agreement to deliver satellites into orbit to the company Paradigm Secure Communications, a subsidiary of Astrium Simple public-key infrastructure. Secure SatCom Systems integrator Astrium intranet quorum is gwnym systemwi intranet quorum system design authority for Skynet 5 Paradigm intranet quorum offers secure cznoci services to the British armed up, NATO, other krajw Europe, USA and Australia. Built by Astrium using the Eurostar platform E-3000 LX, equipped intranet quorum with X-band transponders, Skynet 5D will of the masses had a boot 4800 kg. Earlier Arianespace to orbit satellites wynis Skynet 4B, 4C, 4E and 4F for the British Ministry of Defence. Skynet 5D is elevated 35 military satellites by Ariane. This latest contract clearly shows the strategic aspect intranet quorum of Ariane 5, who provides independent access to space for all European rzdw. Ariane 5 rocket none is one of the keys to the development of European policy wsplnej safety, since it plays a key role in the space segment. Since the beginning of the year, Arianespace signed 7 UMW launching satellites to geostationary and 5 dedicated Start to Soyuz.
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