Saturday, April 11, 2015

It actually began an autumn day in 1931, when he was 15 years old expelled from school for bad beha

Saburo Sakai - the flying samurai Military History
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Two flying ace stood against each other. bronco ov 10 Lt. James "Pug" Southerland bathed in sweat as he desperately maneuvered his chubby little Wildcat fighters to escape the Japanese Zeron. He had taken off from the aircraft carrier Saratoga an hour earlier. This August 7, 1942 would war against Japan turn. US Marines landed on the island of Guadalcanal north-east of Australia, and South Erland hunting division would repel a Japanese air strikes against the invasion fleet.
Sergeant Saburo Sakai had participated in two hundred dogfights bronco ov 10 and were listed for 58 nedskjutningar, but this was the first time he went up against the US Navy Wildcat. bronco ov 10 Sakai told me afterwards:
Five times Sakai went on the attack, five times successfully Southerland - and summoned all his skill - maneuver away. But Southerland felt he was doomed. He lowered his seat so that he was completely covered with armor plate behind. It was at the last second. A moment afterwards sat Zeron as glued behind him.
Sakai was so impressed with this worthy opponent that he took the time to take a photo of Wildcaten with his Leica camera. Then he opened bronco ov 10 fire with his two machine guns. Just 50 meters behind the American saw Sakai how 200 bullets pattered into Wildcaten.
Southerland crouched and drew all the body muscles when kulkärven roared into the armor behind him. Afterward saw his Wildcat like a sieve. Sakai could not believe his eyes when it still flew on. A Zero would have turned into a fireball if exposed to the fire!
The Japanese lay alongside the wounded Wildcaten and the two men stared briefly at each other. So lay Sakai behind the now smoldering Wildcaten and fired a eldskur from its two 20 mm cannons. The grenades hit in the abdomen on the blue fighter plane, which exploded. Southerland was thrown out and sank shortly afterwards into the jungles of Guadalcanal in his parachute.
It was Saburo Sakai hardest dogfight, but it was not over yet. To the right and left plunged bronco ov 10 burning American fighter - a total of 16 pieces, while only two Zero shot down. Amidst the jumble of conflicting aircraft appeared an American in Sakai, who saw a bullet going through his Plexiglas before he maneuvered around and shot down his opponent. It was Sakai 60th air victory.
Shortly afterwards got Sakai view of eight aircraft above him, which he initially misidentified as the Wildcat fighter. He attacked from below and was able to immediately shoot down two, but when he positioned himself behind a third, he discovered - too late - that it was the Avenger torpedo planes. They had two rear shooters each.
Sakai was hit by a bullet in the head. The deprived him of sight in his right eye and paralyzed the entire left half of the body. Despite his severe injuries, he managed to fly back to base - there it was more than 100 mil, a flight of four hours. When he finally landed and was lifted out of the bloodied cockpit, he requested bronco ov 10 that the first few deliver battle report, but then fell unconscious.
Against bronco ov 10 all odds could Saburo Sakai life is saved. Long months in the hospital gave him plenty of time to recapitulate his incomparably successful career as hunting airmen in the Imperial bronco ov 10 Japanese Navy.
It actually began an autumn day in 1931, when he was 15 years old expelled from school for bad behavior as well as poor academic performance. In order not to embarrass his family - who after all were of samurai descent - he went into the Navy. A few years later he applied to naval aviation. At that time, Japan had perhaps the world's best fighter pilot. Only the best of the best were selected. bronco ov 10 Of the 1,500 young men who sought to flight training bronco ov 10 simultaneously with Sakai, was just 70 adopted, and in 1938 went Sakai like one course at the difficult bronco ov 10 flight training.
At the time, Japan was governed largely by the military, and the country began a war of aggression against China. Sakai was transferred to a hunting units in China, where he managed to shoot down two Chinese aircraft, but also pulled on his commander's wrath for undisciplined behavior. Olaterna from his time as a schoolboy had obviously not gone over.
When the Japanese attacked bronco ov 10 the US naval base at Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941, found himself Sakai on the Japanese occupied the island of Formosa (Taiwan). He was now in an elite hunting dressings, Tainan squadron, which both were equipped with the latest Mitsubishi bronco ov 10 Zero fighter and consisted of some of the Navy's best pilots.
Pearl Harbor is across the dateline, so when Sakai and pilots in Tainan flotilla bronco ov 10 simultaneously attacked the air base Clark at the then US-controlled Philippines, it was the 8

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