Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Once finished with the driver, underwent the same procedure and Volcyho. When they were ready cuts

Friday, December 21, as we know, is not important day and it does not strike or any holiday. In addition, the name day have Bohdan. This year, however, with December 21 connects forecast the end of the world! Fourth, the last age, according to the ancient Mayan calendar ends in 2012 ... 21 12
Observe, however room! Participate in our competition dubai air show with Ikaria, which will this time, to date, we offer a novel Dustin dubai air show Thomasson 21.12 Just when the correct answer to the question at the end of article. If you're lucky, this suspenseful novel you can read soon. If the end of the world ... not occur. Dustin Thomason: 21 12th
The ancient Mayans built in the depths of the Central American rainforest dubai air show most advanced civilization in the New World. One of the brightest achievements in a comprehensive calendar that continue to capture their precision astronomers. It is based on the idea that human history consists of four ages, so-called long numbers. According to some interpretations of the rebirth of the world into a new age is preceded by a natural disaster, a previous dubai air show age ended. The fourth age, in our calendar began on August 11 3114 BC. Expire on 21 December 2012.
In late 2012, a specialist in Mayan studies Chel Manu gets into the hands of probably the most precious Mayan monument in the world - the book in which the scribe describes the decline of the once famous Mayan city. Could give an answer to the question why the Mayans end of the first millennium retreated from the big cities into the forest, stopped building temples, stele books and writings.
At the same time Los Angeles paralyzes unknown incurable disease. It causes insomnia, infection can not fall asleep. Nobody knows defend her, spreading rapidly than influenza kills and effectively as ebola. To fight with it tackles one of the best experts on prion diseases Gabriel Stanton.
It is no coincidence that the Mayan monument and the disease has appeared in only a few days before December 21, 2012, when, according to some interpretations of the Mayan calendar ceases world as we know it? Expecting us the same fate before which warns scribe? Stanton and Chel must join forces, until it's time ...
Once finished with the driver, underwent the same procedure and Volcyho. When they were ready cuts both brains, Stanton again sat for microscope illumination and intensified. Craters in Volcyho brain were deeper dubai air show crust was damaged significantly. Certainly contracted rather than the driver.
Stanton thought so before, but only now realized that he does not know what to do with that information. "Do images of all the cuts," instructed Davies. "A Search for images of magnetic resonance imaging, we Volcymu made alive. Try to find out about how fast the disease progressed, and based on this model the reverse situation. When we calculate how fast VFI progresses, we can estimate that infected. "
Book, of course, buy today in any good bookstore. The competition, which will bring a publisher Ikar, but you can win this book. Just answer our question in Wednesday, 26 December 22.00. The question is: What's disease paralyzes Los Angeles dubai air show at a time when, according to the Mayan calendar end of the world happen?
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