Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Google Video is closing a preliminary step towards unification under the YouTube video content. Goo

Roy Horse | April 26, 2011 on web 5
Last month it seems that Apple and Google are in the process of port arms designed to combat the VOD network. The two companies have been looking for months with envy mixed with anger at Netflix content streaming service quickly becoming popular on the platforms they themselves produce (smartphones and tablets).
While Google takes on Apple Bayetonz YouTube and now the main nods video streaming services on the Internet is not one of them, but Netflix. Now that the two companies have realized the enormous potential of streaming video services along with the popularity of tablet PCs, the journey began chasing two film studios in order to sign them Vaolooid agreements streaming videos full length.
Currently Apple's hand on top, simple reason, Apple has begun to operate rental conwell egan catholic videos have been through conwell egan catholic Ayetonz in 2008 and then signed agreements with most of the world's top studios. The current model offered by Apple customers can use to purchase movie rental available to them for a week, but 24 hours after you press the Play button. The result is a relatively low price varies depending on the quality requested or the date of its release of the film.
Google Video is closing a preliminary step towards unification under the YouTube video content. Google has already started processes designed to make your YouTube VOD service under the control of Ayetonz compete with Netflix and the market. YouTube already offers paid movie rentals this year, but a limited selection particularly in relation to competitors and belong conwell egan catholic mostly small production companies.
Unpublished conwell egan catholic price model reportedly indicates the range of prices ranging from $ 1.99 to -3.99 dollars. Film show on YouTube parallel launches Bayetonz but before arriving to Netflilx and different pricing would win mainly on the launch dates of their early or late.
In this war should perhaps take a moment the meaning of such a move by Apple and Google may lead. Video streaming services supported by the world's top studios are another nail in the coffin of optical media and those who profit conwell egan catholic from it (stores selling conwell egan catholic video disks or directories) which MAY disappear in coming years to the online world.
Technology geek with a touch of apple, it is best to come Negus. Need to live and breathe technology obsessed but measured. Criminologist by training, fighting crime and simultaneous establishment. Writing and reading enthusiast, and enjoys a thorough conwell egan catholic test of everything that can take apart, technology products to the human soul. Editor Gikteim.
Tags for this article: Follow Apple Apple followed Google Google Follow ITunes ITunes Follow conwell egan catholic Netflix Netflix monitored video video followed VOD VOD follow Youtube Youtube Follow Apple Apple followed Google Google Follow video streaming video streaming monitored Video Video Follow After YouTube YouTube Follow Netflix Netflix
I do not think Hugh Gay succeed at all, first of all they do not pay enough for movies Second of all, they do not sabotage their sales Islands iTunes that bring them a lot of money a third of all there is an atmosphere of suspicion and training for Google and yet YouTube is interpreted as a site for all kinds of people conwell egan catholic and not respected enough for serious films
I do not think Hugh Gay succeed at all, first of all they do not pay enough for movies Second of all, they do not sabotage their sales Islands iTunes that bring them a lot of money a third of all there is an atmosphere of suspicion and training for Google and yet YouTube is interpreted as a site for all kinds of people and not respected enough for serious films
Most Viewed worth reading talkbacks fourth most things you should know about Ello, Facebook's new rival people who brought you the Secret: Ping - a mysterious new application and a new Facebook feature explores intriguing and sharing your photos of your television viewing may affect reporting in Google search results: This is a Nexus 6 (or the Nexus X) will be launched on November 1, a new app for iPhone and Android Geektime Retort will enable conwell egan catholic you to comment on any site, even if there is no possibility of record-breaking rise Rush: 3,000 people in front of the Apple Store in New York 24 hours with iPhone 6 - 8 These conclusions we reached [First Impressions] Introducing the Auto-Tune: "Photoshop" in the world of music and the best-kept secret of the singers in Wednesday 01:10 02:10 04:10 and 03:10 h in a 5:10 7:10 6:10 C
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Non-violence is, first of all, a worldview. There are many expressions of non-violence and its many

Non-violence is, first of all, a worldview. There are many expressions of non-violence and its many accents, xf5u and one of its key sequences is a continuum between passive xf5u resistance xf5u and active resistance to violence, when the base is one-way xf5u selection tools does not use violence, even when she struggles, in its own way, violent forces. Do not confuse non-violence and cowardice xf5u Cniah- its two main accents, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, both murdered xf5u because of them. And burning Israeli genetic history of our own, there's speech before he was assassinated Rabin Square; "I have always believed that most of the people want peace and are ready to take risks for peace., And you're here, Vatiizvotcm rally this show, with many others who did not come, people truly desire peace and oppose violence. Violence erodes the basis of Israeli democracy. xf5u Should be condemned, denounced, isolate it. This is not the way of the State of Israel. " Surprisingly, or maybe not, how much power to choose the way to conceding the power-up to the main pronunciations murdered, because of the fear aroused by their opponents, they sow hope. Hope, no doubt, is a scary thing. Have courage to embrace her kisses with both hands empty. It was Mahatma Gandhi xf5u who said, first they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.
A few thoughts, a little confused, in response, has rainbow colors of gray between absolute nonviolence baby, cruel violence of children in the center, and obviously violent acts, murder and annihilation xf5u with. The question is known: Is this stone-throwing violence? Also when and when not to? One way to proceed is ask: when is permitted to employ violence? Is desirable Stskim rises to kill you kill him? When you know for sure that someone got to kill you? When is it too late? These questions can help move Slibonn principle has agreed to many of the more practical ground rules. Another aspect is the spirit of things. Is there a "violent approach"? Aggressive approach? Is hatred and anger leading to violence? Is it possible to be non-violent but express "Killer Instinct"? Do talk about "non-violent approach" or just "violent acts". Is spitting in the face of this violence? Is conflict, hit, push? And with swelling in the shoulder? This is my friend? It is violent? Is there violence in the wild? Is the faun violent cheetah seized his throat with her teeth? Is there a "natural violence" can not be considered as violence, but a basic necessity? Need of someone? May 28, 2009 at 15:14
Research from Stanford University - What makes ordinary people evil-ridden. Hello all, highly recommend to spend time movie link below. The study was done in response to the events of Abu Ghraib, American prisons in Iraq where the abused prisoners. The main conclusion: there is "buckets" all "apple" put them rot. The film is a very interesting lecture, funny, and very English. http://www.youtube.com/watch v = cMoZ3ThW6x0 video, Yaniv Reshef May 28, 2009 at 18:32
What interests his lecture, for me, is a discussion of who creates the bucket xf5u rotten, who creates the situation where there are bad apples. It presents a picture of Donald Rumsfeld at Abu Ghraib, the inquiry how were bad apples, its conclusion is Rumsfeld, the system is rotten, because it creates the situation, allows the existence and ignores eyes open, and how this is similar to what is happening here. How easy to say that the soldier fired a rubber bullet at a handcuffed detainee's leg, is a bad apple, but what is rotten is the system that allows it, which creates the circumstances. Only occupation for Palestinians, is equally bad for us because we Mtvamim. See the clip Universal Soldier http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohXsdbF-7jc 28 May 2009 at 19:20
Combatants for Peace Pronotional Film Uploaded by idanbarir. - Up-to-the minute news videos.
Combatants for Peace believes that you can convey xf5u the message of peace and coexistence through xf5u the personal stories of its members. Here are some personal stories of members of the organization, the story will be replaced from time to time. Chen Alon Avinoam Zahi specific translation Rooney's personal numbering Suleiman Al Khatib more stories on the site
G 2012 (9) Logo July (1) Logo June (1) Logo May (1) April level (1) March (1) February (1) Holocaust survivor (3) G in 2011 (42) G in December (1) Logo November (2) October (2) September (2) Logo August (2) Logo July (6) G (June 4) Logo May (6) April level (2) March (6) February (5) Holocaust survivor (4) G 2010 (73) December xf5u (6) Logo November (8) October (11) Logo August (5) Logo July (4) G (June 6) Logo May (6) April level (9) March (5) February (5) Holocaust survivor (8) 2009 (125) December (14) Logo November (4) October (13) September (12) Logo August (12) G (July 20) Logo June (21) Mai (23) day camp for children Lucifer Effect Palestinian nonviolence farce of Saturday morning, a class path loss Husan, au how the house meeting held on the drop ... the story of Sofa- CFP meeting last Saturday in each suffering humanity emerged - the journey to Ireland xf5u from MIV ... shepherds escort south Hebron Holocaust (only) s thoughts after our house meeting an open invitation to a special meeting why soldiers laughed a call for peace circles of bereaved Palestinian father, by Bassam Aramin * "We are all human living on this earth "- a testimony to Gaza" pain calls to action "we returned to the pits water sectors Hebron Activity Summary, Saturday 02 at ... Zionism Lshmalnot- specific Ronnie Meetings Nommo Nomo- pilots lullaby written about in the paper G & #

