Friday, May 22, 2015

ERROR IN THE SYSTEM! ... I really think so, but the truth is slightly ecitele drugačana. 2000 years

Did you know that the world's population over the last 40 years has doubled in the last 75 years has tripled (where we are now in 2000)? While work less and less because of robotics, while we buy and consume ever more .. No wonder that there are no jobs, and especially to us Earth can no longer support because izčrpavamo by so fast that it can no longer ecitele regenerate. Take and give nothing back ... Does anyone here sees any serious "error in the system"? ..
The graph is based on tejle table Region 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 1999 World 791 978 1,262 1,650 2,521 5.978 Africa 106 107 111 133 221 767 Asia 502 635 809 947 1.402 3.634 163 203 Europe 276 408 547 729 Latin America and the Caribbean * 16 24 38 74 167511 Northern America * 2 7 26 82,172,307 Oceania 2 2 2 6 13 30
Related posts Inherited thinking about the condemnation of all natural servile acceptance of modern role of leader We are not yet mature enough Indoor slaves - Do it quiet bod! This entry was posted in company & individual and tagged ecitele world population ecitele on August 11, 2008 by Lemurian. Post navigation Let's find and hang the culprit! ecitele Guilt or divide and conquer - the cornerstone of any manipulation
Statistical data Lemurian. What do you cover? How many people it was in previous ecitele periods omitted from counts due to underdevelopment and neraziskanosti areas? How much is the 'pudding' ecitele of immigrants? (Especially in Europe)
I do not deny the fact that mankind multiplies over the real possibilities of survival. But what to do? Prohibit "certain" to have children? Create a new war or disease that would "balance the" number of people?
ERROR IN THE SYSTEM! ... I really think so, but the truth is slightly ecitele drugačana. 2000 years ago, on Earth lived approx. Ljudi.Danes 200 million of them live on the same piece of the universe 6.7 billion. And on top of that planet is transferred optimally transferred 1,500,000,000 people max it out there about 3.5 billion. Now the question arises of where such interest ecitele souls to incarnation on this planet precisely in these times? If you asked God & co, we would quickly say that in reality such an interest exists and that it is also a deeply grounded in the fact that the Earth somewhere after the date 12 12 2012 crossing entirely in one piece from the third dimension into the fifth dimension together with all the starlings, which will be ready for such a venture ... and because such a thing in the universe happens so rarely that it is as severe (once every couple 10000000000. our years) and at the same time that such a party, it is even more severe, all the souls that ever lived on Earth at this moment extremely interested to participate in this festivity at any price, even if only for a short time .... (!?) So in this respect there is also no Error in Sistemu.Naša Earth in this form anyway DEFINITELY dying every day from her goodbye definitely quite a few forms of life, dolphins and whales some time working suicide ... if today would stop all production OUR dirt, radical and right now, then Earth able even in this version in which it is now, draw yourself back to a 1000 years.
We all should ecitele be clear that this is not a realistic option - anyone can convince the Chinese that anyway dream of a single (China!) World, it would be best for them to stop the horses and ears drawn from its history LAO TSEja and begin to practice His instructions from the Tao Te King ...? Who can convince the Indians to listen rather SAI Baba and be guided by it? Who can convince the Illuminati and Bilderbergers, should I start to consider the Ten Commandments, rather than being themselves able to cut wooden branch on which they sit? However, ecitele in the power of God, of course, to do this, but this will not do, because ecitele the Earth is still in force a law on free will, even if its validity is from 17 August 1987 capped a strong ... because if it was not after the ascension of the Earth would not be possible. In any turn, we need to grasp that finally say goodbye from this civilization which has long found itself at a point beyond which there is no longer possible povratek.Za everyone is therefore best to go turn yourself and trying to save your skin as much more than that, none of us will not zmogel.Prihodnost the whole of humanity, according to the Capuchin friar from Medjugorje is only before God on his knees, with his head bowed and with a sincere prayer in my heart and nowhere else ... I repeat: ELSEWHERE! Whoever will be timely realized, ecitele this will be solved ... (besides, of course, all those who have at heart either ecitele good or they are only modest, humble, honest) ... RHODOS HIC, HIC SALTA!
What is this? This is nothing other than that the rate of circulation of electrons ecitele about the nuclei of atoms in each molecule of the body enormously increases, while increasing the distance between the core and the electronic oblakom.Na this way the matter is "diluted", becomes transparent, then a higher vibration, especially everything ecitele stays the same! You're still you, exactly this

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