Tuesday, February 10, 2015

phase full operational capability (FOC phase) The layout includes the remaining ground and space in

The European Space Agency on behalf of the European Commission signed in London further orders for satellites and launchers, which will be used for the Galileo system. This is another ewi usb phase of the project, so that as early as 2014. Europeans will be able to benefit from improved satellite navigation services. - I am proud that Europe has a competitive ewi usb space industry, which is able to realize such an ambitious and technically advanced program ewi usb - Commissioner Antonio Tajani said.
3 contracts were signed. The first contract, covering ewi usb 8 satellites, was signed with the company OHB System AG (Germany), totaling EUR 250 million. The second agreement was signed with Arianespace (France) and refers to the three possibilities reserve elevation satellites into orbit via Ariane 5 (booking fee of 30 million). The third contract was signed with Astrium SAS (France) in order to adjust the existing Ariane 5 to lift each orbit four satellites ewi usb of the Galileo program and for the amount of approximately EUR 30 million. Galileo satellites are currently launched in pairs by a Russian Soyuz rocket. Thanks to a highly competitive offer an increasing number of suppliers and satellites, which will be elevated into orbit by 2014., The Commission is able to accelerate the development of the system. - The Galileo program is signing agreements specific and timely implementation of the program within budget. I am proud that we were able to accelerate the delivery of satellites and launchers. This means that Europeans will be able to take advantage of the improved navigation within the Galileo ewi usb in 2014 already. I am also proud of the fact that Europe ewi usb has a highly competitive space industry, which is able to realize such an ambitious and technically advanced program - said Antonio Tajani, Vice-President European Commission responsible for Industry and Entrepreneurship. For more information about the Galileo program at ec.europa.eu and here See also MEMO / 11/717 - Galileo will boost economy and make life of citizens Easier navigation system Galileo like GPS, Galileo will allow users to determine their exact position in time and space, ewi usb however, the data Galileo will be more accurate and reliable. Under European civilian control Galileo will be compatible - in the case of certain services - interoperable with the American GPS and Russian GLONASS ewi usb system, but independent of them. Thanks świadczonym Galileo ewi usb services will form the basis of activity in many sectors of the European economy: free Galileo services will benefit electricity grids, fleet management companies, the sector of financial transactions, shipping, rescue operations and peacekeeping missions. Ordered eight satellites will increase the number of already ordered 18 satellites, two of which are already in orbit on 21 October ewi usb 2011. By the end of 2015. So we will have 26 satellites. The second launch of the next two Galileo satellites will be held later this year. The Galileo program consists of two stages:
phase full operational capability (FOC phase) The layout includes the remaining ground and space infrastructure. It includes an initial operational capability of 18 operational ewi usb satellites. The full system will consist of 30 satellites in orbit, as well as the two satellites remain on Earth, which could, if necessary, replace the former, and from control centers located in Europe and a network of sensor stations and the station of "uplink" installed worldwide.
Additional information ewi usb on the procurement of components Galileo agreement signed today by the European Space Agency and the European Commission. Contracts for services necessary to ensure the full implementation of Galileo has been divided into six contracts. In January, 2010. Awarded three contracts to ensure system engineering support for satellites and launchers (see IP / 10/7). The fourth agreement was signed in Brussels in October 2010. Spaceopal Company supports space and ground infrastructure (IP / 10/1382). In June 2011,. (IP / 11/772) signed two other contracts with the company ThalesAlenia (France) on the ground infrastructure and company Astrium (UK) on the ground control infrastructure. This process was started in July 2008. By the European Space Agency on behalf of the European Commission. After conducting a comprehensive dialogue phase, the companies selected were invited to submit their best and final offers. All contracts were awarded on the basis of the principle of "the best ratio of value for money". Satellites Framework Contract signed with both OHB System AG company and EADS Astrium GmbH-the period from 2010 to 2016. Includes the delivery of up to 32 satellites. In 20

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