Monday, September 29, 2014

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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Talk to lnku: 7 11 01 2011 Lukas Very Nešťák by me poteila experts and the response given lnok

- Stelrna astronmia
- BACKGROUND activity
- RSS sources of water Strnka Enter the text as quick guessing: extension has Chystte guessing in the summer on astronomical sstredenie? Well, I was at several times no, I'm first time I'm definitely no Number of votes: eads carriere 1633 Star View results of this surface to the polls vesmir.sk: 15 n vtevnci Prihlsench: 0 of registered: 3057 chat: 0 Nvtevnos strnok Spolupracujce hvezdrne and planetria: HaP Rimavsk Saturday HaP Hlohovec eads carriere Hvezdre Michigan HaP in Preove HaP Maximilian Hell Have fun - Najabsurdnej film according to NASA 2012
SITA - disaster movie 2012 (2009) is filed with Nrodnho advice Aeronautics and vesmru (NASA) scientifically najabsurdnej Kasov trhk if ever nakrtili. In snmke reisra Roland Emmerich zan neutrna rapidly heated core of the earth, the spsob QUANTITY prrodnch disasters worldwide, drilled earthquakes, Hurik nov, explosion volcanoes. Durng the end of the world play vdtume, which also con Mayan kalendr, much povauj a forecast for the end of life on Earth. After looking up the movie, many ud obvalo, and he scny in om into reality, so he started a turn to the question to NASA. Scientists had even wraps Strnka sites where vysvetovali, e Scientist teries in the film in 2012 with only mint. "This is an extraordinary avnimon prpad bad science on film pltne. Filmri only vyuili public concern Dajna the end of the world December 21, 2012, when the Mayan con kalendr, "said Donald Yeomans of NASA. In addition to film in 2012 regarded NASA scientifically nonsensical and snmky Armageddon (1998), The Sixth de (2000), Volcano (1997) and the chain reaction (1996). Conversely, for probably mon povauj Scientist teries in the sci-fi Blade Runner (1982) and Gattaca (1997). Published details please Strnka www.metro.co.uk sites.
(C) 2011, The first copyright SITA as a given AnyWayAnyDay. However, all Prva notice. Reinstall issue or rozirovanie eads carriere contents of this initially without predchdzajceho psomnho shlasu SITA and as stated above AnyWayAnyDay is vslovne zakzan. eads carriere SITA Written by Peter Kralkda Janur 06, 2011 08:42 2154 Vienna
Talk to lnku: 7 11 01 2011 Lukas Very Nešťák by me poteila experts and the response given lnok "I watched 13, 01, 2011 Martin The only Re: Very by I poteila experts and the response given lnok 17 01 2011 Lukas stacks to a link to refine 19 01 2011 The only Martin Re: Any links to refine 09 01 Jan 2011 Plauchu Crack 19 01 2011 Michal Krasan Re: Crack 09 Jan 2011 01 Appendix Plauchu
Last discussed lnky 1 Age wagon (Ursa ... 1 2 NASA renounces ... 1 3 El Gordo is ... 1 4 emerged from the earth ... 1 5 HST compiled dot ... 1 Julinsky dtum (JD) JD 2456928.5 modified (MJD) 56928 Entrance: 6:41 Zpad: 18:42
Overview of the duties for a month AKB on Facebook! 1999, 2010 vesmir.sk, Astronomy Club Bratislava Webhosting for nae Strnka provides Atlantis Systems Ltd.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

December 21, 2012 - The magic date and the end of the Mayan calendar had today cause end of the wor

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December 21, 2012 - The magic date and the end of the Mayan calendar had today cause end of the world. Scientists from NASA for a couple of days before the upcoming apocalypse posted a video in which they explain why Actually end of the world just does not occur on December 21 2012 21.12.2012 The World Will Not End | NASA
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Friday, September 26, 2014

Frenzy around the alleged end of the world continues. What is happening in Russia, it is pure hyste

