Sunday, August 31, 2014

Instead required for a slider images to identify with a plugin or a UDT, this can also be done with

Instead required for a slider images to identify with a plugin or a UDT, this can also be done with pure Smarty functions. "Glob" with the PHP function, the contents of a folder filtered searchable by file extension. gwynedd mercy high school {Assign var = 'slider' value = 'uploads / slider / * jpg.' | Glob} {capture} {$ slider |shuffle} {/ capture} {foreach from = $ slider item = 'one' name = oneitem} <div> <img src = '{root_url} / {$ one}' width = "852" height = "100" alt = "" /> </ div> {/ foreach} is in the first line, the contents of the folder uploads / slider searched for jpg files and the files returned as an array. In the second gwynedd mercy high school line of the array is sorted randomly, so that the orders do not always equal in the remaining rows, the images are output with a foreach loop.
CMSMS: Smarty code from a string remove CMSMS: ToolBox 1.3.7 released Philip Maloney "The Fugitive" as Lego stop-motion film btAdminer gwynedd mercy high school 1.6.0 released I have nothing to hide
reputation: The sum of all interactions remains the same! yesterday gwynedd mercy high school as today. retweeted by Lukas Blatter 10 hours ago lukas blatter: All right? 10 hours ago technikblog_ch: On a Sunday win something, why not: retweeted by Lukas Blatter 14 hours ago

Revision saves changes ecitele of content and allows you to restore the contents to a specific poin

Revision saves changes ecitele of content and allows you to restore the contents to a specific point in time. Currently, the following modules are supported: content (pages) Global Content Blocks templates stylesheets
Any change to the content is stored in revision and stored as a revision. After deleting a content ecitele that is out in the recycle bin and can be restored by clicking. Images
CMSMS: Smarty code from a string remove CMSMS: ToolBox 1.3.7 released Philip Maloney "The Fugitive" as Lego stop-motion film btAdminer 1.6.0 released I have nothing to hide
technikblog_ch: On a Sunday win something, why not: retweeted by Lukas Blatter ecitele 21 minutes ago silver_train: Applied Media Studies: How the look with a handle in the bag of tricks sentiment towards foreigners makes http: // t .co / lQefutFkBm retweeted by Lukas Blatter 32 minutes ago KueddeR: The Wutbürger on the island of prosperity viaAargauerZeitung retweeted by Lukas Blatter 4 hours ago

Saturday, August 30, 2014

lukas blatter: Cloudsync - secure backup of private harvey hottel data in the cloud

When programming rarely is there with me the problem that a variable name only at runtime due to several defined circumstances. To use a dynamic variable names, PHP knows two variants: $ varName = "test" $ value [$ key] ", if ($$ varName) {}.
CMSMS: Smarty code from a string remove CMSMS: ToolBox 1.3.7 released harvey hottel Philip Maloney "The Fugitive" as Lego stop-motion film btAdminer 1.6.0 released I have nothing harvey hottel to hide
lukas blatter: Cloudsync - secure backup of private harvey hottel data in the cloud 3 days ago lukas blatter:martinsteigerDerNobelix exactly 5 days ago DerNobelix: Damn ... again shortly before Monday. retweeted by Lukas Blatter 6 days ago

Thursday, August 28, 2014

CMSMS: Smarty code from a string remove CMSMS: ToolBox 1.3.7 released Philip Maloney

Due to the large amount of spam comments miksa no more will be issued on this post
CMSMS: Smarty code from a string remove CMSMS: ToolBox 1.3.7 released Philip Maloney "The Fugitive" as Lego stop-motion film btAdminer 1.6.0 released I have nothing to hide
lukas blatter: Cloudsync - secure backup of private data in the cloud yesterday lukas blatter:martinsteigerDerNobelix exactly 4 days ago DerNobelix: Damn ... again shortly before Monday. retweeted by Lukas Blatter 4 days ago

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Luke Blatter blogging and twittering since 2009 with a passion various topics related to web design

Luke Blatter blogging and twittering since 2009 with a passion various topics related to web design, PHP, CMS Made Simple, TYPO3, otv turkey Computers and more.
CMSMS: Smarty code from a string remove CMSMS: ToolBox otv turkey 1.3.7 released Philip Maloney "The Fugitive" as Lego stop-motion film btAdminer 1.6.0 released I have nothing to hide
lukas blatter: Cloudsync - secure backup of private data in the cloud 5 hours ago lukas blatter:martinsteigerDerNobelix exactly 2 days ago DerNobelix: Damn ... again shortly before Monday. retweeted by Lukas Blatter 3 days ago

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Today play Singapore

TECHNICITY key words Assistance Systems Augmented Reality Autonomous Driving Fuel Cell Design Electric Mobility Expert Talks Research & Development Hybrid pt dirgantara Drive Interview mobility concepts safety video materials
Eight stories above the flower and palm discounts of Wohnsilosiedlung Toa Payoh Singapore's pt dirgantara future with the past flits through, now hurry than usual. Daphne Tang is a bit late, after 8 clock the traffic is very fast very tight. Tang grabs the handbag goes with her hair blowing in the family altar, Goldfish Aquarium and the Sony flat screen TV over to the front door. Above the door, a large-format black-and-white portrait of a young man hangs: Daphne's grandfather, the past two generations away.
The grandfather had emigrated in the 1930s from the southern Chinese province of Guangdong to Singapore, penniless, with 14 years to try his luck as a construction worker. Daphne's father was a cook in one of the numerous street pt dirgantara restaurants in the city. Daphne Tang studied computer science. Now she works as a "Senior Application Consultant" at NCS, the largest IT service providers of the city state. Tang family has gone all the way to Singapore, the Tiger State which has jumped up to one of the wealthiest, most advanced nations pt dirgantara of the world within a few decades from the emerging country. The path led only in the industry, then in the service economy.
Today play Singapore's economy, its infrastructure, its container port - Shanghai next most important in the world - and the Changi pt dirgantara Airport, pt dirgantara which came to 42 million passengers and 1.8 million tons of cargo in 2010, in the global Champions League. The standard of living is higher than that in Western Europe. pt dirgantara According to the "Global Wealth Report" by the Boston Consulting Group, there is no country in the world a millionaire higher density: 15.5 percent of all households are among them. Also leads the world, with over 7,000 people per square kilometer, the population density of the island nation. Although he enlarged his territory since 1960 through land reclamation by 20 percent to 710 square kilometers. At the same time but its population doubled within the last three decades at around 5 million. Many of them are well-educated immigrants.
With this economic and demographic tailwind Singapore has already scheduled to jump to the next evolutionary stage: the knowledge pt dirgantara society. The National University of Singapore is located in the current university ranking of "Times Higher Education", which selects from over 6,000 universities the world's most renowned, pt dirgantara on the 27th place - 21 places before the best-placed German university, the LMU Munich. The Nanyang Technological pt dirgantara University (NTU), with 16,000 students alone in this compartment, the largest engineering forge the world, pt dirgantara you should soon follow in these heights. Since 2005, it has increased its research staff by 100 percent, quintupled its research budget, partnerships with elite universities such as ETH Zurich and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has been received. Singapore's Minister pt dirgantara of Education speaks of a "modern silk road" on hiking the global economic power from West to East - with NTU as a "hub pt dirgantara of knowledge".
For Guido's cousin, who heads the IT Management Overseas pt dirgantara at Daimler South East Asia, Singapore "Europe at a high level" is. Not least in terms of educational pt dirgantara levels: "The state shall promote the training and education of its citizens very much. In the younger generation, the majority of people who enter the labor market studied. And Singapore pt dirgantara is a very safe location. This is true politically as well as for the technical connection and the power supply. This makes Singapore a service location for global companies attractive. "These come that an exceptional performance will prevails. There was a "tremendous urge to come forward." Strong city-state in Southeast Asia
AIR Singapore lies near the equator, the climate is tropical. Humidity is an annual average of 84 percent. The temperatures pt dirgantara on the day at 31 to 33 degrees and in the night at 23 to 25 degrees Celsius. (Source: Foreign Office) POPULATION DENSITY
Singapore has the third highest population density of all countries: 7,125 people per square kilometer (as of 2009). Only in Macau and Monaco, the population density is even higher. (Source: pt dirgantara World Bank) COUNTRY's LANGUAGE
Singapore has a democratically elected government. Since independence in 1965 but has so far been no party other than the People's Action Party (PAP), in power. (Source: BBC) POPULATION DEVELOPMENT
The area of Singapore is currently around 710 square kilometers. Since the 1960s it has grown through land reclamation measures by 20 percent. (Source: Urban Redevelopment Authority) GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT
The Bruttoinla

