In Russia, right now the major exercise Ladoga 2012, which, inter alia, carrying out air strikes on ground targets in order to eliminate infrastructure, mechanized units (ie, not guerrillas or t-dudes without regular hostile maneuver units from a real military power) and airbases ( Nor is it guerrillas or t-dudes usually have available). Practicing short, Midvintermörker.
Specifically, this is done only 2 mil from the Estonian border and the border of both the EU and NATO, near a not completely unfamiliar place called Narva. I quote the Swedish media attention this with great headlines: swtor launch "." Su-34 Fullback. Picture from Wikipedia Other Swedish sources outside the nationwide metropolitan press and national TV and radio quoted above are for example Lars Gyllenhaal (with film) or blog neighbor observation site. There are also large-scale premiere of the new attack plane Su-34 Fullback, which could ultimately replace the Tu-22M Backfire. Although Fullback is less than Backfire and only two persons crew (and kitchenette, toilet and sleeping for long-term assignments) then use the area equivalent to the old faithful servant stuck in the flexible packaging albeit with slightly less cargo. Digitization and modern technology nor does the need backfires four-man crew. It is likely that there are two Fullback for the cruise missiles to knock out the entire Swedish Air Force in their unprotected sheet metal sheds, while there is a single Backfire for the same task. Only today, the 50 attack missions carried out in order to knock out enemy mechanized units and airports. At the same time protesting Russia against the annual NATO exercise Cold Response in Northern Norway, which Russia sees as a provocation. Happily, the work goes forward with the Swedish Armed Forces' Gender center while Russia exercises to bomb airports and infrastructure.
At the same time, the world has never been so peaceful ever as it is right now. In the Middle Ages, the probability that you would be killed 30 times higher than today. When people could chop each other to death because of a simple insult. People cheered and laughed when people were executed publicly in degrading forms. Thankfully, the majority of Earth's people since gained greater empathy swtor launch and understanding for their fellow human beings. Source: Johan Norberg in today's metro Reply Delete
Today's welfare swtor launch probably have a dampening effect. When the situation gets worse, swtor launch people may start behaving worse, however, there is also much to suggest that we can become swtor launch more cohesive when everyday life deteriorates. It looked example, swtor launch during World War II. Delete
Anonymous 2012-03-15 16:06
From Daily Echo recently: "The study presented today finds that the police were not designed to withstand an event like this one Friday in vacation time and that there was inadequate in all different forms of communication, internally within swtor launch the police, the police and other stakeholders, to relatives and the media. " Feels like it would be pretty swtor launch basic for anyone swtor launch who wants to ask misery to strike at society's weakest, ie, type in the middle of the night (about at 03:00) all the nights, happy holidays, swtor launch and even better during major holidays or vacations. Tips to it pretty easily would go to hell for Sweden if something swtor launch were to happen then, then our 'readiness' is hardly even on paper. Reply Delete
We can be absolutely calm. Swedish politicians have decided that it will never occur an armed conflict in Sweden or in the immediate area. The fact is that we live in the millennial kingdom of peace. That's why we do not need a defense and our military can instead go on gender courses and go halfway around the world and build schools. When will you understand cornu? Reply Delete
Alternatively, one can take the opportunity while the police is (officially called it apparently crime prevention, see below) and are busy to fix breakfast at the best working .... Sweden is a joke. "County Police Lars Hallberg has put an end to police breakfast habits. And now rumblings in the police station. swtor launch Last Tuesday was informed by staff that is out of the police long breakfasts. It's no longer okay to buy breakfast and then cook it during working hours. - It is the whole procedure I oppose. That first go shopping, and then set up and fix everything in order. Boil eggs, cut tomatoes and so on. There will be many hours of work in a year, says Lars Hallberg. swtor launch ... Several police officers have responded to the new order . - It's ridiculous. What can it do if we go shopping in uniform? It is as much a preventive measure. Being in a store, for example prosecute petty theft. Or if someone thought swtor launch robbing the store in question - he sees that it is a police car outside, well, then we might have prevented the crime, says a police officer who wishes to remain anonymous. "
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