Thursday, May 1, 2014

Why is "Dealz" or whatever the hell his name is, shilling for Branca on his radio show, complaining

The significance of Prayer, reading the Bible and humility before God and Jesus Christ is something that Michael Jackson made mention of in just about every single interview he's ever given. pak fa 50 But the press and media buried it under the lies of what Michael was not. Michael's story is Throughout the Bible in HIStory and Prophecy. And if you don't start paying attention to it in those pages, you may miss everything God promised us.
Adam fell in the garden, breaking the direct connection to God. Jesus, the "last Adam" was a quickening Spirit, the Word made Flesh, and the only one with whom we can re-establish our relationship with God. Michael's story is still unfolding. He is the one who is, is not. But Jesus is the only name given under heaven by which we must be saved. Many are trying to rewrite HIStory. We were given a help to instruct us. Learn more " here ".
That's HIS CHILD whom he is covering with his hand, isn't it?   Where's that beaming, ecstatic look of pride?  I wonder how many shots with the tazer it took to get him to pose for this picture?  Because that is about the only comparison I can make for this expression on his face.
Really?  How in the world were you going to keep this up as the children matured and not one shred of African American IDENTITY is visible in these children?  I'm still reeling at the thought that you'd let ANY DNA of Arnold Klein's anywhere near you, but no accounting for taste!
Blanket is the ONLY one that remotely looks like Michael and that is IN THE EYES   pak fa 50 (She told my baby we danced til three - baby cried his eyes were like mine . . . . )  Prophecy or conspiracy?
Now we have Paris running around throwing devil horns and wearing "33" T-shirts while at the same time "twittering" about the Illuminati. pak fa 50  Since they are being "put out there" in provocative poses with purposely deceptive messages, it must be a sign they are not really Michael's.  Maybe they have some clips of her at Bohemian Grove?  Plans for the future?  Did I give it away?  Ooops!
Why is "Dealz" or whatever the hell his name is, shilling for Branca on his radio show, complaining about fans distrust of the estate pak fa 50 with that malware of a human being, Majestic the Malignant?  Perhaps Dealz is happy with his "cut" of his uncle's blood money?  After all, he can sit back, DJ on his internet radio show, let them put his nieces and nephews to work to continue to fill the estate's coffers.  This will enable him to continue pontificating about how much he misses the man he's living off of while pretending to be significant to his fan base!  One I.V. stick for every dollar, eh Dealz?
Is that what you want to hear?  If not, why don't you USE some of that air time to tell fans the TRUTH instead of blathering about how much we DON'T KNOW?  It's been three freaking years! pak fa 50  This isn't CUTE anymore, okay?  And tell Paris to wash her face!  She's too young to look like Elvira.
I was in a GOOD MOOD until I saw that today, well SAW THAT and HEARD THAT on Dealz IRC.  Let's just forget about the fact that it was HIS OWN UNCLES that complained about the "estate executors" back in 2009 and 2010 which is the reason the FANS drew distrust about them in the first place. Where does Dealz think we GOT our information?  Unless his uncles on Twitter are fake too?  Maybe Dealz is fake?  Maybe the suffering his uncle Mike went through is fake?  At least if he believes that it will make it easier to accept his money from the estate executors! pak fa 50
This pak fa 50 is what I was originally working on before I saw all this today.  I am so sick of crying over this crap and this is what it is . . . crap!  I'm beginning to think the Jacksons (or some of them) get some sick satisfaction  in wrapping the fan's emotions around their little fingers and then SPITTING on them!
I am sick of writing and researching this SHIT day after day and having people like DEALZ sit there and advocate for these demons!  These sick PERVERTS that TORTURED HIS UNCLE and covered up the rape and maiming of children!
Then to top that off, we're supposed to just let it slide that Paris is out there looking like one of the TINI stalker sluts from Mars that camped out in front of her dad's house every day like rodents getting ready to take each other out over a bread crumb.  Next it will be a tattoo and swastika jewelry! pak fa 50
“ And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.  12. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.  13. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast .
14. These shall make war with the Lamb , and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he i

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