Hello, aerospace dynamics I hope this time I

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Hello, aerospace dynamics I hope this time I'm right here, the search for a notebook really proves to be looking for a needle in a haystack. I once all evaluation Criteria summarized: - Long battery life (lectures without connector, outdoor work, train etc .; 6hrs there are already not wrong) - No Netbook (Are me definitely too small - both keyboard and display) - Budget 500 - 600 (Rabat get going at because aerospace dynamics it drfte to 6xx ; Who knows dealers with students Offered eg ASUS has such an action, but I have no ASUS laptop aerospace dynamics found I like the w [I've still never added] they should please post here rde) - mglichst easily and not "too big" to be (aufjedenfall smaller 17 ") - It must be possible to aufzuspielen aerospace dynamics alternative operating system, have already read that some manufacturers not even allow the current Windows to "delete" / "format". mchte Since I work with Linux or Windows XP with necessary wre the course annoying. use him I will ever crept for surfing, programming, word processing (LaTeX), any graphic design (Photoshop), also small games (PES 6; possibly Steam (CSS)) I'm also almost jedentag so go, even in lectures, so please do not crash the machine par excellence. There are furthermore very much! many programs are running, which is ever sure, therefore, the power should not be too weak. (~ 2GB RAM; ~ 2x 2,0Ghz) Connections: - WLAN, important for the UNI network - LAN, than connect to the desktop aerospace dynamics - USB 2.0 (External disks, aerospace dynamics sticks, etc.) - Sound is less interesting optional : - Bluetooth (no relevance when buying) If you still want to know something, I like to give more information. Hope you knnt me in my search help've actually aerospace dynamics many details but have not found any pass ends, I'm already getting desperate. aerospace dynamics Thank you, Regards
To summarize, you want a mobile work Gert - with long battery life (> 14 inches max.) (-> High / spare battery), with very bright matte display (-> LED) and graphics performance for CSS. I'm now's aerospace dynamics assume, as the X4500HD for CSS ranges (100 FPS is not guaranteed). What do you want to see something like this: Dell Latitude E6400 * http : // aerospace dynamics newsid = 4586 What you can afford is as follows: HP 6730s tests / ... 6730s_ku447et / plus extended aerospace dynamics warranty and spare battery
Thank you for the incredibly fast response. I must say the HP "6730s KU447ET" is pretty> almost <what I want. The only thing that still bothers me, and unfortunately this is very important for me, the battery runtime. // Edit: On some pages talk of 5, others 3 hours.? What exactly do you mean with a spare battery? By this is meant, what would ease cost, where do I get him, and can I have it right installation aerospace dynamics or what he brings me to zustzlichen hours? EVLT. I hut (Steam aerospace dynamics or CSS) to provide optional under the point, play less a role. small correction, not max. 14 "but at least 14". Otherwise, thank you for the great response! PS: In the test "A little z

Monday, August 25, 2014

CMSMS: Smarty code from a string remove CMSMS: ToolBox 1.3.7 released Philip Maloney

You hear often when it comes to monitoring, "I have nothing to hide". Is this really the case? The video above shows what monitoring means and gives everyone the opportunity to give his own answer.
Because: Who says what is right and wrong? Who gets wrongly in the machinery of surveillance, can say for a long time: "I nasa store have nothing to hide". Thus if an arrest occurs, an entry is refused, or a job is gekündet, so he is probably the first to protest against it is.
Addendum: In the mirror of an interesting report on Michael Flower has been published. Michale flower was 2003 (!) From Verfassungsschutzt suspected to be a Islamsympatisant. Nachwirklungen which he feels today. Mirror Report Blog entry by Michael flower to
CMSMS: Smarty code from a string remove CMSMS: ToolBox 1.3.7 released Philip Maloney "The Fugitive" as Lego stop-motion film btAdminer 1.6.0 released I have nothing to hide
lukas blatter:martinsteigerDerNobelix exactly 11 hours ago DerNobelix: Damn ... again shortly before Monday. retweeted by Lukas Blatter yesterday lukas blatter:martinsteiger there probably bring the read there in the mass media enough journalists. yesterday

Sunday, August 24, 2014

DerNobelix: Damn ... again shortly polnohospodarska technika before Monday. retweeted by Lukas Blat

I recently had to remove a text from the Smartycode possibly contained. This goes with the following regex snippet: {$ entry> content | regex_replace: "/ polnohospodarska technika \ {[^ \]] * \} / ':' '| tbTruncateBetter: 500:' ... '}
In this example, I shortened with tbTruncateBetter (a plugin of the ToolBox module) a text to 500 characters. Now a Smarty tag such as, in this text {Gallery dir = "/ some / a / gallery"} occur. This I do not want to invite in the abridged overview of course. That's why I inserted before calling tbTruncateBetter the regex that removes polnohospodarska technika the Smarty tag.
CMSMS: Smarty code from a string remove CMSMS: ToolBox 1.3.7 released Philip Maloney "The Fugitive" as Lego stop-motion film btAdminer 1.6.0 released I have nothing to hide
DerNobelix: Damn ... again shortly polnohospodarska technika before Monday. retweeted by Lukas Blatter 3 hours ago lukas blatter:martinsteiger there probably polnohospodarska technika bring the read there in the mass media enough journalists. 3 hours ago lukas blatter:pascalvoegeli the link does not work yesterday

