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A special forum for all weapons and hunting and shooting singapore air show 2012 and self-defense :: :: * Alaslhalh heavy armament Egyptian and Arab savvier |. The pride of the Egyptian Navy Corvette ghost Egyptian Ambassador Thread Starter message GIS chairman Forum Number of posts: 190 Date: 08/03/2013 Age: 33 Mood: Meh Meh topic: the pride of the Egyptian Navy Corvette ghost Egyptian Ambassador singapore air show 2012 Tuesday, September 10th, 2013 6: 57 pm
And is the first and the latest and best Corvette offensive ghostly owned by the Egyptian navy and is considered the best in the world of its kind and has electronic systems and armament approach of the frigates and Egypt is the first country in the Middle East has a Corvette offensive is designed ghostly of this type has been designed and built with special Navy Egyptian by Halter Marine U.S. Halter Marine was agreed to build a 4 pieces of this type with the possibility to raise the number to 6 will be delivered 2 Corvette singapore air show 2012 this year and the remainder in 2014, with the possibility of starting in the fifth and sixth in 2014, in the case of agreement on them - Corvette owned by a private Navy Egyptian only and is not entitled to any country in the world, including the United States itself that possesses only after the approval of Egypt just like thousands of Block -16 -60 Arab Emirates, which is not entitled to a possession without the consent singapore air show 2012 of Emirates also provides contract on it - four at a cost of $ 1.3 billion by 325 million dollars for the Corvette one inclusive of all equipment and systems, combat and electronic - after the trade-off between 8 offers from several U.S. companies as well as to display the Russian was selected Company Halter Marine of America singapore air show 2012 was signed contract between the parties, the following: * The Department of Defense and Military Production Egyptian * Egyptian Navy * Company Halter Marine VT Halter Marine American bidder responsible for the construction process in the docks own * Boeing defense systems Boeing Integrated Defense Systems of America * company Thales defense systems branch Netherlands Systems Marine Thales Naval Netherlands * Raytheon Systems defensive Raytheon Systems U.S. * Lockheed Martin, the U.S. Lockheed Martin * Company L-3 Communication Systems L-3 Communications U.S. * Company Arjun Argon ST America # specification Corvette: - Design: Ghostly to reduce the footprint of thermal and radar - Displacement at full load: 500 tons - Height: 60.6 m - Width: singapore air show 2012 10 meters singapore air show 2012 - decked : 2 meters - Payment: three diesel engines from the German group MTU-8000 force 30 000 hp provided by the U.S. company Detroit Diesel Detroit Diesel Corporation - Maximum speed: 76 km / h - Range: 3,700 km at the speed of 28 km / h - surviving: 8 consecutive days - Crew: 36 individual ------------------------------------------ singapore air show 2012 ----------------------------- sensor systems, electronics and electronic warfare: * Built-system bridge IBS Integrated Bridge System Division of Sperry Marine, a subsidiary of Northrop singapore air show 2012 Grumman Northrop Grumman American, which is a group of computers, compact and is responsible for integrating all the data and information received from radar and sensor systems and Management Systems battles and control Allnerana and all systems of navigation vessel and providing the ability access the central or control or issuing orders from any computer connected to the system with the advantage of offering all data and information on the job current without distracting displays any other data is important or not relevant to the task list and therefore provides facilitate fully navigable and follow-up, control, and command and give orders from any computer system in the ship by qualified so * System administration battles an integrated CMS Combat Management System of Lockheed Martin, the U.S. * Systems Communications external and built-External / Integrated Communication Systems from L-3 Communications ICS America * data links tactical locked on several singapore air show 2012 channels Link ASN 150 / LinkYE / Link 14 / Link 11 Data Links * Systems receivers and navigation and data port on satellite GPS Navigation / Receiver / Datalink * Radar German three-dimensional TRS-3D, which works pattern Aissa a matrix scanning positive active AESA Active Electronically Scanned Array and provider systems resisting electronic singapore air show 2012 jamming ECCM Electronic Counter-Countermeasures, a provider of company AIDS prestigious European singapore air show 2012 systems of Defense and Space EADS European Aeronautic Defense & Space Company and is building Raytheon Raytheon U.S. Among the most prominent possibilities radar ability to detect missiles phones that rely on pattern Aviation Balmlasqh to sea at an altitude of 3-4 meters Sea Skimmer Missile even in the presence of waves freely winds and bad weather next system distinguish friend and foe IFF and has a range detector 200 km and is working Kradar detect sea and air and Kradar control by firing also * Radar Scout provided by the company Thales Dutch Thales, a radar detection and monitoring is characterized by monitoring the silent LPI Low Probability of Intercept sense that it can not be revealed never before devices Ultimatum
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