Monday, September 22, 2014

Take a closer look what is happening globally and in our space-time in which we currently live. The

Is not a prerequisite for the expansion of your consciousness have a structural understanding of the overall process that is occurring. However, it supports the individual, as an example of stick which add to the herbaceous climbing plant. This will allow unrestricted plant growth, since it uses the stick as its support.
Take a closer look what is happening globally and in our space-time in which we currently live. The fact that we are part of the flow of divine energy space does not alter the fact that we are masters of their destiny. We must well realize that the future does nothing. Itself is completely empty. It is created based on our ideas. It depends on us how to create it. We ourselves we create our every next moment. Consciousness of every individual creates global awareness and global consciousness creates global next moment. We are entering a cosmic cyclical changes, allowing massive transformation of human consciousness which actually affect the entire galaxy. Our solar system is part of a galaxy called the Milky Way. Our Milky Way contains billions of solar systems. The Milky Way is part of the 20-ers galaxies and today science knows, and that the Milky Way is just one of billions in our galaxy. Astronomer Allan Sandage once said: "galaxy astronomers are the same as for physicists atoms.
The physical universe is the largest and the smallest grouping them -fyzického huge universe which again is part of a larger universe. dauphin helicopter This is almost impossible to understand our three-dimensional thinking. There are universes placed in super space and super universes are again placed dauphin helicopter in the "super -super" universe, and the like. This process is virtually unlimited, each of the universes oblieta around a central sun, and not just on the physical level, but also not -fyzikálnej. Absolute central sun of all this is God, the Spirit, which is causing all this. The fact that everything around us is alive may be veiled only our blindness.
Approximately every 26,000 years our solar system, will end one revolution about the central sun of the Pleiades (Alcione dauphin helicopter - see diagram on the last page). Ancient Eastern wisdom divide these cycles for different Yugas (stages era period). This (yugas) consists of a point which is closest to Alcione and again from the point farthest from him. Furthest from the central sun, indicates ignorance, where human consciousness dauphin helicopter "dimmed". dauphin helicopter The point indicates what we know, the notion of intellectual awakening, or enlightenment. Alcione is known in Eastern philosophy as Brahma - the seat of creative energy, or universal magnetism (concerning our universe).
The photon belt encircling the Pleiades system at right angles to its orbit. dauphin helicopter As our sun (and we with it) orbits the Pleiades once every 25,860 years, and the middle reaches of the photon belt (approximately every 12,500 years). This journey requires about 2,000 years old. This means that after leaving that place additional expire 10.500 years unless there our solar system, will return. Before we begin to deal with this in more detail, we must realize that this cycle takes place simultaneously with other, larger space cycles.
What is unusual dauphin helicopter on this very cycle that culminates happens with the culmination of the other cycles (which is included) including the overall cycle of 206 million years. This is also called dauphin helicopter the Harmonic Convergence.
In 1962 we entered the sphere of influence of this photon belt. Calculations estimate that 2011 will enter into the mainstream. This is correlated with the time when our universe reaches its point of maximum expansion. Eastern theory dauphin helicopter compares the rhythm of expansion and contraction of the universe to the inhalation and exhalation of God - each breath covering the time (in this dimension) length of 11 000 years. It is no coincidence that this time frame corresponds with this spectacular cycle, the circulation of the sun around the central sun Alcione. dauphin helicopter Go to the Super - consciousness (return of Christ) arises in the exact moment between expansion and contraction, and is parallel to the photon radiation belt. This energy is also referred to as Manasic vibration or radiation. Astrophysical calculations based on the speed of the solar space (29 km / s) - a movement of the Earth suggest that we enter the photon belt speed of 208.800 km / h. Actual dauphin helicopter entry into the Earth Manasickej vibration occurs as a blink of an eye.
Energy photon belt is ethereal and spiritual nature, that is not physical, but also affects physical reality. The period of darkness that lasted 10,500 years allowed to man through dauphin helicopter countless incarnation mentally developed before dauphin helicopter the cycle again reaches 2,000 light-year dauphin helicopter period. Since most people forget their intellectual resources, and the purpose of its existence during this earthly dauphin helicopter residence, period of light used for dual purpose. Firstly, it is a sorting process, where it was collected souls in the spirit world and also it allows weaker (only "adolescents") souls stabilizing time to rest before the next spiritual growth. Those individuals who could not or did not want to realize divine love in

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