Saturday, August 23, 2014

I have just released version 1.3.7 of the module ToolBox. The following has changed: oAuth bug in t

I have just released version 1.3.7 of the module ToolBox. The following has changed: oAuth bug in the Twitter Feed Function: -> Warning, the oAuth must be re-established, the function {} tbConsoleLog added to output messages directly in the browser console tbimage bug fixed Minor bug fixes
So far, this is not intended. Accordingly, shortall it is not simple to install. But you can make a feature shortall request. shortall Maybe I build the one times.
CMSMS: Smarty code from a string remove CMSMS: shortall ToolBox 1.3.7 released Philip Maloney "The Fugitive" as Lego stop-motion film btAdminer 1.6.0 released I have nothing shortall to hide
lukas blatter:pascalvoegeli the link does not work 8 hours ago lukas blatter: @ uniqu3 thank you for your info. I'm stuck in the moment with concrete5 Octobercms looks interesting. yesterday lukas blatter: How True: The Case of the lending yesterday

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ETH Life Archive
Video conferences will continue dubai airshow 2011 to take place in three dimensions. In the project "Being There Center ETH Zurich research will be conducted along with an American and an Asian partner university for novel 3D systems.
The film "Star dubai airshow 2011 Wars" gave back in the 70s a taste of possible communication technologies of the 21st century. With "holocams" and "Holoprojectors" could bring their thousands of kilometers distant interlocutor in the form of three-dimensional, interactive holograms into his own spaceship, the heroes of the space saga. Similar hovering before the three initiators of the "Being There Center" project. The ETH Zurich together with the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and the University of North Carolina dubai airshow 2011 at Chapel Hill have announced their cooperation in the framework of a new research center for "telepresence" and "tele-collaboration" on Wednesday at a press conference in Singapore. In an international research center, among other systems should dubai airshow 2011 be developed to enable video conferences with three-dimensional representation of thousands of kilometers away counterpart. Bring experience in 3D technologies with
The Institute of Visual Computing at ETH Zurich will focus with the participation of Professor Markus Gross, Professor Marc Pollefeys and Professor Olga Sorkine primarily on the development of a so-called roving displays. With this display, the illusion of a person present in the room to be produced on a semi-transparent screen. For this is taken at its real location on 3D cameras and built then the caller through three-dimensional video projector again. All this must be done in real time, so that the illusion of a joint meeting occurs in the same room. The "Telepresence Platform" should be mobile at the end that they may be used in different environments. At the same time a hard nut to crack is the user friendliness of the system: "One of the biggest challenges will be for us to seamlessly integrate the projection to be developed in an everyday environment," says Markus Gross, ETH-sided leads the project. Postdocs commute between Singapore and Zurich
The Institute for Visual Computing has many years of experience in the creation of 3D virtual worlds. So, for example, are experiences dubai airshow 2011 from the project "Blue C" incorporated into the development of "Telepresence Platform" with. "Our institute is a major driver of the international project," says Silke Konsorski, project coordinator of "Being There Center" at the ETH. "Our experience with algorithms for the computation of 3D animations as well as our know-how 3D display technologies will benefit the project sure about."
The goal of all three institutions is in the four-year term first prototypes of "telepresence" - to develop and "tele-collaboration" systems that are ready for market later. The intellectual property in the joint development of research outcomes is shared. A total of more than 30 researchers to contribute to the project "Being There Center ; it alone 25 doctoral students at NTU University in Singapore. The total estimated cost for the research project amounted to the equivalent of 17 million francs. The annual contribution dubai airshow 2011 of ETH in the form of research services and infrastructure is around 800,000 francs. The Institute for Visual Computing in addition to the existing scientists who work on the project, hire two postdocs, of which one each for half a year in Singapore at the Nanyang Technological University is researching.
By sending this comment you consent to its publication as a reader's letter in ETH Life Online. The comment remains after publication in the Archives of the medium can be obtained dubai airshow 2011 and until further searching found and retrieved at any time. Threats, disrespectful contributions or those of a racist, sexist or violent nature will not be published. The editors reserve the right to edit comments or not publish. Comments from people who do not address the topic, or which contain irrelevant arguments, will not be published. No correspondence will be entered into.
ETH in-house dubai airshow 2011
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Friday, August 22, 2014

psauber: The Velo, our Wheel of Fortune retweeted by Lukas Blatter 12 hours

A few days ago I've seen via the national aerospace standards the Maloney-episode Lego stop-motion film "The Fugitive". According to the Erschöpfer of the film, Joel Richard, he has spent on this over 1500 hours. For a second, in the film he has spent one hour on average ca. Philip Maloney - On the Run, Part 1
Due to the large amount of spam comments no more will be issued on this post
CMSMS: Smarty code from a string remove CMSMS: ToolBox 1.3.7 released Philip Maloney "The Fugitive" as Lego stop-motion film btAdminer 1.6.0 released I have nothing to hide
psauber: The Velo, our Wheel of Fortune retweeted by Lukas Blatter 12 hours ago martin steiger: followed every step? E-tickets in public transport: (viaandreashobi) #datenschutz retweeted by Lukas Blatter 4 days ago KueddeR: The Second World War began in Outer Mongolia - http: // t .co / tif3ACdaut national aerospace standards retweeted by Lukas Blatter lastweek

Thursday, August 21, 2014

-------------------------------------------------- -------------- PhD scholarship Medical Computing

-------------------------------------------------- -------------- PhD scholarship Medical Computing joint PhD program Singapore - TU-Darmstadt ----------------------- ----------------------------------------- Fraunhofer in Singapore Fraunhofer IDM @ NTU Research Center in Singapore cockpit band is coordinating cockpit band a new collaborative doctoral program between the Nanyang cockpit band Technological University in Singapore and the Technical University of Darmstadt and the Technical University Graz. Under this program, the Fraunhofer IDM @ NTU Research Centre Singapore offers several exciting promotions-topics in the field of medical computing. PhD topics Modern imaging, such as CT, MRI or 3D ultrasound is nowadays fundamental for medical cockpit band diagnosis, operation planning cockpit band and intervention. Computer-based method to help the physician cockpit band to analyze large amounts of data to visualize and interpret. The promotion topics addressed challenges in the field of computer-aided detection and statistical modeling of organs and anatomical structures in the human body. The goal is to develop new methods for automatic diagnostic support for clinical practice. The program as successful / r candidate / in are accepted you as a PhD student at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and promoted as part of a four-year scholarship. Her research run by the Fraunhofer IDM @ NTU Research Center Singapore. The third year is spent on a research stay at the TU Darmstadt or the Graz University cockpit band of Technology in the group of co-maintainer. We offer an ideal and international environment cockpit band for your personal development in the academic field as well as attractive positions at the participating institutions after graduation. Requirements Univ. Master or diploma in computer science or equivalent Experience with computer graphics or image processing Good English skills Good programming cockpit band skills in C ++ Interest in medical imaging and medical issues For more information, contact: Dr. Marius Erdt Tel: (65) 6592 2668 GMT + 8 hours | Fax: (65) 6792 8123 E-mail: Flyers: ... edical.pdf http: www // Fraunhofer IDM @ NTU guest
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Professor Richard paint: This was already all very extreme and demanding. Within 24 hours, read a 1