Frenzy around the alleged end of the world continues. What is happening in Russia, it is pure hysteria. automated transfer vehicle People are doing everything they can to survive in Health on December 21 this year, when different visionaries announcing the apocalypse!
From Russia to spread the news of abnormal behavior inhabitants of this vast country. Russian inmates in the same prison near the Chinese border said they experienced "collective mass psychosis" so strong that they had to call a priest to soothe them. In an unnamed industrial city near Moscow again there were literally Battle of kerosene, sviečkay, and sugar. For everything said to be interpreters and summoning the alleged end of the world, which was to be said 21. December 2012.
After NASA and other global institutions had to respond and the Russian government, which issued a statement that after reviewing sutácia they can say with certainty that the world in December this year certainly will not be canceled. Top Russian sites have reportedly considering the dissemination of information about the impending end of the world will be a criminal offense. Russian media quoted Leonid OGULIN, a member of the Environment Committee in the Russian parliament, according to which it is not possible to talk about around the end of the world because of the different ways it can affect the psyche of individuals and groups. Some may laugh at it, yet others may fall into depression. French ban the entry of Mount Bugarach
Problems are not only in Russia. French authorities prohibit entry to Bugarach mountain automated transfer vehicle massif in the Pyrenees. Indeed, many people consider automated transfer vehicle it to be one of the last refuges automated transfer vehicle before the apocalypse, which said humanity awaits Dec. 21, when the Mayan calendar ends. Access to the mountain will be closed from 18 to 22 or 23 December, said the prefect of the nearby city of Carcassonne area Eric Freysselinard. Around the eponymous village, at the foot according to the prefect of police officers patrolling automated transfer vehicle a hundred. The village itself has about 200 inhabitants. Prefecture their plans on the argument that it is in its power to ensure the safety of the masses of people to move on the steep slopes of the mountain 1,231 meters high.
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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Moreover, the concept of

Have you been tired lately? You still feel that no matter how long you need to sleep to sleep longer? How it feels now many of us. We found that we are tired of the low frequency of the third dimension. The difference between the frequencies of light that enters our consciousness and frequency of the physical world is so large that it is difficult to operate in both worlds at once. But when we decide to focus on expressing our Multidimensional SELF in a creative way, we are not so very tired. When dealing with creative activity, our tiredness disappears and fills us with energy. On the other hand, if we have to pay our obligations as a third dimension of work on the job, paying bills, cleaning, etc.., Often feel exhausted. But when we creative and there are many forms of creativity, comes back to life.
Moreover, the concept of "creativity" fighter mediafire is changing. Being creative means that we have learned or already have a basic knowledge of how to do some creative activities such as singing, painting, dancing, sports, fighter mediafire etc.. But now creativity means that we learn to use our internal capacity to be the creators of our lives. When we are the creator of your life, we can choose whatever we want, with the exception of certain everyday tasks, which, fighter mediafire it seems, will still persist. Thanks to the ever increasing frequency of light and unconditional love emanating from the Galactic Center, extending our ability to be creators of their own lives.
December 21, 2012 the earth will appear just before the galactic center, it occurs 11 months' time, "that we looked for millennia and transformation fighter mediafire of energy, which were predicted by all religions and spiritual groups, will flow directly into our personal and planetary bodies fighter mediafire . The galactic center is now so close that the ever-intensifying energy already rapidly changing our world. All you have to do is look at the internet or newspapers to see that people fighter mediafire want to be creators of their lives.
People around the world say: "I love now enough for me to know / and the desire for a better life. Love is enough for now that I was / and able / and expand your mind and open your heart to a new way of perceiving reality. "This fighter mediafire is because we feel that unconditional fighter mediafire love is stirred with light with a higher frequency, which flows from the Galactic Center into the consciousness fighter mediafire of the planet. Unconditional love is not an emotion such as human love. Unconditional love is the highest frequency of light. It is the creative force of the multiverse, which activates our healing, creativity and transformation when you receive and incorporate into your consciousness.
Unconditional love is also joining the force of the multiverse. Therefore, the Unified creates a sense of consciousness in those who receive it. Thanks to our ever-expanding fighter mediafire consciousness Unique reality ceases to be something that is outside of us. Reality is inside each one of us, and every man his reality shared with all others. But if everyone has their reality within themselves as possible, that it seems that we are in the same reality? Some questions must remain unanswered until we are able to stabilize our multidimensional thinking. Some issues are beyond our physical brains BY am only multidimensional response. These multidimensional answers will come to us, as we continue to expand our consciousness. In other words, the fact that we can understand or even perceive multidimensional messages, our consciousness has to resonate at the frequency of the information. The consequence is that whenever we expand our consciousness will be expanded, and our perception of reality.
Let us return to the question: "How fighter mediafire can separate fighter mediafire beings, each with its own reality within themselves, share this reality with others?" The answer is that no one is separate, distinct and there is no one else. In terms of our JA higher frequency, we are all one with everything live. Be one means that there is nothing outside of us, or even within us, as it is outside and not inside. We are still fully connected with one. Then we calm, joyful and loving. We do not try to be something or do something that we were calm. They constantly experiencing a sense of oneness with all living. How to get there and what we need to do so that we can stay there? These questions we place only when we lose a sense of connection to one. "Here," "there," "do," "stay" are foreign concepts when we feel a connection with the Union. Surrender to this moment of unity is the best thing we can do for themselves. And since we're fighter mediafire really all one, whenever we are good to each other, we are good to all others. Whatever we do together, we do everything else.
When we experience fighter mediafire these ever more frequent moments of unity with the ONE, we lose all our fatigue. Our bodies are no longer difficult, and we feel easily. In fact, we feel the Light. Then it is difficult to keep their eyes open, because we want to watch the third eye and listen to more heart. When you close your eyes, stop n

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Once finished with the driver, underwent the same procedure and Volcyho. When they were ready cuts

