Saturday, May 3, 2014

My husband sent me this one and I

The significance man truck & bus deutschland gmbh of Prayer, reading the Bible and humility before God and Jesus Christ is something that Michael Jackson made mention of in just about every single interview he's ever given. But the press and media buried it under the lies of what Michael was not. Michael's story is Throughout the Bible in HIStory and Prophecy. And if you don't start paying attention to it in those pages, you may miss everything God promised us.
Adam fell in the garden, breaking the direct connection to God. Jesus, the "last Adam" was a quickening man truck & bus deutschland gmbh Spirit, the Word made Flesh, and the only one with whom we can re-establish our relationship with God. Michael's story is still unfolding. He is the one who is, is not. But Jesus is the only name given under heaven by which we must be saved. Many are trying to rewrite HIStory. We were given a help to instruct us. Learn more " here ".
“ Bonnie, man truck & bus deutschland gmbh remember my email tirade when I ranted about Obama being a "Manchurian Candidate?"  Here's an editorial that spells it out on Obama's long history will Bill Ayers (the guy who Obama claimed was just someone in the neighborhood, remember?).  His ties with Ayres go back as far as when he was a college student and knew Ayres' parents. It was planned long ago that he was being groomed to be president - pre-arranged.  We know Obama's background and records were obliterated so that he could not be properly vetted.  This is frightening, but we know it's true.  Obama was raised on Marxist ideology with Ayres being one his biggest influences.  He is a willing puppet for the evil agenda.  We are witnessing the total destruction of American life and society.  It's a nightmare...we're all beginning to feel like strangers in Moscow.  Oh God! ”
My husband sent me this one and I’ll just post the video below.  This is the story of one family who’s daughter was taken from them MONTHS after the mom tested positive for Cocaine during routine blood work before appendectomy surgery.    They take the daughter MONTHS after the arrest for no reason.  The couple get to see their daughter after three or four months of trying to get visitation only to find their daughter unresponsive and drooling.  They asked repeatedly if she had been drugged.  They lied and said no.
What did they drug this child to make her forget?  It’s just under ten minutes and you need to watch it.  This is happening to children WORLD WIDE.  Some parents never get their children back.  Senator Nancy Schaefer and her husband were gunned down in their home while she was fighting this criminal agency.
Michael’s songs are filled with “throwing stones to hide your hands” and “the lie you confiscate” and “such man truck & bus deutschland gmbh collusions don’t it make you want to scream” and “abuse me then accuse me”, it’s not a stretch to figure out that these people man truck & bus deutschland gmbh are experts accusing people of the very crimes they themselves are committing.
Here Randy tells Roberts that Branca and “team” are cooking up this falsified family drama to draw attention away from the fact that his falsified 2002 will with the wrong name on it is in fact FAKE.
We man truck & bus deutschland gmbh also know that the establishment’s media and press personally scourged Michael for everything from being a drug addict man truck & bus deutschland gmbh to whitening his skin when we NOW KNOW that involuntary drugging went on.  Latoya testified to them doing this to her for TEN YEARS, keeping HER Isolated from her family between 1989 and 1999.  (John Branca was Michael’s lawyer then too, and so were both doctors “caring” for Michael).
We know Michael and Latoya, Janet and Lord knows who else in the family was subject to MK Ultra/Monarch mind control using drugs, behavior modification via physical and possibly sexual abuse, isolation, psychological abuse and public humiliation (1993 Neverland man truck & bus deutschland gmbh broadcast for starters – on lawyers advice???)
And those men said to me, "This place, man truck & bus deutschland gmbh Enoch, has been prepared for those who do not glorify God, who practice on the earth the sin which is against nature, which is child corruption in the anus in the manner of Sodom , of witchcraft, enchantments, divinations, trafficking with demons, who boast about evil deeds .. who steal the souls of men secretly, seizing the poor by the throat, taking away their possessions , enriching themselves from the possessions of others, defrauding them; who, when they are able to provide sustenance, bring about the death of the hungry by starvation; and, when they are able to provide clothing, take away the last garment of the naked; who do not acknowledge their Creator, but bow down to idols which have no souls , which can neither see nor hear, vain gods; constructing images, and bowing down to vile things made by hands - for all these this place has been prepared as an

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