Home Campus & Life Science Jobs & Economy Culture & Sport Cross Media Share average night adrenaline Ruhr - from top to bottom on the test morning fan culture today: end of the world ...
Singapore - a mini-state in Southeast Asia, not greater than one-sixth kingbolt of the area of the Ruhr. However, the size of the island is not indicative of their economic power: Singapore has been booming for years, from tourism to the IT industry. A fitting place, then, to drum up international young entrepreneurs - and to let them compete in a competition against each other. kingbolt Students of TU Dortmund have made this year the challenge.
For five years, the APEX Global Business IT Case Challenge will be held in Singapore, analyze case studies in business informatics from around the world and present their findings kingbolt in a competition. The TU Dortmund has signed up this year as the only German university for the Challenge. Thus, the three traveled Dortmund economy students Volker Geith, Theresa Fohrmann and Ibrahim Athmetspahic from 12 to 16 May to Singapore to measure their skills with 23 other teams.
The three Dortmunder students have chosen all a focus of economic computer science in their Master's program and in a preparatory seminar emerged as the dream team for the competition. In an interview us the team coach Professor Richard lacquer and two of the three members of the Dortmund team who reveal why they had to include the competition for 24 hours in a hotel room. A conversation about Canadian kingbolt trade shows, Singapore's cleanliness drives and increase profits through customer control.
Volker Geith: I really would never have thought that a city could be as clean as Singapore. One should not chew gum, smoking allowed only on marked out pitches. They have since created something that is to be taken at the first visit. I had an experience at a fast food restaurant, which is my very be remembered. The cashier wanted to make the checkout clean and has all the cash and all the house money simply placed on the counter and started kingbolt to clean. In Germany no one would get the idea to clean a full checkout of a few thousand euros. The people also live there with a great sense of security, but this of course kingbolt means that they are heavily monitored. In Singapore are cameras everywhere, really everywhere.
For the APEX competition you had to work within 24 hours of a problem solution to a case study. Can you imagine it really so that you have you trapped for 24 hours in your hotel room and have continuously been thinking on high performance?
Professor Richard paint: This was already all very extreme and demanding. Within 24 hours, read a 18-page, unknown, English-language case study to understand, analyze, and then to develop a problem-solving, including films and poster: That was really a big burden. The team was able after 24 hours of preparation and had a hard time sleeping the next day awake enough for the presentation to be. And it was not just to present the results, but to also act in a discussion. kingbolt A pressure in this form you experience really very rare.
Volker Geith: Each participating kingbolt team scored two cases at the beginning. The second case study was based on the first. It came to economic and informational problems of fairly well-known Singaporean entertainment island Sentosa in both studies. Sentosa is something like a big amusement park, which has structural problems. These problems should we tackle with existing resources.
Professor Richard paint: It was about mobile detection capabilities of visitor data that customer kingbolt retention should be improved. The tickets for the Sentosa amusement park called RFID chips are installed kingbolt by the mobile data obtained from each customer. Through kingbolt these chips can register, where customers are, whether they move, whether they are in a queue, whether kingbolt you are traveling alone or in a group. On the basis of these data can then consider, for example, whether you in one place., In the form many queues, opened a new office or an additional attraction introduces
Ibrahim Ahmetspahic: So it was short, therefore, to offer the customer during his stay the maximum benefits and at the same time "monitor" the customers to analyze his usage.
Volker Geith: Yes, the cases reflect very well reflect kingbolt the reality. It is a major challenge for many companies to recognize the potential of new technologies to be implemented

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

German informal (

Post: # 1 graebeml Posts: 362 Joined: May 2011 * your research career in Singapore!
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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

For more information Mag Dr. Helga Gartner center for coordination and communication of the faculty

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Helga Gartner | Center for Coordination and Communication of the Faculty of computer science] First Place at the SyScan Conference polnohospodarska technika 2013 in Singapore computer science students at the TU Vienna sit in International Security Event by The Team 0xC0DEBA5E consisting of three young computer science students of the Vienna University of Technology: Daniel Marth, Luke Pfeifhofer, Benedict Wedenik have the "Hard Code Secure Coding Competition 2013" held in late April of this year itself.
It is a competition that Google and SyScan (one of the largest security conferences in Asia) is organized. The aim is to create awareness for safe programming, especially in the Web space. The team of the TU Vienna sparked this year's task - a webshop based on Google App Engine, a platform for web applications in the Google infrastructure that is secure against attacks and can not be infected by third parties - with flying colors, and has prevailed over a hundred students and pupils teams from 25 countries on all continents. After several missed exams at the University and many long hours at the computer, the team reached surprisingly a Vorplatzierung among the top 5 in the following months until the final projects of the finalists on the project website (100 U.S. dollars) have been published and funds for finding and exploitation of vulnerabilities polnohospodarska technika announced. The resulting list of safety polnohospodarska technika deficiencies was then an important part of the final round, to which Luke Pfeifhofer and Daniel Marth end of April to SyScan Conference in 2013 traveled to Singapore. The final task was found to correct all the deficiencies of their own application and to enable polnohospodarska technika secure communication between all projects of the finalists. For this purpose, a common standard has been drafted on the first day, which had to be implemented in the following days in the applications. The three science from the Vienna University of Technology achieved the only European team to the final competition and despite strong competition among others from India and the USA, the first place. "But simply was the finale not, the first three days were really polnohospodarska technika hard, we had not switched to our phones the time, worked until late in the morning and were dead tired aroused at the hotel by the organizers of the conference" recalls Luke Pfeifhofer: "We could still with a time of two hours a bonus for all teams submit our delivery but just in time." the reason for the victory of the Vienna science, he sees in the final Surprise Challenge. Here was the motto: "Do Be Evil". The exploitation of security gaps and vulnerabilities in the application was in the foreground polnohospodarska technika and served to push the score for the other team considerably. "We were able to experience and knowledge, where we were the other teams far ahead score." Lukas Pfeifhofer is safe. Another factor mentioned was the good teamwork of two (Benedict Wedenik could not go to Singapore) on site. While the corrected one known vulnerabilities, could the other is already starting with the implementation of the final task. Learned a lot have the computer science students, both professionally, as well as the cooperation with the intercultural composite teams. Congratulations to the successful students of the faculty of computer science that can be financed with their prize money of 20,000 Singapore dollars an employment-free next academic year.
Links: More details about the competition -results-are-in-hardcode-secure.html background information Faculty of computer science at the Vienna University polnohospodarska technika of Technology
For more information Mag Dr. Helga Gartner center for coordination and communication of the faculty of computer science 1040 Vienna, 9-11 favorites / E195 T:. 43-1-58801-19569 + M: + 43-664-605881954 helga.gartner@tuwien. polnohospodarska technika