Friday, December 21, as we know, is not important day and it does not strike or any holiday. In addition, the name day have Bohdan. This year, however, with December 21 connects forecast the end of the world! Fourth, the last age, according to the ancient Mayan calendar ends in 2012 ... 21 12
Observe, however room! Participate in our competition dubai air show with Ikaria, which will this time, to date, we offer a novel Dustin dubai air show Thomasson 21.12 Just when the correct answer to the question at the end of article. If you're lucky, this suspenseful novel you can read soon. If the end of the world ... not occur. Dustin Thomason: 21 12th
The ancient Mayans built in the depths of the Central American rainforest dubai air show most advanced civilization in the New World. One of the brightest achievements in a comprehensive calendar that continue to capture their precision astronomers. It is based on the idea that human history consists of four ages, so-called long numbers. According to some interpretations of the rebirth of the world into a new age is preceded by a natural disaster, a previous dubai air show age ended. The fourth age, in our calendar began on August 11 3114 BC. Expire on 21 December 2012.
In late 2012, a specialist in Mayan studies Chel Manu gets into the hands of probably the most precious Mayan monument in the world - the book in which the scribe describes the decline of the once famous Mayan city. Could give an answer to the question why the Mayans end of the first millennium retreated from the big cities into the forest, stopped building temples, stele books and writings.
At the same time Los Angeles paralyzes unknown incurable disease. It causes insomnia, infection can not fall asleep. Nobody knows defend her, spreading rapidly than influenza kills and effectively as ebola. To fight with it tackles one of the best experts on prion diseases Gabriel Stanton.
It is no coincidence that the Mayan monument and the disease has appeared in only a few days before December 21, 2012, when, according to some interpretations of the Mayan calendar ceases world as we know it? Expecting us the same fate before which warns scribe? Stanton and Chel must join forces, until it's time ...
Once finished with the driver, underwent the same procedure and Volcyho. When they were ready cuts both brains, Stanton again sat for microscope illumination and intensified. Craters in Volcyho brain were deeper dubai air show crust was damaged significantly. Certainly contracted rather than the driver.
Stanton thought so before, but only now realized that he does not know what to do with that information. "Do images of all the cuts," instructed Davies. "A Search for images of magnetic resonance imaging, we Volcymu made alive. Try to find out about how fast the disease progressed, and based on this model the reverse situation. When we calculate how fast VFI progresses, we can estimate that infected. "
Book, of course, buy today in any good bookstore. The competition, which will bring a publisher Ikar, but you can win this book. Just answer our question in Wednesday, 26 December 22.00. The question is: What's disease paralyzes Los Angeles dubai air show at a time when, according to the Mayan calendar end of the world happen?
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Monday, September 22, 2014

Take a closer look what is happening globally and in our space-time in which we currently live. The

Is not a prerequisite for the expansion of your consciousness have a structural understanding of the overall process that is occurring. However, it supports the individual, as an example of stick which add to the herbaceous climbing plant. This will allow unrestricted plant growth, since it uses the stick as its support.
Take a closer look what is happening globally and in our space-time in which we currently live. The fact that we are part of the flow of divine energy space does not alter the fact that we are masters of their destiny. We must well realize that the future does nothing. Itself is completely empty. It is created based on our ideas. It depends on us how to create it. We ourselves we create our every next moment. Consciousness of every individual creates global awareness and global consciousness creates global next moment. We are entering a cosmic cyclical changes, allowing massive transformation of human consciousness which actually affect the entire galaxy. Our solar system is part of a galaxy called the Milky Way. Our Milky Way contains billions of solar systems. The Milky Way is part of the 20-ers galaxies and today science knows, and that the Milky Way is just one of billions in our galaxy. Astronomer Allan Sandage once said: "galaxy astronomers are the same as for physicists atoms.
The physical universe is the largest and the smallest grouping them -fyzického huge universe which again is part of a larger universe. dauphin helicopter This is almost impossible to understand our three-dimensional thinking. There are universes placed in super space and super universes are again placed dauphin helicopter in the "super -super" universe, and the like. This process is virtually unlimited, each of the universes oblieta around a central sun, and not just on the physical level, but also not -fyzikálnej. Absolute central sun of all this is God, the Spirit, which is causing all this. The fact that everything around us is alive may be veiled only our blindness.
Approximately every 26,000 years our solar system, will end one revolution about the central sun of the Pleiades (Alcione dauphin helicopter - see diagram on the last page). Ancient Eastern wisdom divide these cycles for different Yugas (stages era period). This (yugas) consists of a point which is closest to Alcione and again from the point farthest from him. Furthest from the central sun, indicates ignorance, where human consciousness dauphin helicopter "dimmed". dauphin helicopter The point indicates what we know, the notion of intellectual awakening, or enlightenment. Alcione is known in Eastern philosophy as Brahma - the seat of creative energy, or universal magnetism (concerning our universe).
The photon belt encircling the Pleiades system at right angles to its orbit. dauphin helicopter As our sun (and we with it) orbits the Pleiades once every 25,860 years, and the middle reaches of the photon belt (approximately every 12,500 years). This journey requires about 2,000 years old. This means that after leaving that place additional expire 10.500 years unless there our solar system, will return. Before we begin to deal with this in more detail, we must realize that this cycle takes place simultaneously with other, larger space cycles.
What is unusual dauphin helicopter on this very cycle that culminates happens with the culmination of the other cycles (which is included) including the overall cycle of 206 million years. This is also called dauphin helicopter the Harmonic Convergence.
In 1962 we entered the sphere of influence of this photon belt. Calculations estimate that 2011 will enter into the mainstream. This is correlated with the time when our universe reaches its point of maximum expansion. Eastern theory dauphin helicopter compares the rhythm of expansion and contraction of the universe to the inhalation and exhalation of God - each breath covering the time (in this dimension) length of 11 000 years. It is no coincidence that this time frame corresponds with this spectacular cycle, the circulation of the sun around the central sun Alcione. dauphin helicopter Go to the Super - consciousness (return of Christ) arises in the exact moment between expansion and contraction, and is parallel to the photon radiation belt. This energy is also referred to as Manasic vibration or radiation. Astrophysical calculations based on the speed of the solar space (29 km / s) - a movement of the Earth suggest that we enter the photon belt speed of 208.800 km / h. Actual dauphin helicopter entry into the Earth Manasickej vibration occurs as a blink of an eye.
Energy photon belt is ethereal and spiritual nature, that is not physical, but also affects physical reality. The period of darkness that lasted 10,500 years allowed to man through dauphin helicopter countless incarnation mentally developed before dauphin helicopter the cycle again reaches 2,000 light-year dauphin helicopter period. Since most people forget their intellectual resources, and the purpose of its existence during this earthly dauphin helicopter residence, period of light used for dual purpose. Firstly, it is a sorting process, where it was collected souls in the spirit world and also it allows weaker (only "adolescents") souls stabilizing time to rest before the next spiritual growth. Those individuals who could not or did not want to realize divine love in

No one can prevent new energies that it somehow affected, but not all of it will register. duxford

