Tuesday, August 19, 2014

For more information Mag Dr. Helga Gartner center for coordination and communication of the faculty

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Helga Gartner | Center for Coordination and Communication of the Faculty of computer science] First Place at the SyScan Conference polnohospodarska technika 2013 in Singapore computer science students at the TU Vienna sit in International Security Event by The Team 0xC0DEBA5E consisting of three young computer science students of the Vienna University of Technology: Daniel Marth, Luke Pfeifhofer, Benedict Wedenik have the "Hard Code Secure Coding Competition 2013" held in late April of this year itself.
It is a competition that Google and SyScan (one of the largest security conferences in Asia) is organized. The aim is to create awareness for safe programming, especially in the Web space. The team of the TU Vienna sparked this year's task - a webshop based on Google App Engine, a platform for web applications in the Google infrastructure that is secure against attacks and can not be infected by third parties - with flying colors, and has prevailed over a hundred students and pupils teams from 25 countries on all continents. After several missed exams at the University and many long hours at the computer, the team reached surprisingly a Vorplatzierung among the top 5 in the following months until the final projects of the finalists on the project website (100 U.S. dollars) have been published and funds for finding and exploitation of vulnerabilities polnohospodarska technika announced. The resulting list of safety polnohospodarska technika deficiencies was then an important part of the final round, to which Luke Pfeifhofer and Daniel Marth end of April to SyScan Conference in 2013 traveled to Singapore. The final task was found to correct all the deficiencies of their own application and to enable polnohospodarska technika secure communication between all projects of the finalists. For this purpose, a common standard has been drafted on the first day, which had to be implemented in the following days in the applications. The three science from the Vienna University of Technology achieved the only European team to the final competition and despite strong competition among others from India and the USA, the first place. "But simply was the finale not, the first three days were really polnohospodarska technika hard, we had not switched to our phones the time, worked until late in the morning and were dead tired aroused at the hotel by the organizers of the conference" recalls Luke Pfeifhofer: "We could still with a time of two hours a bonus for all teams submit our delivery but just in time." the reason for the victory of the Vienna science, he sees in the final Surprise Challenge. Here was the motto: "Do Be Evil". The exploitation of security gaps and vulnerabilities in the application was in the foreground polnohospodarska technika and served to push the score for the other team considerably. "We were able to experience and knowledge, where we were the other teams far ahead score." Lukas Pfeifhofer is safe. Another factor mentioned was the good teamwork of two (Benedict Wedenik could not go to Singapore) on site. While the corrected one known vulnerabilities, could the other is already starting with the implementation of the final task. Learned a lot have the computer science students, both professionally, as well as the cooperation with the intercultural composite teams. Congratulations to the successful students of the faculty of computer science that can be financed with their prize money of 20,000 Singapore dollars an employment-free next academic year.
Links: More details about the competition http://www.syscan.org/index.php/sg/hardcode http://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.com http://googledevelopers.blogspot.co.at/2013/05/the -results-are-in-hardcode-secure.html background information Faculty of computer science at the Vienna University polnohospodarska technika of Technology
For more information Mag Dr. Helga Gartner center for coordination and communication of the faculty of computer science 1040 Vienna, 9-11 favorites / E195 T:. 43-1-58801-19569 + M: + 43-664-605881954 helga.gartner@tuwien. polnohospodarska technika ac.at

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