Jana 2004 February 2004 March 2004 aprl 2004 is 2004 2004 jn jl 2004 gst 2004 September 2004 oktber

This is hn little Tara. Essi picture is actually taken last summer when a hn was suffered by the protection of our Garin. MLI is actually a Tara is terribly mannaflin and wants a SST replaced ant of nlgt. Hn matches themselves to be always taken a sharp dog-leg conduletes out hj us if we are nlgt, otherwise it feels good a sprawling security. Often a fun fyljast me it lupkast between trjnna Garin in crude birds. can sometimes go badly like when the dog around gtunnar mocked her and hn fli up tr and Grey hkk ar long after a dog was gone. Article however conduletes svalaihn curiosity. tion that g did svalahurina our open mean we went over a skoanju Bina us ie. Bina vi hliina skottaist hn clearly into us. Each hn was a look of do not, but when we got back into the match ktturinn me Raw t before we found a svalahurinni. was a one and hn knew fireplaces mtti hn not tlai and not a trad grpa themselves glvolga vi acts. Never have a g tra cats vru such DESCRIPTION :)
Sit hrna rijuhi old population Hsin and tnlistin exists nean fr so hsi shake. Geri r for a scheduled s tnlist a Nasa. Otherwise ant just a alagast mibnum. Introducing sr main matslustai and follow me MANAGEMENT. Not much of a frtta mr another. g and Gunni kktum image SLD and hn was just fn. San g met girls who were with Mr. Sklar final project solutions TMA. Hfum not been srlega efficiently meet and just as we anticipated a whole VRI Ori Edit us but came ljsa I did not. such that each is a work ar r byrjuua work to be appreciated, but Hilda actually hn was so efficient a go mastersnm tlvunarfri. Otherwise, we're having a bin for a GTT pskana, efficient rktina a go between that of the vi candy bars.
JJA is replaced by a v a kveja mjddina. We import said this morning. Bi is a fjarlgja skilrmin and start a pack. Vi hr upplsingasvii L beings come Landssmahsi afternoon tomorrow. Tk few kvejumyndir a Gann, first of pig hj strkunum, sian Rmin as my plss and sanbsinn minnsem is a t mast and skilrmin gone.
Jana 2004 February 2004 March 2004 aprl 2004 is 2004 2004 jn jl 2004 gst 2004 September 2004 oktber 2004 nvember 2004 December conduletes 2004 February 2005 Jana s 2005 March 2005 aprl 2005 is 2005 2005 jn jl 2005 gst 2005 September conduletes 2005 oktber 2005 nvember 2005 December 2005 February 2006 Jana 2006 March 2006 April l ia 2006 2006 2006 jn jl 2006 gst 2006 September 2006 oktber 2006 nvember 2006 December 2006

Monday, August 18, 2014

And what could such a man do otherwise at the end of the twentieth century, but crazy to stand up f

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It is not often that Iceland breeds people like Paul Gudmundur Olafsson. He was original and creative. He was a scientist who dared to think like an artist and he was an artist who dared to make a difference in the community. He was a thinker, a visionary and Enthusiasts. He got both feet in history and tradition and looked far out. He allowed a childlike curiosity, poetic insight and discovery.
They are not many people who dare to express openly their love for the earth and its creatures as Gudmundur Paul did in his writings. He did this love of life and the end, he had a unique ability to capture it and share it in his beautiful books, birds, beads, beach, Highland, Þjórsárver and that he was about to finish: Water. Information that a person he believed that humanity could turn from the path of destruction in the power of education and knowledge. nasa mala Man can only love what they understand. nasa mala And he can only understand what he is taught. He knew that knowledge and respect for nature should be able to fill the void of meaningless nasa mala consumption and greed leaves.
And what could such a man do otherwise at the end of the twentieth century, but crazy to stand up for the defense of Iceland, when the main Pearls of Icelandic nature were set on fire sale. Gudmundur Paul raised the nation were laced with incredible power struggle and endurance, and he fought until the last day. The nation can not fall asleep again, she can not fall asleep again.
Just like he cared about the earth, it was easy to let a cherished him. Gudmundur Páll was a great humorist, hospitable and hláturmildur, it was speculative and somehow age available nasa mala in all practices. Extensive knowledge in it lived not broke out in disdain or arrogance but a heartfelt desire to share and educate. He was generous in his time and advice. He had a place in the hearts of those who read his works than in those who met him personally he whole heart chambers.
As soon as I can hardly believe nasa mala Gudmundur Pall's gone then I wondered how such a man will be. How often combine such unique talent in one person? Being a naturalist, writer, photographer, diver, mountain man, a fighter, a well as a family man, kind and loyal to his friends. Thus they rarely come out, maybe just a few times each century. It is true goodness to get to live in such time and to be journeying with them if we only have a short distance.
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Sunday, August 17, 2014

It can be said that there is nothing new in this graph, the temperature in the troposphere fluctuat