SaLuSa, December 12, 2012 | rise
The biggest day of your life came to an end and it's a whole series of lives, as you will very soon leave the cycle of duality. Result to the time you have been waiting to present the Golden Age and raise you into the higher dimensions duxford war museum of happiness and joy. Problems and worries that you will soon be postponed aside and many will quickly involved in the elevation of Mother Earth. The next few days you will find what the other people had the experience and you compare duxford war museum them with those of your and came across duxford war museum a mixed reaction. Those of the Light clearly establish duxford war museum that take energy, which creates a new level inside.
No one can prevent new energies that it somehow affected, but not all of it will register. duxford war museum Your civilization will never be the same as it was in duality, but it will be a blessing. You'll find that the acts performed duxford war museum will now be more meaningful meaning and intent. Filled with a desire to move forward and restore the company, which is based on love. It happens because duxford war museum the power of creation is now with you much stronger than ever. Those of the Light now take the initiative and determine how they change, remove those who stand in your way of real progress. duxford war museum What was detained must be made available for the benefit of everyone, not just a small handful. duxford war museum
With higher vibrations on Earth is also easier duxford war museum for your friends to appear Galactic between you, because you do not have to reduce their frequency by as much as before, when you were so low. Understand that even if you're duxford war museum used to exist in your own vibrations, they are extremely uncomfortable for beings like us. However, it will soon be a part of the past, when impress their place in the fifth dimension. Adapt quickly to the new way of life, which starts when introduced changes that will be reflected in the future. duxford war museum You have a lot to catch up and we're ready to start immediately.
As we recently mentioned, let the past so it will have little or no effect on your future. You start again and even your karma will be purified, so concentrate on what comes. It is a lot to be beneficial to you, eliminating the need to spend your time in unproductive tasks. You will have more freedom than you can imagine, allowing you to have enough time to be able to follow the desires of your heart. Not only do you have time for your hobbies, but if you need expert help, you can call the recognized masters from any period in the past. However, you may want to start with new interests, so come with us on board our ships and you will not be able to choose.
You have less than two weeks to your final ever ascend with Mother Earth. During this period, we expect that more people will wake up and they can not move forward. Surely those of you who are aware that your consciousness has been elevated 12 12 will have no doubt that you are ready for Ascension. We feel that it is still not entirely clear that December 21 is a very special event, because it is unique duxford war museum in the past, nothing like neodohralo. Although individuals have always been able to ascend, this will be the first ever attempt such a mass ascension. Of course it will be successful because it's in the hands of powerful beings that carry out the will of God.
Although it might seem that the time lost due to delays and obstructions to our plan, even though we were very active. These plans can change quickly, as we have done many times and now we expect that we will have a very filled with a timetable to carry out our tasks. Meanwhile, we have to constantly watch over you and prevent the fragile zones have to get out of control. Soon, all the violence duxford war museum ended and will be able enforced. Finally, you have complete control over all earthly matters, but we are never far away. Our Galactic Fleets are so great that we can let a few boats in your solar system so they can be called in if needed. We already duxford war museum have bases on Earth, and they stay there for your protection.
Remember that the Ascension process duxford war museum is happening throughout duxford war museum the ages and will continue duxford war museum for a long, long time. So, enjoy this moment of your trip and make sure you're ready Dec. 21 to reach for the golden opportunity to ascend with Mother Earth. With the end of solar cycle cosmic cycle begins again and sets out on another exciting journey. This time will be full of harassment, interference or negative experiences and will bring you joy and satisfaction. From the spiritual point of view, progress will be slow, but never learn not stop or move up. Your choice will be how quickly you continue in your the spiritual growth and you will always have in mind and you decide what you do.
There are different interpretations for the period from 12.12 to 12.21, so follow your intuition in what you feel is the best approach at this time. Surely you have to maintain calm and peaceful response to everything that you ensure internal balance. T

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sabínka Fajnorová (1) of Stara Tura got vested with much more trouble than anyone would have liked.

This article is great, foodloop read it! http://www.cas.sk/clanok/239092/slovaci-panic-is not subject-co-NAS-waits-21-December-2012.html most current news and showbiz tidbit from the www.cas.sk Najlepsie foodloop Readers' photos and videos vas.cas.sk the most stylish Slovak foodloop feminine webmagazin www.casprezeny.sk foodloop the most interesting information only for men www.adam.sk foodloop the most interesting interviews, stories and reports on www.zivot.sk
Predicted by the ancient Mayans had. According to experts, however, foodloop only in two calendar records the end so tomorrow. trinástkový cycle, which some interpreted as the end of the world. But the Mayans also used other various schemes under which recalculated days and cycles that ranged millions foodloop of years into the past but also the future. Experts say that tomorrow, nothing happens and people foodloop certainly enjoys traditional Christmas holidays. New Time asked whether the Slovaks have not asked the city to be able to spend this day in some of the military shelters.
Slovaks, however, seems to take tomorrow's date and the end of the world in perspective. Military shelter in Slovak towns thus probably expecting a big rush. "There are two or three people with that want to find out how it will be December 21 at the end of the world take place. They asked that if we have some more information, so we have recommended them to specialists from NASA, "said a spokesman for the Mayor of Bratislava Lubomir Andrassy.
The Bratislava region is more durable than 300 shelters, 80 of them are even gas-tight. "Such a shelter would, however, before the end of the world certainly has not prevented only by delayed it for a while. The most appropriate shelter in the world is underground, so we can go hide in Vienna and in Prague, "he added with hyperbole Andrassy. In the metropolis of the East in shelters even have a greater capacity than the population.
Slovaks are optimists "have coverage at 103 percent. Košičania However, preparing for Christmas, not the end of the world - no signs of panic or groups of individuals have been recorded, "a spokeswoman Martina Kosice City Hall Urik Viktorínová. Even in Zilina opening the cover of not going. "We believe that life on earth will continue after Friday. As we have no information from the competent and relevant authorities, we will not take any action and spread foodloop unnecessary foodloop panic, foodloop "said Paul Corba, a spokesman for the city of Žilina. Neither Martin Hall has not received from citizens only initiative foodloop that covers open.
Slovaks are optimistic according to a survey foodloop by TNS believe that tomorrow will come the end of the world. Up to 74% say that it is very unlikely that only one percent thinks there tomorrow for sure. The majority (71%) believe that they will go to heaven. But not all. 58 percent of Slovaks are in fact convinced that politicians end up in hell.
Author: New Time, red
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This is how we live end of the world: Great grub and deep meditation Psychologist Dušan Fabián: End of the world tomorrow will not! Appalling video: This madman in China stabbed young children in school! Flown Survey: How many Slovaks believe in the end of the world?
Sabínka Fajnorová (1) of Stara Tura got vested with much more trouble than anyone would have liked.
Crazy American woman, her two breasts were little, so it is rather a third!
All rights reserved and may not be published. foodloop Intelligence license foodloop reserved. Conditions for the provision and use of services Ringier Axel Springer Slovakia, as

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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Since September 1 Initiating the operation again in the Municipal Theatre in Zlín. I offer you 15%

