The attention surrounding the helicopter robbery in Stockholm's getting hysterical. Now it is presented as the defense could interfered with the JAS. They removed the plane from the incident preparedness of the Baltic and the enormous Russian naval and landing exercises that Russia currently being conducted with the aim to train themselves to meet threats to the future hydro aluminium deutschland of Russian gas pipeline North Stream, ie for example occupy the island of Gotland, but Swedish media is not write something about some unknown reason. What would JAS plan to do? Low flying over central Stockholm? Send missiles against hydro aluminium deutschland a helicopter with suspects on board, and cause it to topple over populated area? Shoot with automatic cannon and disseminate 27mm automatic cannon balls over half Fjollträsk? Not even warning shots could have been done without extremely high risk to the public and other third parties. Everything you shoot in the air landing somewhere, and 27mm (diameter) balls in a few times the speed of sound is not something you want to be found in the vicinity of once they hit something. Such projectiles are big or small egg ... Also, it is unlikely simply to observe or comply with a slow helicopter away from the fast-flying fighter jets, although these would strangle maximum speed. One must also remember that it is not possible to determine if there are innocent people in the helicopter. The pilot could have been kidnapped and flown with a gun in the neck. You can not just open fire anyway civil, not even the police. One must know what you are shooting at. It might even was lucky that police helicopters remained on the ground. A well-aimed bullet from a robber, so we would have had a helicopter crash over the built-up area, which had been infinitely worse than an unknown number of million stolen hydro aluminium deutschland without people seemed hydro aluminium deutschland to come to harm. The only defense could be added, if we still had no defense to speak of is to follow the helicopter by radar, although this is not entirely straightforward.
Without being inserted thinking I spontaneously to a JAS aircraft, technically, could be helpful for the police to locate the helicopter. To catch the robber is all too much about not getting too much. / Kurt Reply Delete
Maybe a little slower SK60 or SK50 could have helped. Or any of the Armed Forces flying combat control plane, hydro aluminium deutschland then a flying hydro aluminium deutschland primary radar. But they are reasonably in the hangar or defends the Russian exercise. If you sat in a JAS plane (or any old Viggen etc.) so maybe you had learned that one has good visibility forward, upward and sideways, but not down and not backward. Without aerobatics that is not suitable over buildings in peacetime, it would be very difficult to detect or follow a slow helicopter at low altitude. Reply Delete
Anything else would have been better than the police hydro aluminium deutschland awkwardness! Additionally, the poor innocent would have been omboard on the helicopter? There are ways to transmit signals if one is hijacked ... such a naive attitude beds good for those who are planning the next robbery / attack..kanske against the Reichstag? Would also innocent sit at the controls into a flying hydro aluminium deutschland object? Reply Delete
inius, hydro aluminium deutschland we are talking about reality, not Hollywood. I promise you that 99% of humanity would cooperate if they had a gun in his neck. And how send help signals, explain please, you who are so familiar. They (police) hydro aluminium deutschland do not open fire on vehicles unless they can be sure that only suspects (and justifiably suspicious) sitting in the vehicle. And a helicopter crash if pushed down on or damage the pilot. Straight down on innocent civilians. Good work. Write screenplays hydro aluminium deutschland for Hollywood instead. Reply Delete
There are lots of other things hydro aluminium deutschland you could do with airplanes other than to follow the helicopter with radar and shoot at it. There are some other technical equipment and a range of other possibilities to support the police to follow the helicopter and were robbers dropped the money. But we know nothing about the JAS other than accidents, I am not surprised that you draw the conclusions you made. Reply Delete
... Moreover, it is not so fb easy to hit a flying helicopter Hollywood nurtured think. Nor is there any bullet traps in the air (heard of bullet hydro aluminium deutschland trap? Something that stops the ball if you miss, so that no innocent gets hit), so if you miss, it will fly away over Stockholm and meet otherwise. Förhoppingsvis will not hurt, but something hit a stray bullet forever. Ideally, no person. Reply Delete
Plus, a civilian helicopter is quite thin and flimsy construction. Bullets would probably likely pass right through and the chance to hit something else (with a weakened force), if we do not hit the engine block or a person. It is fortunate that some people are police officers, and others are not. I would anyway not see either the police or the JAS-plane shooting rampage in peacetime in built up areas. Wiseman, I do not really know what precisely the JAS could be done indeed. But I have no access to reach
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