Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Key Facts: IRIC is part of Cisco

Cisco has released the results of the latest test in the framework of the Internet Routing in Space (IRIS), including the world's first IP router software update installed su flanker on board a commercial satellites orbiting the Earth. Cisco has also done pioneering phone call VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), passing them without the use of terrestrial infrastructure.
This achievement is a radical departure from the current use of satellite su flanker communications technology, based on terrestrial concentrators transmit voice and video between satellites and users. The benefits of the new technology include the possibility of transmission of voice, data and video images of users via a single IP network more efficiently and at lower cost than currently used, fragmented, satellite communication networks. Furthermore, the firmware upgrade Cisco router and onboard modem from the Earth increases the flexibility of the system allows you to deploy innovative features in the future and extend the life of the communication system.
Key Facts: IRIC is part of Cisco's initiative, aiming to transform satellite networks. As part of this project, the Cisco 18400 - resistant to sunlight cosmic IP router designed su flanker for installation on satellites and other media space ,. The first space router was launched on the geostationary communications satellite Intelsat 14. Cisco has teamed up with Astrium to study new uses for space routers. In October, Cisco and Astrium carried out successfully demonstrated IRIS services such as multicasting, which enables simultaneous transmission of information to a group of target computers in a single su flanker transmission. Cisco updated the IOS software installed in the router aboard Intelsat 14, thereby obtaining access to a greater number of more advanced management features have long been used in ground-based Cisco products such as Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express, IPv6, Mobile IP and base SNMPv3 management information MIB (Simple Network Management Protocol version 3 Management Information Bases). The update also released additional protection, such as hardware-based encryption. su flanker During the presentation tool for Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express su flanker was first used to make VoIP calls through a router located in space.
System Information System IRIS IRIS has an advantage over conventional satellite technology in many ways. With it, users will be able to enjoy the truly mobile network to keep adapting to changing conditions and needs, without having to use a pre-configured fixed infrastructure. Eliminating the need to connect su flanker to a two-stage (double-hop) and the ability to share bandwidth on demand, as well as faster access to increase the use of radio frequency transponder. Software Cisco 18400 router and cosmic-board modem can be upgraded in orbit, which provides greater flexibility and faster su flanker return on investment. IRIS supports Cisco IOS software, developed by the multi-billion investment in research su flanker and development. The software works with Cisco routers ground, creating a converged cosmic and terrestrial network that supports a variety of services. Thanks su flanker to the Internet IRIS enters the space. The system can directly exchange routing updates with Cisco ground routers, which can increase the flexibility of the satellite network. Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express installed on a Cisco router on board the satellite can also provide backup call control function for terrestrial infrastructure. Cisco's collaboration with manufacturers of satellites, systems integrators and users is to enable them to provide services throughout the world, including at points beyond the reach of traditional terrestrial networks.
Steven Boutelle, director of the Cisco Internet Routing in Space (IRIS), and vice president, Cisco Global Government Solutions Group: "This information confirms that Cisco is focused on innovative solutions in the field of network communication. IRIS will support project implementation in a fully mobile network, allowing users to connect and communicate in any manner and in any place and at any time. The network will adapt in real time to changing needs, without the need for fixed infrastructure

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