Thursday, July 17, 2014

We said to ourselves or not this time, but we got enough e-mail to be tempted to comment por me ama

We said to ourselves or not this time, but we got enough e-mail to be tempted to comment por me amar arianne on the "news" on the "intent of the U.S. F-15 concession in Greece", which returned to the news with the recent visit of the Head opposition in the USA.
Bear in mind that the issue was initially raised by "not known for exemption form after accompanying website" that in each issue reveals por me amar arianne a new market. We are not claiming that they took from their abdomen (as they certainly do with many other "revelations") such as this rumors were actually released at the time. The sources, however, was completely unreliable por me amar arianne or to put it better was known storytellers of space occasionally have 'sell' of various weapon systems in Greece in the known practice of "call me to make buzz and something will eventually come true." Just the other took the string and the rope did, putting lots of sauce with details (25 airplanes on an enhanced Doom etc) and of course the baptizing por me amar arianne and the 'font of Siloam, "the AOZologia here three years and two ... gives" validity " every claptrap circulating.
In January, the issue came back fiercely from newcomer por me amar arianne newspaper. As is done in all these cases demand the directors and editors, there is a pressure-unbearable-authors of "hot topics" and "revelations". So in this form over the next few weeks, the story remembered and Defense "xanazestane" many different stories regurgitated (Leopard, submarines, Russian weapons etc) and then passed on ... exclusives. So the story of the F-15 was served por me amar arianne again renewed (this time the planes had been 40) and interconnected with 'American invasion' in Greece and the like. News of course por me amar arianne there was. It is characteristic por me amar arianne that the relevant reports, except por me amar arianne one paragraph with the "news" on "American offer" the remaining 90% were back the candidacy of U.S. fighter market in 1999, we certainly abounded-the always necessary in these cases-background por me amar arianne . He entered and the cap that "the Americans are trying to overthrow the" Germanization "of por me amar arianne the material of Greek ED" and sweet delicacies.
Report response-again newspaper from Washington to visit Tsipra, which brought the U.S. side raised the issue of concession F-15, when in the writings of the leader of the opposition raised the issue of strengthening the Greek ED (!). SYRIZA allegedly not contradict (why do indeed, any publication for rescues the "successful" visit to Washington to benefit is), nor to confirm the issue, but ... keeps distances (indicated sense) to ... not exposed.
We would say another (re) cooking (with plenty of 'poumaro "and abundant spices) in the production process (stress PRODUCTION) news. The original ***** dology course today celebrating ... "vindicated".
The F-15 and F-15B is already museum pieces. Of the 480 F-15C and 90 F-15D built, the U.S. Air Force maintains about 240-250 into service. The other is the "Stockyards" Arizona. A significant number even retired structural fatigue due to problems discovered after the incident in 2007 when an Eagle dissolved air from structural failure. Kept only airplanes had no problem or require limited repairs. The total current aircraft will be maintained with the horizon in 2040, or to put it better, the USAF does not have any visible horizon withdrawal F-15. The necessary because of the limited number por me amar arianne of F-22 has finally acquired (we have related article in the new issue circulating Friday).
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the problem is not in the media with rumors but with policies that lead nowhere. We are under the German yoke, with political incompetent and a people stenazei.Kamia purchase war material should not be done if we fail cogeneration here in Greece. Unfortunately we need this kind of ependyseis.Symparagogi companies with spare parts, vehicles por me amar arianne rpm, A / V as it does the turkey, and other countries.The F-15 was well in the 90s, let's modernize the F-16 in the last edition, we accept por me amar arianne Russia's proposal for the new teacher, let's do the DAC first in europe as it was palia.Makrya of fraternal interlaces!! We have the best engineers I / F, do not turn them away out!!!
We work with all due respect and not wanting to become evil and dispel the bubble ... but the DAC that was just the first in Europe and when? Engineers do not have many (unless you gather around the world who has studied and BPL

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