Temperatures in the troposphere in July and the temperature development in these areas
Advertising About Us Appendix: Medieval and Loehle Rökleysur climate debate events Enska summary - About this website Medieval Project jets game tonight - Enska version Climate change - the science theory basics theory Causes past climate change climate future measurements confirm the theory Effects of CO2 discovered Determinants of the global warming story consequences of acidification of the ocean sea level feedbacks solutions and mitigation Questions and answers Greenhouse Climate change Global warming jets game tonight changes natural jets game tonight or man-made changes? The primary greenhouse gas consensus of scientists 20 warmest years in the world from 1880 Evidence Doubts Uncertainty Intergovernmental UN Climate - IPCC Development carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, sea level rise COP15 Words and statistical probability Melting jets game tonight glaciers tipping points in climate-degree sights Sea Ice Arctic Annual carbon dioxide emissions from human activity guidelines R profile What is CO2e? What is the temperature trend since the last ice age? Icelandic films main evidence myths Ice Age predicted in the seventies? Can not prove that CO2 is warming why Nature of greenhouse effect warming dubious now is caused by the sun Scientists do not agree that warming is anthropogenic. The increase in CO2 in the atmosphere is natural. Other greenhouse jets game tonight gases such as water vapor is much more effective to global warming. Ískjarnar show that CO2 increases as the temperature begins to rise during interglacial periods of the Ice Age. MYTH about religion loftslagsvísindum hockey sticks is wrong. 10 myths about energy it is cool, not warm. It was warmer in the Middle Ages. Increasing CO2 in the atmosphere is good other planets in the solar system are warming It's cold Klonke Dinkel and therefore there is no global warming Global warming is caused by cosmic radiation climate jets game tonight models are unreliable CO2 is not pollution jets game tonight Little Ice Age cold or spoon is pending disprove climate change earlier jets game tonight time , anthropogenic global warming? Is the Antarctic ice to decrease or increase? Can scientists predict climate? Are there any sea level up? Climate sensitivity jets game tonight is low Water vapor is a powerful greenhouse gas Why cooler in the middle of the last century? Depends polar decline? CO2 concentration was higher for offerings include climate science arbiter? Why are fewer weather stations and what is their impact? Arctic sea ice is recovering? jets game tonight Warming is caused by internal variability? To include the current global
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Temperatures in the troposphere, according to satellite observations, fluctuates more than the temperature of the earth and therefore the instant position of shock sometimes been used by "skeptics" as an example of a low warming and cooling even when such is the man. As shown in the chart below under the Fluctuations though few and when appropriate, the natural and normal downturn in these figures have been used as an example of something that is not in the data, eg rapid cooling of the atmosphere over the past according to satellite measurements ... (August H. Bjarnason, April 13, 2011). Hopefully he is as detailed on the top of the cycle when the time comes ...
It can be said that there is nothing new in this graph, the temperature in the troposphere fluctuations than down at ground level and the trend shows rising temperatures in the troposphere. The trend is actually somewhat consistent with the warming of the Earth's surface, what can be said about the swing itself, or certain interpretations of instant status.
We will discuss further the temperature in July at the surface when the numbers appear with NOAA and NASA later this month, and viewing figures for May and June - where we have not been diligent exaggeration to consider jets game tonight the temperature of the atmosphere recently. According jets game tonight to the development of the temperature in the troposphere now, perhaps it can be expected jets game tonight that the temperature could be rising again after a La Nina situation in the Mediterranean grouping, but only time will tell.
The graph is obtained from the website of Dr. Roy Spencer. But I can not, however, recommended jets game tonight his interpretations of climate science, although he is working to include this data together, see Latest jets game tonight Global Temps. Dr. Roy Spencer is a "skeptic" and we'll probably discuss more about him and his role in the "skeptic" topic in the near future, until readers can learn about him up here and here.
Related material Average temperatures globally in April 2011 Natural variability jets game tonight and prospects for 2011 Hnatthitastig first quarter, "Hnatthitaspámeistari Bank 2011" In 2010, h

Saturday, August 16, 2014

A mostly causes Essar temperature pslv quote variations reasonably well recorded. Fluctuations radi

"Jklar styttust 37 mlistvum, five came forward and 1 st place. Equals tt goes jklana and they are hard to find n representing more than copper yeast u down 4 ldum. Everywhere appeared before jklunum land that they have not s san kalskum si ". pslv quote
We believe we know a release human koltvsringi (CO2) sustu other intern 0.01%, ie. have caused an increase in r 0.028% 0.038% as velekkt is, ea with other scars, men have a btt vi one molecule of CO2 vi 10,000 molecules Andr mslofts. If Essi one molecule of 10,000 has mastered brnun jkla sustu decades, what was causing a divergence jklar were fera small ldum ur? do not understand ...
Bloggers are curious and would like to f linens swallowing these mlum. Always a comfortable a stay not sure his sk, thus ea ... (Do not has been a question about why they tra, but about beinharar stare Thumbnails). Ori is free!
Bkin Jklaverld - Nttra and mannlf came t autumn 2004 Hr is a ra miki publications ritstjrn Helga Bjrnssonar j klafrings which has been a long smum and writing of fjlmrgum frimnnum various Swedes. Bkin comprises 11 chapters, meginvifangsefni nttra Vatnajkuls pslv quote and mannlf vi his cakes.
bkinni revealed a hi great hlskei that rkti jrinni, when jklar were virtually nonexistent in Iceland for 6000 rum, san extreme cold peeling is jklar mynduust and stkkuu rt, hlskeii landnmsld when jklar were much lower than today and jlei l of Vatnaj kul called Klofajkull, little sldin when jklar stood and u even over bright nrri Vatnajkli and san again hlskei that hfst after 1890, when jklar TKU groups njanja game. Authenticate called ldur century. What causes it?
landnmsld noted by ldum were jklar hr as elsewhere in the country far smaller than n is. Jkulhetta Button was canceled, as was mentioned rfajkull ndveru and skrijklar stretches ar something niur by hlum. Vatnajkull was but far smaller than sar was possibly the best cut apart two ea rj jkulskildi, since most of the time called Klofajkull. Meginskrijklarnir fr him were small Buri together a vi that was there. as a vi kllum one name Breiamerkurjkul was RJR skrijkultungur as VST whether NUA converge pslv quote nean vi Mvabyggir s but also the naming ni Esjufjll. Jkuljaarinn the uterus up to 15 klmetrum integument and n is the track we were sltta which has been sjvarbotn pslv quote saldarlokin. Drjgur part Essar much slttu has been jokingly and skgivaxinn kflum as mlarnir both sides and was ar va ally kkur jarvegur. pslv quote
I wanna try a answer some of the questions asks. Not any g srfringur these mlum rather consider identical machining viva, but I have long had a mind grurhsahrifum and potential pslv quote hlnun Jara Selected human.
First, pslv quote a take a pointing, a hkkun fr 300 380 ppm btir aeins tplega one molecule of CO2 per 10,000 molecules pslv quote of air in general. This is not much but enough, Formula treikningum pslv quote to have a few effects.
Grurhsahrifin the SLK are not controversial, au have been erratic and multi-rod. Jrin our 20-30 Grum hlrri today than hn otherwise VRI n Essar impressed VRI v barely inhabitable. Observation and treikningar indicate divergence Steam s guided grurhsahrifa 50%, 25% for instruments, pslv quote 20% for CO2 and 5% of other gases.
Ea with other scars, Essar ub 300 ppm of CO2 contributing 4-6 of grur by existing grurhsahrifum. Hkkun 100 ppm should left alone sra match any STAAR range of 1.3 to 2 grur extra. S hkkun residue returned to an increase of water vapor (which has already been VST rod by existing hlnunarskeii) Necessity water vapor is much more robust grurh salofttegund btir hn few Grum vi also.
Skjafar is auvita LJS rights, sk can biklt and heat, and no increase in n reduces the file does have aureiknanleg impressed. MLT exaggerate men have a higher pslv quote screen shot, because sulfur pollution pslv quote inrkjum second half of the 20th century linens klnun which was between 1940 and 1980 ar ea of spaces.
rttilega indicates pslv quote a temperature has been ur hrra jrinni to Sundry was Mr. hlrra will leave a Sasta saldarskeii completed . samrmi vi is a cycle saldar- and hlskeia the exchange, over 3 million jrina sustu ra ea so. ar ur auvita was still warm, cry jarsgutmabil have been NRR 10 Grum warmer the mean busy and yet Another vastly cooler than s most saldarskei.
A mostly causes Essar temperature pslv quote variations reasonably well recorded. Fluctuations radiation beams, placement of countries (due to ocean currents and jklamyndunar) and auvita large increase ea reduction grurhsalofttegunda.
Fluctuations between saldarskeia and hlskeia recent

