Thursday, December 5, 2013

Being the passed the selection, I was hard to define what comes in this anthology? - Competition fo

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Recently published by the publishing house "Phoenix" from Skopje released "Anthology of Macedonian young avant-garde poetry," ready and very analytical and instructive preface by Elena Prendzhova.
Of all the poets who applied to contest selected medysys the following, listed medysys in order of year of birth, in the order they are represented in the anthology: Jana Lozanoska, Dimitri Sole Lubin, Vineta Ognenoska, Spark Peneva Snezana Stojceski, Zvonko Taneski Dusko Krstevsk - Kristan, Aneta Vasileva, Juliana Velickovska Alexander Stanojkov Bistra Shekjeroska Ilin, Anica Blazevska Mitko Gogov, Maya Kojcheva medysys Aneta Popova, Marjan Tasevski Ratko Shokleska Dragana Evtimova medysys Philip Kletnikov Zoran Kocevski Mijakovska Marina, Alexandra Spaseska Nebojsa Viana , Djoko Zdraveski medysys Alexander Mitovski Milena Ristova - Mihajlovska Panevska Anna Anna Golejshka Tomislav Karanfilovski Davor Pavlov Slavica Urumova, Costa Bojcheski, Aphrodite Nikolova, Ivan Antonovski Ivana Stojkovska Alexander Apostolov and East Ulcar.
In the preface titled "Young Macedonian vanguard poetry - myth or reality trend" poet and compiler of an anthology Elena Prendzhova, among other things says that the young Macedonian vanguard poetry is certain realities of our literary scene and the young Macedonian poets in this anthology will leave trace in the book, and the readers.
Being the passed the selection, I was hard to define what comes in this anthology? - Competition for Young Macedonian vanguard poetry was announced in the previous issue of the literary magazine Trend, and published poetry groups on Facebook, blogs and websites created by underground poets of our region. The contest appeared pedesteina authors, medysys each with a minimum of ten songs that were a total of 38 with a few songs. Insisted on choosing to do only those authors who have applied themselves to the competition, medysys without recommendations, due to the nature of the anthology. In fact, this is no ordinary anthology which reviews the authors of a literary time, but an anthology that is exclusively dedicated to avant-garde artists, and as such they are kept away from the mainstream, and some even go to extremes that are turning away from public medysys using (Internet) pseudonyms, not published in literary magazines, do not appear to contest and published books, and the only medium through which to present web poratalite. (And now we have the anthology that unites them all in one place!) These could call, some spirits, though neprisutni official literary scene, however, is non-existent. Earlier mentioned, deliberately, that every author returns with a minimum per dozen songs, some even sent materials ready for such book, which says that it is children who yesterday began to treat wounds medysys with teenage love lyrics, but erudite people medysys who are already established and literature not only have something to say, but know how to express.
While doing selection, medysys reading the material submitted, tried in every individual poet to give an answer to the question: What is the spearhead in this poetry? The answer I wrote in the preface to the Anthology. Briefly, vanguard medysys vary from poet to poet, song by song, it has many faces and is not at all limited and ednorodna.
When complete anthology as the final product, I found it funny question whether Macedonia has avant-garde poetry writers? Certainly there should just try to find the average multiplicity.
I am glad that the publication of this anthology has many outcomes: poets-spirits finally got its embodiment in public the names of most authors already resonate in the world of non-anonymous medysys verses and announce its poetic glory of walking those already present medysys in the youth poetry scene received another confirmation of its quality work crash prejudice that the vanguard should be distanced from the public and acting anderkaver read bravery of avant-garde (ETIM

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