Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Sabre engine is only a first, albeit the biggest obstacle. They still run a test flight Mention the

5. Cosmic Turbine - Shuttles - Part Two |
This is a continuation of work that came out a month ago. Today I will discuss major projects miniraketoplánov, which for some reason canceled. Mostly because fГ¶rsvarsmakten test of lack of money or technical complexity. We will look to Russia and America. And definitely not without the "old continent". Because in Europe have been efforts to create a custom winged composition capable of space travel and back again. And as we read in the article, these ideas live on.
Kliper was Russia's second attempt to create a space shuttle. This machine belongs to the category of small spacecraft that are capable of carrying only a small amount of people or cargo. The same miniraketoplán be able to fly in orbit 25 times with the fact that his return was necessary to make a new shield, instrument and orbital section. With a capacity of six astronauts and 700 kg payload fГ¶rsvarsmakten test to replace the old Soyuz and help supply the International Space Station. Bring to space it should first new rocket Onega. Later, it was decided to be used planned Angara carrier-third Program Angara, however, got to slip, so he had to take care of all Soyuz 2-3, as kind of a cross between the classic rocket Soyuz-U and Onega. Design miniraketoplánu Kliper been amended several fГ¶rsvarsmakten test times. Finally had to go on thirteen to štrnásťtonový machine that was landing by parachute. But the plan was a version with wheels or skis, unable to land at any airport with a runway longer more than three kilometers. The biggest advantage of the machine should be possible to use multiple, precision landing and, inter alia, a higher fГ¶rsvarsmakten test number of people on board and the opportunity to ride with each load. While it seemed that the space shuttle will also take part in ESA. However, this project was eventually canceled, as otherwise, fГ¶rsvarsmakten test due to lack of funding.
However, both the Americans and Russians / Soviets had previously tried to manufacture the shuttle. Several years after the "cosmic boom", which culminated in the successful Apollo program, expressed an interest in space by other countries, especially European. Specifically, Great Britain, Italy, France, West Germany, in turn, Asia, China, and Japan. All of these projects, however, launched the country that had only minimal experience with the space flights and most of them are not capable missile rocket into space. Therefore, it is clear that none of these projects has been implemented. For all I would like to mention two, in a way that continues to this day and contributed about that maybe in the near future flips the Earth's orbit Europe's first space shuttle. försvarsmakten test
In the UK in the seventies born ambitious project called Hotol. British submit it before the Western European ESA, but there their project rejected. No development continues. The machine should start on a special run-up truck located on the 2.3 km long track. Up to 26 km should soar like an airplane and then snapped up like a rocket. Propel it had atmospheric ramjet engines burning liquid hydrogen. Oxygen should be taken out of the atmosphere and at higher altitudes and from the shells. Capacity to low Earth orbit (LEO) should be 8-10 t, which was not at all bad, when you consider that the machine should be unitary. försvarsmakten test Harbor had as classic aircraft on the runway long of at least 1 800 m. As the project continues today? If you bet Skylon, so you hit the bullseye.
This amazing machine develops English firm Reaction Engines Limited. Currently in development is especially mysterious hybrid Sabre (English saber). The atmospheric mode, you will receive försvarsmakten test fuel from the atmosphere and in space will no longer burn inventory of tanks. Load capacities are different. Somewhere it says that the universe gets 13-15 t payload, other sources say even up to 27 t.
The whole concept försvarsmakten test of the shuttle, however, is more complex than it first appears. Air, entering the engine, it will have a temperature of up to a thousand degrees. However, in order to use, must be to the hundredth of a second cooled to minus 150 C. It will be in charge so. pre-cooler, which has already passed the first successful test. But just chilling air is not enough. The extraction of oxygen will be the second process. In addition to varying the amount will vary with the composition of the atmosphere.
Sabre engine is only a first, albeit the biggest obstacle. They still run a test flight Mention the autopilot. People are in fact the shuttle transported in special containers. The whole course duration will only automatically.
This is in short the greatest problems that will need engineers of the company Reaction Engines Limited tackle than the space shuttle completed. The leader of the company recently declared that within ten years should play the first sharp years. Before that, however, need to be addressed försvarsmakten test finances. It is estimated that the completion should be at least twelve billion. The good news is that the project is co-funded by ESA. However, this is far not enough.
However, if everything succeeded, mankind would gain coveted single file

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