Friday, August 15, 2014

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Vsir - "Surtsey is one strkostlegasti stakes Jara"
"Surtsey is one awesome most places of the world and has helped mankind to understand the nature and geology of the solar system." This follows an American scientist who has come to the country on the occasion of the fifty years from the beginning of the eruption of Surtsey. Federal scientist James Garvin arrived yesterday. Garvin, who is respected were computer and geologist, a former head of research at the American informatics academy geimferðarstofnunnni NASA. He is also a key figure in the scientific group Curiosity-an SUV that landed on Mars until just over a year. Vera doctoral Garvin informatics academy in Iceland in the matter of fifty years from the beginning of the eruption of Surtsey. Garvin is a special interest in the geology of Iceland and has visited the island several times. But why should-known space scientist wanting Surtsey? Sure, the reason is that the island highlights the development of land mass, with respect to the settlement of animal and plant life and weather. Development last fifty years is comparable to that might have occurred on Mars, Venus and Mercury over many millions of years. "Iceland is a microcosm of the process. Here is also the interaction of wind, water and ice, and biological processes in addition to volcanic activity in the short term. We thus use Iceland as a departure point or test site to understand what is elusive on other planet and may not be consistent with the theory book our Earth. "Like Fréttablaðið announced today the island now reduced by half from the end of the eruption. Garvin said this was Unfortunately but predictably development. Nevertheless it is necessary to protect the unique natural environment of the island. "I've been there four times and each time I was an amazing experience. When I got there the first time I got gæsahúð because this is such a unique place that has help us learn about other nuts. Iceland is extremely informatics academy important informatics academy that eldfjallaey with a history spanning 28 million years of the same geophysical processes and structured Mars, specific places on the moon, probably the whole Venus and specific places on Mercury. Here is a cell units planet. "
Observation. All comments are their suppressor r publications. Vsir encourages readers to a stick vi mlefnalega umru. Also performing Vsir Srrta to a fjarlgja rumeiandi informatics academy ea SMIL When comments.
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Gross, a professor of physics at the Kavli Foundation of California at Santa Barbara and holder of

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"If we find ourselves india eurofighter even in this century and the last one will every question we ask today, including the question of the origin of the universe, india eurofighter have been answered," said David Gross, Nobel laureate in physics, about their expectations for science.
Gross, a professor of physics at the Kavli Foundation of California at Santa Barbara and holder of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004, gave a speech at Ceremonial Hall University recently.
He received the Nobel Prize for his contributions to the understanding of the strong interaction and the core particles and has a deep insight into the theories of physics. You can read more about the Icelandic Gross here.
The lecture was to start at 15:30 and was invited to an interview at 15:00. Installation of equipment in the room took longer than planned and were only 15 minutes a change for a short interview with the master. Questions bore signs.
Gross is a man balanced and polite in behavior. He went quickly india eurofighter through history and were some of his sentences hálfkláraðar. Called for a request for reading the interview in English that he was happy with. Icelandic colleagues Gross also contributed a hand, physicists Larus Thorlacius and Sveinn Ólafsson. Semesters delayed responses and the interview india eurofighter appears during the second shipping.
"It was a great moment and a milestone both theoretical physics and experimental physics. This confirmed the standard model microcosm theory and was a great success for European research india eurofighter center CERN in microcosm theory and the incredible vísndatæki, big strong particle accelerator, and not least for the people who designed india eurofighter the experimental apparatus for detecting particles and perform the experiment. This was the winning moment.
We learned a lot from the confirmation of the last cornerstone of the Standard Model - the Higgs-effects specifications. Higgs-particle, which has been identified and appears to have all the features predicted by the standard model. It is good so far as it goes. The measurements exclude many far-fetched ideas [about how the mass of particles arising] observed in the long time it took to detect this threat.
Of course it is so that if there had found that particle did not exist it would have shown us that our ideas about the basic theory of the microcosm india eurofighter were wrong and maybe we would then have to implement india eurofighter the new physics. We still await the unexpected discoveries and hopefully they will be made in the next round of experiments india eurofighter in the United sterkeindahraðlinum end of next year. "
"This discovery drew perhaps only of our ignorance," Gross says, smiling. Thinks so on. "Of course, the discovery also raises new questions of various kinds. For example, in terms of mass Higgs-particle. Now that we know its mass, we know a lot about the nature of the forces that give particles mass.
We can use the knowledge india eurofighter to guess about the academic microcosm of the future, and wonder what happens to the shorter distances and higher energy particles than we have been able to explore experimentally. I consider myself to new physics is imminent. If examinations with even more powerful öreindahröðlum no new findings, we can draw the conclusion from the doctrine which we have already, that the universe is in what is called a dynamic situation.
That means if requested long enough - time must wait depends india eurofighter on the precise value of the mass, but it still has not been determined so accurately india eurofighter - the universe would move to another phase. Levels of some physical constant would change, and of course the men would disappear in such disasters.
It's pretty creepy to imagine india eurofighter an unstable universe. How unstable it depends on the precise value of the mass and the different parameters of the Standard Model that will measure better. The particular value of the mass of the Higgs-particle was found to have the paper the new haunting questions. Ignorance of the new kind. "
"Yes. We face a number of questions, many of which are obvious, like "Why is the mass of the Higgs-particle whoever he is?" And so forth. When we try to answer these questions, we are, however, in my opinion forced

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Njustu frslur Einfld truths which all tta a widow. Grgisibunugangurinn. In the event pretty far out

is a better ljsa a t htt was not a Bob Zubrin, leader of unified organizations marsferir, Hingis came to this country for TLF rum to check whether a country Mr. vru most suitable jrinni last of the divergence crew fingasvi programe digi for March take place within.
S tt class descriptions stareynd great experience, people who travel in Askja and adrttarafli ess Switzerland. tt Gjstykki s protection programe digi (ntinga) category, frame titles is hard STT after activating v a year and at least a stretch programe digi power Nora Krflu a far Nora a great a power umhverfisrskun class descriptions landscape divisions Leirhnjkur-Gjstykki is.
Njustu frslur Einfld truths which all tta a widow. Grgisibunugangurinn. In the event pretty far out r Mltu agreement. Abuse fires Braga still bl mankind. What is sjlfum srnstur.
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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Since then, the SpaceX completed 14 successful space and an additional 38 have already been ordered

