Saturday, November 16, 2013

The power itself is a drone. Any day Congress will storm and discover that it is empty and that the

United States plans to open its trade routes unmanned aviation. This regulatory agency American air traffic, the FAA, is quick to present its roadmap: 5-year plan that addresses from the accommodation of the new devices aviocar we airports, pilot training drones, to legislation. In between designing a new form of air transport systems, the conversion of the entire global air transport service and a business that is expected to generate benefits worth $ 82,000 million. aviocar In five years, commercial aircraft will be sharing the skies with thousands of drones, unmanned aerial vehicles, according to the Federal Aviation Administration FAA. In a 74-page document, the agency aviocar discloses the expected "road aviocar map for integrating unmanned aviocar aerial systems" that describes the FAA's plan for the accommodation of these aircraft in airspace increasingly crowded. FAA chief Michael Huerta estimated 7,500 commercial drones could be in the air within the next five years. The agency is developing policies, procedures and safeguards to integrate unmanned aircraft, commonly known as drones, aviocar while the rules are deployed must meet the test site operators with federal, state and other laws for protection of the individual privacy. The FFA American Federal Aviation Administration has launched its first "road map" which sets out essential safety requirements to integrate aviocar the use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) into the national airspace of the U.S. The five-year plan speaks of three phases including "accommodation" of existing UAS on a limited basis, the "integration" of future UAS - including setting performance standards for the construction and operation of UAS - and ' evolution aviocar "by aviocar rules and regulations adaptable to use in rapid evolution and development, the potential drones. Federal Aviation Administration prepares drones to use reinforcing the ESF, universities and private users in 2015. Privacy advocates want to clarify the use of data surveillance drone., 0.3969978. story # axzz2k4r9wAjj The use of drones is now routine. Mainly aviocar in reconnaissance operations, both civilian and military, in the violation of individual privacy, suppression of crowds and armed assaults against civilians. As a first step expected use by repressive aviocar forces, universities and private uses. Later in 2018 are expected to be used in civil transport goods now postponed by passengers. In the United Banana are three key sites for the development of the drones: - the basis of NATO drones aviocar Trasmiras, Orense, enclave dominated aviocar by the Northrop Grumman Corporation, Third World arms company and leading producer of drones, waiting for new investments in the training of the base, which would require about 6,000 million of public money and American approval. - The position of the armed drones in the Canary Islands Spanish aviocar with outsourced unmanned helicopters to the Swedish SAAB, competitor's aviocar contract with INDRA. As always impossible to know the monster sized board. - Torrejon de Ardoz INTA National Institute of Aerospace Technology, developer aviocar of drones front company. As regular basis drone training are: Mount Teleno or Ferral of Bernesga (Leon), San Gregorio (Zaragoza), or Matacdn pilot school (Salamanca). In Hezpaña, CEOE and Airlines are already licking their chops just thinking they will not have to deal with the SEPLA.
The power itself is a drone. Any day Congress will storm and discover that it is empty and that the Chamber is just a bunch of wires connected to the central computer. They are retreating to their bunkers leaving opulent exploitation aviocar and control by the autopilot. We are being governed by remote control. Health and sabotage! Reply Delete
From the moment that the global economy depends on statistical programs playing bag you could say that we are living. aviocar Your comment reminds me of a B movie, Eyeborgs-recommended just for geeks-in a dystopian future in all United States was misled by a media illusion generated by machines. Nothing we have not seen. Or the famous but now Elysium. The future is here. Health! Reply Delete
2013 (198) December (10) Books aut

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