To be in tune with the times, some in Venezuela have described the system and the economy between 1958 and 1988 as a socialist, others believe that using the term Third World is an aberration. Here we will not try to convince first the conceptual sacrilege that manage or intend to defend the arguments that led to Alfred Sauvy use category. Just hope no one is offended if we designate the "former Third World and South.
For what oil is used, as some in the South, is to discuss and cooperate in reaction to a shooting practice applied some southern oil exporters in the seventies. plakat fighter In fact, the Arabs declared an oil embargo against three high-profile North and that "lasted" six months.
When in 1956, some Arab countries tried to use their oil as a weapon of pressure, when the Suez Canal was nationalized and then blockers, the North had already implemented at least three oil embargoes:
The Iranians themselves continued to produce, but the British navy blockaded the entrance to the Strait of Hormuz and prevented independent refiners loaded plakat fighter Iranian oil. And that hostility did not cease until the fall of the government plakat fighter and the friend Mossaddeq North Tehran regime reinstated.
Without doubt, the book Prince plakat fighter and cousin Mossaddeq, Manouchehr Farmanfarmaian, "Oil and Blood" very soon to be published in the USA, shed-important details about the episode, though the author of the book not necessarily shared ideas his cousin.
In October 1973, Arabs proclaimed the famous boycott: Monarchs, Presidents and Emirs said oil deprive your friends of Israel and also would cut production plakat fighter by 5% every month until Israel returned all the occupied territories.
OPEC, that is, its member countries that had not participated in the Arab oil embargo, were happy, felt powerful to the point that in Venezuela the term "power" OPEC was invented and there were those who titled his works well. Thanks to Professor Juan Carlos King, master plakat fighter of the theory of power, I could not help it infect me.
In April 1975, Algeria announces the first and only Summit of Sovereigns and Heads of State of OPEC. France, which had not entered the IEA because it was a purely American initiative (-Kissinger Nixon) and that Paris wanted to avoid being dragged into a confrontation, invited a North-South Dialogue. plakat fighter This was the zero point, the starting point for achieving a New World Economic Order.
Amazed to see that in Venezuela, a country that practiced Vice Dialogue, in the person plakat fighter of Manuel Perez Guerrero, want to forget their own history, where America itself plakat fighter was represented at a high level.
What happened next and what since 1989 insists be called the Producer-Consumer Dialogue and referred to the International Energy Conference, is characterized by the explicit lack of interest from Washington to participate. Send indeed any officer, but range too low to represent plakat fighter the North leading power in such a strategic issue, as is energy.
Let's be sensible: oil, price and security of supply was a standing item at the regular meetings of the G-7 Summit and the Trilateral Commission, but it disappeared many years ago.
Speaking at Goa, India, Riluanu Lukman, OPEC Secretary General complained in early December 1996 the low level of representation in North V International Energy Conference. More recently, from Davos, Switzerland, the same man testifies on February 4, 1997 his frustration, because the appointment of Goa came fourteen ministers exporting countries: seven and seven non-OPEC OPEC, while the USA having in his hands the most important global decisions, practically missed; getting a lower-ranking official in charge.
Embargoes against Iran, Libya, Iraq and denial of granting certificates of "good conduct" to Colombia or Mexico, do remember those old days when the "socialist" Venezuela had a Channel 5 or National Television where we entertained the British theater series "The top and bottom": the aristocrats and servants.
M. Al-Shereidah Mazhar Al-Shereidah, born 1940 in Basrah, Iraq, as Economist graduated from Innsbruck University in 1964, Pursued postgraduate studies in Political Sciences at Vienna University, and Gained His Doctorate in Social Sciences at the Central University of Venezuela where I started lecturing in 1967 and co-founded, in 1973, Postgraduate Studies in Petroleum Economics at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences. I have wri
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