Since September 1 Initiating the operation again in the Municipal Theatre in Zlín. I offer you 15% discount on Permanent make-up, this special discount is valid for 3 months. Have a great day and I look forward to seeing you. Anna Vičánková
S Amorah I studied nasa mala Pleiadian Light therapy for Mystery School in Mount Shas in Northern California, nasa mala where I was almost 3 times at month in 2010, and this year I am with her in the summer, she studied spiritual hypnotherapy. It also knizky su translated into Czech. Amorah is one of the biggest I have ever chanelerov akych conflicted, information and learning disorders, which receives su from all osvietenych beings vratane Jesus, Mary St.Germain, but also from Plejadcanov, Lemurijcanov, angels and Elohim alone God Mother and God Father. Here is link it to us all:
Luminous activations arriving on Earth in those days, and in 2012 21.Decembra Moza will assist nasa mala you in everything to com work and what is your mission in this life, if you're ready. A know for from you. Ask your Higher Self light and love to give you assisted in that as we become forever a rozpinajucim light, and love. 21.decembra 2012 raised a magnificent wave of God Svetla input on this earth that has brought love and light kazdej soul alive, and particulate matter on this planet.
(It's worth a este popracovat nasa mala on these topics, and we feel we have gaps in their understanding and accepted, it was the first part of Amorinho reference, which I have not translated that called for hard work on all of these subjects in those days; note Silvie)
Current articles here and now 2012 Whole Film Dubbing CZ Tzolkin September 20, 2014 5 etznab kin Kryon 18 - Physics in the next 500 years, nasa mala the opportunity is always there for all souls ... Tzolkin September 19, 2014 4 Cabana nasa mala kin 17 Master Saint-Germain - Anchoring in heart and politics, the economy and other external influences Silence! Master Hilarion - Message for the week 14.09 2014 - 21.9 2014 AA Michael - "Illusion of Fear" Tzolkin September 18, 2014 3 CIB kin 16
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My Truth

Friday, September 19, 2014

It seems that this year to be no Christmas. In the Guatemalan town of La Corona, archaeologists fou

This article is great, read it! http://www.cas.sk/clanok/227289/objavili-kinds-a proof-of-end-world-there-21-December-2012.html most current news and showbiz tidbit from the www.cas.sk Najlepsie readership photos and videos jamss on vas.cas.sk most stylish Slovak feminine webmagazin www.casprezeny.sk the most interesting information only for men www.adam.sk the most interesting interviews, stories and reports on www.zivot.sk
It seems that this year to be no Christmas. In the Guatemalan town of La Corona, archaeologists found several inscriptions carved into the stone staircase, which it believes is the second confirmation of dire predictions of the Mayans.
End of the world is scheduled to occur on Dec. 21, 2012, when finishing the cycle of 5,125 years since the beginning of the Great Mayan calendar, reports El Tiempo. 1300 years old stone slabs that were found at La Corone, mostly talking about political events around the year 696 AD. Calendar dissected in honor of the Mayan king Yuknooma Yich'aaka K'ahk 'Calakmula only a few months after his defeat by his rival Tikal. Until recently, scientists assumed that Calakmul was killed in battle, but it was found that survived and began attending their allies to encourage them.
The stone inscriptions, however, also mentions some "end", which refers to the return of the great king. As expected Clakmul scientists wanted to divert attention from its defeat and appealed to the cycle time expiring just this year. "It was a time of major political upheaval in the world of the Mayas and the king had to rely on a large cycle time, which ends in 2012," he told the Daily Mail expedition leader, the center's director of Central America, University of Texas David Stewart.
Mayan inscriptions on the plates caused the emergence of the quantity theory about the possible end of the world. Followers jamss of the Apocalypse is so far unable to agree, as occurs. According to one assumptions planet absorbs black hole, according to other asteroid slams into it or is eaten by prehistoric gods.
One theory, which is more or less based on at least a hint of science speaks of the mysterious planet Nibiru, which supposedly discovered the ancient Sumerians and that is rushing to Earth. NASA and indeed jamss all the world's astronomers, however, went vyočiť eyes, but so far have not seen Nibiru.
Riengier Axel Springer Slovakia, Inc. All rights are reserved and may not be published. Intelligence license reserved. Conditions for the provision and use of services Riengier publisher Axel Springer Slovakia, as you have found a mistake in the article?
How to survive a disaster? As you prepare to stock? jamss Countries at risk expert advises end of the world: The collapse occurs immediately and without warning Scientists of the oldest Mayan calendar: The end of the world does not speak catastrophic jamss scenarios for the year 2012: What do you think of them politicians?
Surprise in the first test of winter rubbers: Cheap tires beat much more expensive!
Hlinka ( 42) with Lupták ( 50) were great friends: jamss It shows photo, which raises many questions!
All rights reserved and may not be published. Intelligence license reserved. Conditions for the provision and use of services Ringier jamss Axel Springer Slovakia, as

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Internet is spreading guaranteed reports that 21 December 2012 will be the earth and the sun li

