Tuesday, December 24, 2013

As Peter Englund asked: When Rome fell? When we fell? A blog with many links and YouTube clips!

As Peter Englund asked: When Rome fell? When we fell? A blog with many links and YouTube clips! "What the immigration enthusiasts are doing is, in the last analysis, treason. Treason? Well, I do not literally mean They Should be arrested and tried. I mean it in the same warm, cuddly, fun sense in Which They describe us as xenophobes, nativists, svensk företagsförening racists, neo-Nazis ... and 'un-American.' "Peter svensk företagsförening Brimelow, VDare.com
Recommends the following excerpt from David Foster Wallace, "Brief svensk fГ¶retagsfГ¶rening interviews with hideous men" http://glpiggy.net/2010/07/21/the-paradox-and-passion-a-reading-from-david-foster-wallace/ Since I listened to an interview with Norman Mailer and two with Martin Amis at Bookworm via YouTube, so I tried to listen to an interview on Bookworm, this time with David Forrest Wallace, American author who committed suicide in 2008. Michael Silverblatt conversed 1999 with DFW about his "Brief interviews with hideous men" from 1998. Wallace investigates, he says, "misogyny" among men, clarify svensk fГ¶retagsfГ¶rening with white males. [In the interview on Bookworm emphasizes Wallace how misogynistiska men of his dialogues are. But the taster on the link above I do not understand what he means, though my English is as good / bad / mediocre as my Swedish. I - like Wallace - finds something familiar on a personal level over the male mind that the dialogue sometimes expresses, or if it is not only male but sociological perhaps?] Apparently, he believes that there is a difference svensk fГ¶retagsfГ¶rening between white and non-white men concerning the attitude to women. svensk fГ¶retagsfГ¶rening Is not that racist? (Honestly, is not it?) Either restrict himself to white men for their misogyny is worse than non-white men or because he is white and discusses women with other white men. Digs where he stands, as well. Well, we are treated to fancy interviews, Wallace's inner dialogues, rather svensk fГ¶retagsfГ¶rening than real interviews, which nevertheless expresses what Wallace saw as common thoughts among men of his own generation (he was born in 1961). And own color! None who have problem privilege would ever think to call DFW racist. Because there is a kind of agreement that you may generalize negatively about white, and with white understood only with white men! The white man has since World War II has been throughout human whipping boy. Therefore, / get one talk about his misogyny, but not about black or brown men's misogyny. . . Maybe if yellow svensk fГ¶retagsfГ¶rening men's misogyny, I do not know! This "reverse" racism is unsustainable in the long run. Self-preservation is the strongest we have. (Stronger than the sex drive!) Samuel Huntington predicted in the "Who are we?" To white in a world where their share of the population declined and where they were subjected to negative treatment svensk fГ¶retagsfГ¶rening as a result of ethnic quotas, would begin to organize themselves in the civil rights movement reminiscent of the who fought svensk fГ¶retagsfГ¶rening against the discrimination of blacks in 50th century America. He foresaw a white nationalism of academic nature and open to non-whites and pointed to Europe's anti-immigrant parties as examples. ------- [The next day] I could not finish writing yesterday. Today morning I read Catia Hultqvist column (not online svensk fГ¶retagsfГ¶rening yet) on the DN Culture on "söderhipstern 'and women's disappointment in him. The progress apparently svensk fГ¶retagsfГ¶rening a debate on this subspecies of the male species on Tara.se "It's the so-called söderhipstern, living in Stockholm, now identified as sexually confused the author [the hypomaniske feminist] Katerina Janouch blog [I hate Janouch, for something she wrote, something schizoidiskt in plain inconsistent, hypocritical, feminist , petty, crypto-conservative regime, but I really do not remember what ... it will probably come back later in the day, possibly svensk fГ¶retagsfГ¶rening ... maybe ... associationsvis. Though it's been so very stupid and arrogant, she has written over the years. Here a small example: http://genusnytt.wordpress.com/2011/05/24/rovknullad-och-rikspucko-sager-kand-feminist/]. And who is the man behind that concept is foreign to me, of course put labels on men in my own neighborhood [you will understand why I avoid Södermalm nowadays, though I formerly rented the movie there and went on ants]. But if söderhipstern were a character in a Swedish comedy, he would be described as follows: Fine, walk-conscious dude with beards, vote for the Green Party, bake sourdough bread, run with ekogrönsaker and fair trade condoms, gender. Janouch tells of women of different ages who are disappointed by sexual experiences with these söderhipsters [and it is interesting to vent on a kind of chat? By the way, disappointment svensk fГ¶retagsfГ¶rening perhaps is mutual ... and really, who cares? Wallace's svensk fГ¶retagsfГ¶rening text: When they say, &

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