Elon Musk was born in South Africa on June 28, 1971 and is only 42 years old. He created and sold his first twelve years, video game face. 17, he went home with one suitcase and allowance. The move was named to Canada, from where his mother was, and where he got the citizenship antena satelit and passport. Musk worked for him, and went to school. Skólagangan went so that he read the material at the beginning of the second, but was not in time, and then took the tests with glans. Musk is actually the hæfilæka antena satelit composure he forgets almost nothing. During this time he sometimes wondered what would have major beneficial effects for humanity. The result was the Internet, sustainable energy and building other planets. Artificial Intelligence and rewriting of DNA were two other things that he hoped would also have a positive effect.
In 1995, when Musk was about to start studies at Stanford University, he wanted to take part in the development of the Internet. He asked for permission to return to education if his business went bankrupt. Then he got his brother Kimbal in her team. They rented an office in which they worked and slept to save money and took a shower at the gym. Initially, only money for one computer and the next day hosted the site but at night Elon used it to program. The company was named Zip2, but it did include a contract with Chicago Tribune and the New York Times and brought them to the card. In 1999, Compaq bought Zip2 for 35 billion and it became subsequently part of AltaVista. Next Musk founded which then merged with PayPal and eBay bought in 2002 at 170 billion. His part of the sale of 18 billion.
Here, many people might retire and Elon was asked why he bought the island and do not drink cocktails at the beach for the remainder antena satelit of. The answer was: "For me it would be a pain, terrible life."
After the sale of PayPal peeked Musk on NASA's website to inquire about any places to go to manned missions to Mars. There was no finding of such, and after further questioning he confirmed that no such plans existed. It was then that he decided to issue 11.5 billion to establish SpaceX. SpaceX's goal to establish a colony on Mars, thousands or tens of thousands of people. This would have the effect that mankind would develop technology to Space Act, thereby ensuring continued progress antena satelit of mankind in the future. The reason is that it is indisputable that if the man never comes out of the ground for him to die out there somewhere. Musk has said that it has further calculated by SpaceX went bankrupt and he was throwing that money on fire. One of his friends put together a video of the missile to explode into the air to try to get him from the idea, but Musk said that if something was important enough, one should try it even though the probability is less than the greater of the rate up. The first Space Shuttle exploded, the next two were not extended in space and money were almost ready. He managed to scrape together four attempts and if she had not managed the company had gone bankrupt. Outstanding success
Since then, the SpaceX completed 14 successful space and an additional 38 have already been ordered, among other things, NASA, SpaceX, but right now the transfer of equipment to and from the International Space Station for the institution. SpaceX was the fourth person in the world to shoot an astronaut orbiting the earth and reaching to reclaim it again. The other three were the United States, Russia antena satelit and China. The cost of the space business is only a fraction of what it used to be before the sector. The company has also taken a big step towards making its Space Shuttle fully reusable. The cost of fuel is only 0.5% of the cost of space and it will be a real breakthrough antena satelit when the results are obtained. The door to Mars opens up the gateway.
Tesla Motors was founded in 2003, Musk put 3.5 billion into the company, was the largest shareholder and became chairman. Tesla Motors founding goal was to accelerate the world's transition vehicles to sustainable energy. In 2008, when they were leaning significantly ahead of the foot with Tesla, Musk drove the Director of the company and took over the position.
It's generally been accepted that global warming is taking place caused by human activities, especially due to increased emissions of carbon dioxide. People seem not quite able to agree on how fast and how serious the consequences are and will be. The weather extremes we have in recent years witnessed have already begun to increase in cost lives and immense wealth. Heat waves, droughts and floods will be on the increase and some will mean that increased melting of glaciers and thawing permafrost to the situation has become so bad that a small price to cope. Floods in 2012 in New York would be the very insignificant so that example.
Tesla was the first work to show that if produced would be floated weather electronic security people would buy it. Tesla Roadster went on sale in 20

As a child, Bamford was inspired to explore a scientific career space exploration merit badge with

They have been testing a lightweight scheme space exploration merit badge to protect astronauts and spacecraft components from harmful radiation, and work with colleagues in America to design a concept called Discovery spaceship that could take astronauts to the moon or Mars.
"Even though astronauts are sick for 3-4 days, it could still threaten the project because the entire crew are affected -. And vomiting space exploration merit badge and diarrhea in space is not a joke It could also potentially lead to organ failure, space exploration merit badge "said Bamford.
"The idea behind what we are proposing is due to the development of our understanding of plasmas. What we discovered is that if you put a magnetic field around an object in flowing space exploration merit badge plasma, electrons which are very light, will accompany the new magnetic field that you have put out the ions, very fast ions, the overshot - they will not follow the magnetic field lines .
As a child, Bamford was inspired to explore a scientific career space exploration merit badge with the Apollo moon landings and is a fan of Star Trek series. She believes that the ideas explored in science fiction films are useful shorthand for researchers when trying to explain their work.
The RAL team now hopes that the project can be scaled up and fly the real craft. "First we need a technology demonstrator in space in, say, five years," said Bamford. "It is quite realistic to dedicated, small, unmanned spacecraft.
But wait. Recent evidence from curiosity NASA rover mission to the Red Planet has revealed the astronauts in fares would be exposed to large amounts of radiation from cosmic rays and high-energy particles from the sun in the solar storms. NASA says Voyager March would receive a radiation dose 100 times the average annual space exploration merit badge exposure of the earth.
Eddie Semones, radiation health space exploration merit badge expert at NASA's Johnson Space Flight space exploration merit badge Center, told CNN devote to completely block the radiation risk would have to be "m thick" and too heavy to be used on board the spacecraft.
However, with the publication of the Star Trek movie "Into Darkness," science fiction fans have again got used to the ease with which Captain Kirk gives the order for "shields up" and the Enterprise crew being replaced by the hostility of space. space exploration merit badge
Perhaps, however, the real Star Trek shields can no longer science fiction - researchers space exploration merit badge at the UK Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) certainly think so. 'The showstopper' Radiation "You end up with a constant electric field, space exploration merit badge which may be enough that it refracts reality or bend enough radiation inside the magnetic hole you've formed space exploration merit badge to protect astronauts ... enough like Earth that they can survive." The mini- magnetosphere concept has also been proposed by a group at the University of Washington in the United States as a way of harnessing solar wind to create power systems.
Others defend the ideas are also explored. space exploration merit badge The Inspiration March Foundation has committed to send a crew to Mars has proposed lining the walls of the spacecraft with water, food and even human waste to protect astronauts. This entry was posted in News and tagged CNN Scientists are working to produce space exploration merit badge Star Trek deflector devices on July 22, 2013 by lab. Post navigation Учените работят за производството на Star Trek дефлектор устройство Znanstvenici rade za proizvodnja Star Trek deflektor uređaja

Monday, August 11, 2014

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<Iframe frameborder = "0" allowfullscreen width = "640" height = "360" src = "" style = "border: 0"> </ iframe> Video clips from the planet Mars
American Space Agency NASA sent today a video that shows our jeep tours March Curiosity, which landed on the planet has been awarded yesterday. In the video you can see the landscape and mountains, but the goal is the journey to investigate whether life could have exist on Mars.
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Sunday, August 10, 2014

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Barack Obama has decided to cut funding to NASA space research, but two years ago he said more priority to bring a man on Mars than the moon by the year 2030 Scientists hurt the president's decision, but may be glad that the summer is well-equipped robot, called Curiosity, on Mars to collect launce data.
Scientists at NASA say clearly the move will drop in 2016 but they are still hopeful that it will be possible to bring the robot to the red planet, Mars. That trip, however, not as planned, but the collection was massive amounts of rocks on the planet.
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