This article is great, read it! http://www.cas.sk/clanok/238851/caka-nas-end-this-world-told-astronomer-a-vestica.html the most current news and showbiz tidbit from the www.cas.sk Najlepsie Readers' photos and videos vas.cas.sk jets schedule the most stylish Slovak feminine webmagazin www.casprezeny.sk the most interesting information only for men www.adam.sk the most interesting interviews, stories and reports on www.zivot.sk jets schedule
The Internet is spreading guaranteed reports that 21 December 2012 will be the earth and the sun lie in exact line with the center of our galaxy, which is away from us 26 000 light-years. From there, they begin to flow mysterious cosmic energy that has so far blocked the constellation Sagittarius. It has fundamentally affect life on Earth, our planet is to the polarity (where the south, the north and vice versa), causing natural disasters, the total loss of electrical equipment ... Life goes put to the test crop failure comes, there will be millions of victims. How are these catastrophic jets schedule vision-specific looks from John Svoreň Astronomical Institute?
"This topic is not at all the facts, but the psyche. If anyone believes the end of the world and wants to believe, so it will not convince any evidence. On completion of the entry in the old Maya calendar was looking for, but mostly inventing, supporting structures in various positions of celestial jets schedule bodies. The more distant the bodies and for most people less verifiable, jets schedule the better. Therefore, the first use of the planet on the line, now got the role the center of the galaxy. On many websites featured information about the position of the Earth, the Sun and the center of our galaxy, which lies in the constellation Sagittarius on one line in December 2012, however, this repeats every December, with no bad consequences, and there is no reason to expect anything else in December 2012th
3 more photos in the gallery. December 21, 2012 will be the earth and the sun lie in exact line with the center of our galaxy. Author: anc In the center of our galaxy is a giant black hole that gravity acts on all matter in the galaxy. However, it is very far away, and therefore has a negligible impact on Earth or the solar system. Sun and Moon affect us much stronger. No there is not no special power, which, in our galactic jets schedule core acted. Should we therefore bring together, in the December position of the galactic nucleus jets schedule is nothing special. Maybe disappoint many, but not us there is no magic and no date on it does not change anything. Just be aware predictions pertaining to the year 2000, the authors bothered to apologize to anyone, otrepali to a further spread fear among those who want to be afraid. jets schedule "
And as the whole theme looks Zana known fortune-teller, which is devoted to astrology and numerology? "The Mayans jets schedule were called Guardians of time and space, the knowledge space patterns were almost limitless. jets schedule How to understand it, we do not understand we nowadays advanced technologies? How to calculate with such precision that the galactic alignment occurs once every 25,920 years, and that it was on the winter solstice of 2012 will happen again? jets schedule Mayan sacred calendar defines this as the end of the day. Day of the winter solstice 2012, the Mayan calendar ends, is not in him no further date. However, does not define what it is the end. From the esoteric point of view we might rather talk about how great reinvention of the end. Universe, our planet and people enter a new stage of development. To the time when we can become better. We should prepare for it, it will be necessary to put the Earth in order, because if they are to survive jets schedule the next generation, it can not be destructively continue to destroy jets schedule in order of power, money ... I firmly believe that this important day to deepen our extrasensory ability to perceive, and to reveal the mysteries that have been hidden forever. "
Riengier Axel Springer Slovakia, Inc. All rights are reserved and may not be published. Intelligence license jets schedule reserved. Conditions for the provision and use of services Riengier publisher Axel Springer Slovakia, as you have found a mistake in the article?
Zana prophesied for Valentine's Day ONLINE: They want the stars of your love? Big Horoscope for 2013: What awaits us according fortune teller Zany? This is how we live end of the world: Great grub and deep meditation Mayan calendar apocalypse did not bring Thus, people celebrated the end of the world!
Began the hearing with expolicajtom Antoško: The court came on crutches!
Slovak hockey gave a last goodbye Miro earth ( 42): A friend Zuzana came with red roses
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In Minsk group will meet again to solve the Ukrainian crisis

Discussion (251)
NASA in connection with the catastrophic scenarios that are associated with the December 22, 2012 published the answers to frequently asked questions related to the end of the Mayan calendar and related conspiracy theories. safran aerospace "Nibiru is an internet scam. For claims that would confirm its existence, there are no factual basis, "says NASA:" safran aerospace If Nibiru or Planet safran aerospace X were real and were heading to Earth by the time the meeting in 2012, astronomers would be watching her last at least ten years. Now would be visible to the naked eye. It is obvious that there are. "Planet Nibiru story began under the NASA claims that this planet, you should find the Sumerians, is heading to Earth:" This catastrophe was initially planned for 2003, but when Judgment Day did not take place, so he moved to December 2012 Then the fairy tale combined with the end of the Mayan calendar at the winter solstice on December safran aerospace 21, so doomsday established on 21 December 2012 "
Openly expressed to the topic that hit the Earth this year's Comet: "The Earth has always been subject to impacts safran aerospace comet asteroid, but heavy rains are very rare. The last big impact was a comet to Earth 65 million years ago, which led to the extinction of the dinosaurs, "reports NASA, according to which the universe is now monitored for cases that could threaten Earth's haircut with nearby asteroids or space objects:" safran aerospace We found that does not threaten us no similar asteroid that caused something like it was extinction of the dinosaurs. "
The announced this year's end of the world experts are very skeptical of NASA, respectively. realistic: "There is no credible evidence for any of these arguments in support of emergency safran aerospace actions associated with the December 2012" No risks do not appear in connection with any strong solar flares that could paralyze life on Earth. As for the so-called. end of the Mayan calendar, safran aerospace responded jovially: "Just as the calendar does not end on December 31 hung on the kitchen wall, extinguished December 21, 2012 or the Mayan calendar. This date is the end of the Mayan long-count period but then - again begins safran aerospace another long period. "
In Minsk group will meet again to solve the Ukrainian crisis
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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

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NASA warns against sky eclipse on December 21! | Music-zone.eu music portal
The sky begins zatmievať from the Eastern Pacific Ocean about 10 half our time. Will proceed through Australia, the territory of the People's Republic of China, Russia, Ukraine and our territory arrive exactly wsep at 15 o'clock 49 minutes. NASA calls for people not to panic. This phenomenon is temporary and is more commonly known by the term night.
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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Disasters of all kinds even worse situations, tornadoes, cyclones, storms and torrential rains, flo

December 21, 2012 - rapid return of Jesus Christ - Angels | LE Precheur RETOUR DU DU ROI
All signs suggest the return of Jesus Christ, his return in the very near future (which is unheard of for reflection and Fabulous!) And therefore the possibility of dismissal from the church in a very short time because removal occurs before the return of Jesus Christ on earth. It is perhaps for this 2012!
In this case, we would be in March 2012 at the end of the first quarter three and a half to seven years of suffering that precede the return of Jesus Christ on earth. triumph aerostructures
Disasters of all kinds even worse situations, tornadoes, cyclones, storms and torrential rains, floods, earthquakes and fires, weighs heavily on the suffering of our brothers and sisters around the world.
It is the love that Jesus Christ will return to earth, but we are Christians, we can not be proud of our past, the church has experienced many scandals in its history and is divided into a number of churches speak, closer to the truth than any other.
If the mission may seem difficult or even impossible for someone and then ask for help to God through prayer.
That will help those who seek our help.
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The Arab House Madrid hosts the winning entries in the second edition of the Jameel Prize 2011, a prestigious biennial competition that aims to be a bridge between Islamic art and contemporary art with an emphasis on art, craft and design.
In this exhibition you can see the works of the competition winner, the Algerian Rachid Koraïchi (The Masters-Les Maitres Invisibles Invisibles, 2008) along with nine other finalists: Noor Ali Chagani (Rescue 2010), Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian (Birds Paradise, 2010), Hazem El Mestikway (Bridge, 2010), Hadieh Shafie esa m (22500 and 26000, 2011) Soody Sharifi (Frolicking Women and Fashion Week, 2007-10), Bita GHEZELAYAGH (Felt Memories, esa m 2008-09), Babak Golkar (Negotiating the Space for Possible coexistences No. 5, 2011), Hayvu Kharaman (Migrant Migrant 1 and 8, 2011) Aisha Khaled (Kashmir Shawl and Name, Class and Matter, 2009).
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Friday, September 12, 2014

Amazed to see that in Venezuela, a country that practiced Vice Dialogue, in the person plakat fight

