Thursday, December 12, 2013

*** Contemporary of Dr. Mohammed Farhan Globe late philosopher Dr. Hussam al-Alusi more than four d

------------------------------- Reflections on the philosophical school of Greek philosophy first natural
Provides us with a history of Greek philosophy detailed information about the cultural role played by the Athens (the capital of the Greek culture) as well as other Greek cities was a day of cultural centers grew up where the schools of philosophy known such Maltaa, a city of ionic (a Greek colony in Asia Minor) witnessed the birth of philosophy, and the birth The first philosopher (us: Of course we have proved in the past that Thales was not a philosopher first only) in the history of Greek philosophy, which Thales Alumblyti (624-546 BC.) and who founded the first school of philosophical Greek, a school Alumblytih (sixth century BC. M.) It is part of the School wider, is the school ionic (which includes Thales, Anxamender, Anxyma_s, Hrkulaitts, Ambadhukulais (490-430 BC. m), Onksagoras (500-428 BC. m), Erklius (fifth century BC. AD), and Hypo (about 425 BC. AD), and Daoganis Alabulona (about 425 BC. m) (see: Alonscalubedia American International, a company bulletin Lytle, New York, 1954, Volume 8).
* The doctoral thesis of the late Alusi entitled creationism which is in the field of theology who qualify him Alusi strongly. And then after the publication of two papers in the very important; first was titled creationism renewed. The second, entitled creationism constant. And grew out of his doctoral dissertation, entitled man truck & bus deutschland gmbh his famous dialogue between philosophers and speakers, which reprinted in Baghdad. It is lighting on the bridges of communication between philosophy and theology (and we have known that the first Canadian philosopher of the Arabs is the transition from theology to philosophy). Indeed, the late Alusi defended throughout his life for the cause of theology and Islamic philosophy is considered. This is an issue debated and the sharp difference between the pro and the consensus of abuse (and the denial of an Orientalist new product from the Canadian philosophically and even Ibn Rushd). Years later, he went to teach in Libya, and work hard with an English professor to review his doctoral dissertation and prepared for the publication of the book in the English man truck & bus deutschland gmbh language (and the tradition man truck & bus deutschland gmbh of this deal by all publishing houses man truck & bus deutschland gmbh in English). The library already has been published by McKinsey in Baghdad, and whenever you ordered in Rashid Street, I mean the library McKenzie, to see the new publications, Voagaf on the doctoral thesis man truck & bus deutschland gmbh - book Valsova Hossam al-Alusi God bless him.
*** Contemporary of Dr. Mohammed Farhan Globe late philosopher Dr. Hussam al-Alusi more than four decades, and fellow students and holds many memories perhaps Satafrg for publication in the near future or maybe returning to add to the book entitled Memoar philosophical: tells the plight of the philosophy and the philosopher
**** - During the work of the late philosopher Alusi at Kuwait University, he completed writing his book of mythology and philosophy, and was a fellow in the Department of Philosophy philosopher postural logical Egyptian Zaki Naguib Mahmoud, The cost of Alusi left pages for definitions positivists rationales for philosophy, and popping man truck & bus deutschland gmbh those pages in book of Almithalogia to ... and when I read the book was my desire to philosopher Alusi to cost-mate philosopher man truck & bus deutschland gmbh Iraqi Dr Yasin Khalil Abdullah left these pages, Valmrhom philosopher Dr Yasin Khalil aware of global logical positivism, and this is a matter known to all Egyptians Zaki Naguib Mahmoud and philosopher, man truck & bus deutschland gmbh Dr. Abdul Rahman Badawi, who worked with Dr. Khalil man truck & bus deutschland gmbh Yassin at the University of Kuwait as well. He was German students make pilgrimages to the Department of Philosophy at the University of Baghdad to visit the philosopher Khalil Yassin ....
And called on the school Alumblytih term natural first school, a school and boots (or mono), has been elected a natural philosopher man truck & bus deutschland gmbh Thales one principle, which is the water, the principle to understand the changes taking place in the world. The included school man truck & bus deutschland gmbh natural three philosophers from the city Maltaa, they Thales founder, and his student Anxamender (610-546 BC.) And who said Alaberon or unlimited man truck & bus deutschland gmbh (and the perception of the world fund contains a blend of opposites hot and cold, dry and wet, etc.) (for details see: Mohammed Globe Farhan: the human soul, bulletin Mosul University Press, 1986, p 59). And then the last pupil, a philosopher Alumblyti Onksyma_s (585-528 BC.) And who returned to the position of Thales, and the development of air instead of water originally of things (ibid. 0.61). And the school man truck & bus deutschland gmbh of natural included philosopher from outside Malatya, a philosopher Alofssosa (relative to the city Ephesus), a Hrkulaitts (540-475 BC.) And who said the fire principle natural to interpret the shift reality in the universe (see: c. Kirk and others; philosophers Alberoskratyon (what before Socrates), Bulletin of Cambridge University Press, 1983, pp. 108-109).
Very true that Daoganis for Artios wrote essays man truck & bus deutschland gmbh about the philosopher Thales after the death of the last of more than eight centuries. Therefore raised a lot of Western academics question about the accuracy of the information provided by the Artios. But it is very true that the Artios relied on many sources referred to in his life and views of the famous philosophers *.
On this basis, rule out the invention and stress p

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