Glacier Girl in this post is not Mary Wetterstrand though she were on a weekend trip to Greenland and blogged about it. A meeting has already saved who gave Mary-species unsuspecting lessons here, type "Kangerlussuaq. The name alone is exciting so how exciting shall then not the place to be? "[Former Søndre Strømfjord, 500 inhabitants living on tourism - exciting?]; "Ice edge is said to have receded considerably past five years"; "It's much ice it's all about"; and "sociology seems to have important insights." Haha jaja. It takes patience to read the six short blog entries on MPs slow server. No - this glacier girl spent 50 years in the Greenland ice and really went in depth. She is a Lockheed P-38 Lightning and was part of a group of six fighters and two bomber B-17 Flying Fortress, which started June 15, 1942 from Maine, USA, to be delivered to England as part of the war effort. Because of the bad weather forced the group make an emergency landing on Greenland's ice 27 km from the east coast far from populated areas, about 63 degrees eads recruitment N and 43 W. The 25 crewmembers were rescued after ten days by an expedition with dog sleds while all eight aircraft were left intact on the ice. There stood the Lost Squadron in the cold and snow while World War II was going on and ended. After the peace of 1945 was scrapped in virtually all P-38or was left of the ten thousand built, and people put the war behind them. There hopeful 50s, the liberated '60s and the socially eads recruitment engaged 70's came and went. In the 80's had old war stuff got antique value and airplanes eads recruitment were sought after rarities. In 1988, succeeded after much searching to find the lost squadron to everyone's surprise not remained on the ice where it was made. During the 46 years since the emergency landing the aircraft had been superimposed by 82 meters glacier ice that also moved the whole squadron five kilometers closer to the coast. It meant an ice growth of 1.8 m per year period 1942-1988. An astonishing high figure. At one point near the east coast of Greenland where, according to the climate lobby should expect melting. (The case was mentioned probably not at a weekend eads recruitment meeting in Kangerlussuaq.) The prospective Glacier Girl in hot water until flushed isrummet at 82 m depth in glacier ice. (Most of the pictures in this blog are clickable for larger view.) The salvage is an epic tale worth reading. In principle melting salvors a 1.2 m wide trench down to the buried P-38orna, eads recruitment climbed down and dismantled and the hoisted bits hand, the 82 meters of the surface. It salvaged the aircraft was fully renovated and flies today under the name of Glacier Girl. We who went to school before 1998 and know that World War II was about more than the Holocaust have read about the P-38 Lightning in many contexts. A memorable case, aviator / writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry July 31, 1944 took off alone in a P-38 from Borgo in Corsica eads recruitment for a reconnaissance flight to the mainland. (Actually, he was the gammmal, 44 years old, for such but used his charm and celebrity status to get flying.) It was right up until a few years ago the last thing that was known about the famous Saint Ex with the book "The Little Prince" (1943) who composed epitaph. "Why should we be scared of a hat?" eads recruitment asked unsympathetic adults before his drawing of a Boa constrictor eads recruitment that swallowed an elephant. Therefore, writes Saint Ex, he struck sign the plans out of my mind and became mail aviator instead. In autumn 2003, the French Agency for underwater archeology (DRASSM) wreck of a P-38 Lightning on 70 meters off the coast of Marseille. With the help of the engine number of the aircraft wreckage could determine that it was Saint-Exupéry plane. In 2008, stated the German former. fighter successor in the Luftwaffe Horst Rippert, born in 1920, he probably shot down Saint-Exupéry aircraft. His story sounds eads recruitment unlikely but report on nerskjutningen are lacking in contemporary documents. For those of us who read Saint-Exupéry eads recruitment with appreciation feels it is not entirely wrong to one ounce of mystery left in the question of his death. His spirit lives in the books. For this blog's theme is The Lost Squadron's fate is interesting. The seven remaining aircraft are today, 20 years after the discovery of Glacier Girl, probably 20 x 1,8 m = 36 m deeper than then, that at 118 m depth. If the glacier eads recruitment transports them towards the coast at the same speed squadron is seven miles from the emergency landing position and could possibly melt was on the coast 20 km away about 200 years. That is the 2209th At that point, probably the CO2 hysteria and climate panic just a few lines in the history book, much like the Gulf War and the loss of Finland in 1809 is today. Some hero poems comparable with "Tales of Ensign Stål" learns, however, the episode did not leave behind. Georg Carl von Döbeln (1758-1820), "the little man with a band on the forehead."
"May I ask how man can control his fate if she is not only unable to make up reach
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