To be in tune with the times, some in Venezuela have described the system and the economy between 1958 and 1988 as a socialist, others believe that using the term Third World is an aberration. Here we will not try to convince first the conceptual sacrilege that manage or intend to defend the arguments that led to Alfred Sauvy use category. Just hope no one is offended if we designate the "former Third World and South.
For what oil is used, as some in the South, is to discuss and cooperate in reaction to a shooting practice applied some southern oil exporters in the seventies. plakat fighter In fact, the Arabs declared an oil embargo against three high-profile North and that "lasted" six months.
When in 1956, some Arab countries tried to use their oil as a weapon of pressure, when the Suez Canal was nationalized and then blockers, the North had already implemented at least three oil embargoes:
The Iranians themselves continued to produce, but the British navy blockaded the entrance to the Strait of Hormuz and prevented independent refiners loaded plakat fighter Iranian oil. And that hostility did not cease until the fall of the government plakat fighter and the friend Mossaddeq North Tehran regime reinstated.
Without doubt, the book Prince plakat fighter and cousin Mossaddeq, Manouchehr Farmanfarmaian, "Oil and Blood" very soon to be published in the USA, shed-important details about the episode, though the author of the book not necessarily shared ideas his cousin.
In October 1973, Arabs proclaimed the famous boycott: Monarchs, Presidents and Emirs said oil deprive your friends of Israel and also would cut production plakat fighter by 5% every month until Israel returned all the occupied territories.
OPEC, that is, its member countries that had not participated in the Arab oil embargo, were happy, felt powerful to the point that in Venezuela the term "power" OPEC was invented and there were those who titled his works well. Thanks to Professor Juan Carlos King, master plakat fighter of the theory of power, I could not help it infect me.
In April 1975, Algeria announces the first and only Summit of Sovereigns and Heads of State of OPEC. France, which had not entered the IEA because it was a purely American initiative (-Kissinger Nixon) and that Paris wanted to avoid being dragged into a confrontation, invited a North-South Dialogue. plakat fighter This was the zero point, the starting point for achieving a New World Economic Order.
Amazed to see that in Venezuela, a country that practiced Vice Dialogue, in the person plakat fighter of Manuel Perez Guerrero, want to forget their own history, where America itself plakat fighter was represented at a high level.
What happened next and what since 1989 insists be called the Producer-Consumer Dialogue and referred to the International Energy Conference, is characterized by the explicit lack of interest from Washington to participate. Send indeed any officer, but range too low to represent plakat fighter the North leading power in such a strategic issue, as is energy.
Let's be sensible: oil, price and security of supply was a standing item at the regular meetings of the G-7 Summit and the Trilateral Commission, but it disappeared many years ago.
Speaking at Goa, India, Riluanu Lukman, OPEC Secretary General complained in early December 1996 the low level of representation in North V International Energy Conference. More recently, from Davos, Switzerland, the same man testifies on February 4, 1997 his frustration, because the appointment of Goa came fourteen ministers exporting countries: seven and seven non-OPEC OPEC, while the USA having in his hands the most important global decisions, practically missed; getting a lower-ranking official in charge.
Embargoes against Iran, Libya, Iraq and denial of granting certificates of "good conduct" to Colombia or Mexico, do remember those old days when the "socialist" Venezuela had a Channel 5 or National Television where we entertained the British theater series "The top and bottom": the aristocrats and servants.
M. Al-Shereidah Mazhar Al-Shereidah, born 1940 in Basrah, Iraq, as Economist graduated from Innsbruck University in 1964, Pursued postgraduate studies in Political Sciences at Vienna University, and Gained His Doctorate in Social Sciences at the Central University of Venezuela where I started lecturing in 1967 and co-founded, in 1973, Postgraduate Studies in Petroleum Economics at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences. I have wri

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres visit Bangui last week and saw w

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Bekoninga, Chad, February 17 (UNHCR) As the humanitarian situation deteriorates in the Central Republic, thousands of traumatized and frightened people fled to towns and villages cabo canaveral in southern Chad.
At the border crossing Bekoninga, a crowd of people, the majority women and children, gathered cabo canaveral themselves together under the mango trees: the last to reach about 6,000 people who came to southern Chad in several crossing points, including Sido, in the east, and Bitoye, near the border with Cameroon.
UNHCR mobile teams, working with local authorities regularly visit these border entry points to monitor arrivals, pre-registration and do arrange the transfer of refugees to the camps. The group is in Bekoninga be transferred Dosseye camp, about 30 km away, where refugees will receive documentation, accommodation, food, drinking water and atencinmdica.
The open only to pedestrian crossing, crossing the freshly arrived tired and distressed look; They seemed even children afflicted. They were among tens of thousands of people they had fled increasingly brutal attacks perpetrated against civilians root of their religious identity.
Armed men with masks came with machetes and killed all our people, men, women and children, Adija *, a woman in her sixties Paoua city said, in western the Central African Republic. We do not know why he added.
Some of the refugees spent weeks walking to safety and several of them were separated from their families in the chaotic flight to escape the armed groups. S not where are they my sister and her children, we parted as we enter the mountain said Halima *, who huy Paoua with their three children. They may be in Cameroon.
Mahamat * of 25 years, had traveled the long road from the capital of the Central African Republic, Bangui. Le LLEV ms a month make the dangerous journey after narrowly escaping death at the hands of members of the former rebel coalition Seleka. But the loss was great college student.
He said when he exploded the last wave of violence in early December, Seleka entered cabo canaveral his home one night his parents were murdered and burned the house. Mahamat logr jump the fence and stayed with his neighbor several days before heading north on foot.
Intent avoid the main streets. I really do not think Chad would arrive, he said. Once in Chad, Gore wanted to follow up to [close passage Bekoninga], but authorities told UNHCR was coming here, he added. I was waiting for the convoy to Prximo Dosseye camp, where he hopes to find some stability. At least could eat, said with a smile.
More than 13,000 cabo canaveral people fled the Central African Republic to the south of Chad last year. Since the beginning of December, some 5,700 have crossed the border, some 5,000 transferred to refugee camps Dosseye (4000) and Belom. UNHCR is anticipating the arrival of several more refugees in the coming weeks.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres visit Bangui last week and saw what she described as a humanitarian catastrophe all of indescribable proportions. He said the ethnic-religious massive cleanup and continued to solicit more foreign soldiers and policemen were sent to the country to try to restore peace and end the killings.
In 2013, UNHCR registr 15,000 new refugees from the Central cabo canaveral African Republic, whereby the overall population of Central African refugees in Chad has risen to more than 80,000 people.
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